What a great guy. True class.
BillsBeat - June 17, 1999
Most Bills Vets In Pre-Camp 15 Weeks Before Season
Chat with Pete Metzelaars
Hobert hopes to change luck
“Hobert, a journeyman who was with Oakland and Buffalo, was cut by the Bills when he admitted after a loss that he hadn’t studied the playbook. He was headed home when the Saints decided maybe he could help them.”
Buffalo Sabres Alumni Association
Listen to old songs, buy classic merchandise, relive your youth!
Teams might flock to Phillips
“In Bicknell’s 40 years of coaching, Phillips is the greatest pure football player he has had aside from Doug Flutie.”
INSIDE SLANT - June 2, 1999
Coverage Of NHL Playoffs Carries A Hometown Flavor
The second half of the article is a commentary comparing Doug
Flutie and Eric Moulds (like there is any comparison!)
80 Man Roster: An Analysis
Ins and Outs
Area business leaders will keep backing Bills
“A year ago, a committee of influential Buffalo businessmen teamed up to help keep the Buffalo Bills in Western New York. Recognizing the economic benefits and that much work remains, Business Backs the Bills will become a permanent committee which will expand to include representation from cities throughout the region.”
Game Plan To End Bills Blackouts: Ticket Sales
Fisher Confirms It Talked With Bills
Moving Camp To Rochester May Be Right Step For Bills
BillsBeat - September 23, 1988
‘”The more I learn, I hope to make a run next week, if not the following week. I feel comfortable with myself learning. It’s just a matter of me learning this system and the coaches feeling comfortable with me. Being a reserve is “strictly not my goal,” Smith said, but he added: “They’re not gonna mess up something that is working, that is winning for them, just to get me in there, then I make mistakes. It’s gonna have to be a joint thing. They feel good about me and I feel good about what I’m doing and we’ll go from there.”‘