Those of you who have either cable or satellite might want to turn in to the Discovery Health Channel on this Tuesday night at 8:00. There is a special on athletes and the Kelly family will be on with Hunter. They are in the second segment. Cynthia Cooper (WNBA) will also be featured as she has adopted her 6 nieces and nephews. The Kelly’s will talk about Hunter and his disorder…
BillsBeat - January 15, 2001
Bills have permission to speak to Marvin Lewis
Len Pasquarelli, Senior Writer, reported yesterday that the Bills have received permission to speak with Ravens Defensive Coordinator Marvin Lewis. Two other teams have also received permission: the Browns and Lions. Considering Donahoe’s connection with Lewis from his Steeler days, it appears Lewis is the front-runner to replace Wade Phillips.
Native Son
‘"Yes, he asked me to make some staff changes but it’s never that simple," Phillips said. "There are always more issues."’
Sites with Bills news are clickin' these days
‘The Buffalo News, which readers have become accustomed to as the "paper of record" on the Bills, has had to play catch-up on many stories surrounding the team, including the firing of coach Wade Phillips.’
BillsBeat - January 14, 2001
Donahoe turning up some unexpected Buffalo connections
‘Pittsburgh is a town where it seems every third person has some connection to ESPN’s Beano Cook…Tom Donahoe, who spent his entire life in Pittsburgh…is finding the same thing about Buffalo applies to him.’
Beneath Donahoe's fancy suit, you'll find a blue collar
‘Already clear is that we’re going to like him. He’s honest. He’s funny. He’s humble. He has conviction. Donahoe fits in. The guy from Pittsburgh is one of us.’
Chargers hire Butler associate A.J. Smith
‘"We’ve kind of stuck together over the years," Smith said Saturday from his home near Buffalo. "We have the same philosophies and the same passion to win. Our contracts have always coincided so we wouldn’t be left one without the other. We enjoy working together."’
Phillips offers Texans winning record, Houston roots
‘"It’s good to be back home," Phillips said. "I’m proud that I’m a Texan and a Houstonian. Coming home certainly would have to be a big factor, but that’s not the only factor. It would have to be the right fit. In Texas, it’s not `fit like a glove,’ it’s fit like a boot — good boots, that is.’
Cottrell Checks In
‘Ted Cottrell is currently in a difficult position. But it’s a position that numerous assistant coaches in the National Football League would love to occupy.’
BillsBeat - January 13, 2001
Former Bills coach talks with Texans
‘"Ralph gave me some great opportunities that furthered my career. We won a lot of games there so I’m proud of what we did there and I think we will see each other at league meetings. "I know he feels like I did a good job for him."’
Chargers hire another ex-Bill
‘Bills owner Ralph Wilson initially denied the Chargers permission to talk to Smith, but Donahoe apparently saw no need to drag things out, since it was understood Smith was going to join Butler once his contract expired.’
The Last Word
‘Tom Donahoe said he’s ready to make the tough decisions that will take the Buffalo Bills to a level they haven’t seen before. We believe him.’
‘"These people are used to winning. This is a football team that should have been in the playoffs this year. And we want to get it back on track and into the playoffs next year."’
Cottrell 'thrilled' to be in running for head job
‘"I do intend to interview Ted Cottrell," Donahoe said. "We’ll probably reach him this weekend and set something up for the first part of next week."’
Donahoe got Bills' faithful plenty excited
‘It wasn’t that he gave some fiery speech, but rather the way he made his case.’