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a) Unlike a Republican, who would NEVER tune in to someone like Bill Maher, I actually watch Bill O'Reilly fairly often. He's definitely less partisan than just about every politican in the United States right now, so I'll give him that. I did however, tune in to Glenn Beck yesterday and... dude, come on. b) The reason their ratings are so high is because it's the only mainstream fanatical right wing news outlet that's readily accessible, whereas for rational people, you have several options. Unfortunately, radical right wing fanatical fear-mongering hatred is at an all-time high in the United States, so naturally their ratings are going to be very high.


I pity all of you on the left who can't see the folly that's going on in DC right now. The leftist agenda is simply wrong and always has been. Much of it borders on unconstitutional. Frankly this is a more interesting debate than anything going on with the Bills or Redskins. You'd be hard pressed to assemble one good team or coaching staff from both of them.

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Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to delegitimize Fox News and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?







Freedom of Speech is nearly dead in this country thanks to the result of the "Election of 2008", the election that destroyed America!


Ralph has some tact also.....


Instead of have his Hall of Fame Ring thang on a week when he was gonna likely get booed ...


He waits until the team goes on a 2 game winning streak so he knows the fans will be in a better mood.


Lets face it NFL owners can and do what they what.


So are we surprised by these actions of Wilson or Synder???

Sounds like someone is jealous. Like it or not, these guys are the great American success story. Start with nothing and build it up into great wealth. As in life is also so in business, timing is everything. I think they were both wise for seeing an opportunity and taking advantage of it.


Jealous of what? Al those guys are mediocre (at best) businessmen who hit the timing lottery.

No idea what your point is about the economy stat.


Here's a clue for you. All media outlets have agendas. Fox presents plenty of facts in their news and yes they're slanted right. If you're not watching, you might be missing the atrocities that are going on in Congress and the White house. The majority of the media is slanted hard to the left and covers up what is going on rather than covering it. You owe it to yourself to tune in. We're at a critical time in this country and the federal government is making a string of bad decisions. The critism aimed at the left is well earned right now just as is the critism of Dan Snyder.


Further atrocities that were going on in the Bush era...? Here is a clue for you....The country was in horrible shape when Obama took over!! Was it not??? Am I missing something here? The first bailout package for the banks was on our former presidents watch! Banks were going out of business, and so was the auto industry all on Bush's watch... When he took office the country had a surplus!! 8 years later we are Billions and trillions in debt. .IS THAT ALL FORGOTTEN??!! I am sorry I have to go and cool off....


Have a great day.



Freedom of Speech is nearly dead in this country thanks to the result of the "Election of 2008", the election that destroyed America!


Are you serious?? Freedom of speech is nearly dead?? Is this North Korea we are living in? That comment is a bit extreme...

With all due respect you posted a link that had nothing to do with football as well.....


....OK OK I will move to the other board....


Hope you have a wonderful day!! Stay classy....

Yeah, I was a bit abrupt - sorry. But that other forum exists to keep this one clear of the heated intransigence that always accompanies differing political views - there's more than enough intransigence here already, even when we're just talking football. :unsure:


Also, you seemed to jump to the conclusion about my political ideology just because I posted a link to a movie that lampoons Moore. Fact is, I enjoy Moore's humor and respect his views, even if I don't always agree with them. Same with Maher, et al.


BTW - don't assume that either party has some sort of monopoly on virtue or intelligence - or elocution, for that matter...





See Joe count (and spell)




Now, back to bashing Dan Snyder...


Freedom of speech aside, people should be able to express their displeasure with at least a modicum of decorum. When signs and t-shirts over-step the boundaries of good taste, as these do...






...that's when restrictions are enforced.


JMO, but I wouldn't want to see Bills fans plaster RWS with obscenities either, just to express their frustration with the team.

Yeah, I was a bit abrupt - sorry. But that other forum exists to keep this one clear of the heated intransigence that always accompanies differing political views - there's more than enough intransigence here already, even when we're just talking football. :unsure:


Also, you seemed to jump to the conclusion about my political ideology just because I posted a link to a movie that lampoons Moore. Fact is, I enjoy Moore's humor and respect his views, even if I don't always agree with them. Same with Maher, et al.


BTW - don't assume that either party has some sort of monopoly on virtue or intelligence - or elocution, for that matter...





See Joe count (and spell)




Now, back to bashing Dan Snyder...


Freedom of speech aside, people should be able to express their displeasure with at least a modicum of decorum. When signs and t-shirts over-step the boundaries of good taste, as these do...






...that's when restrictions are enforced.


JMO, but I wouldn't want to see Bills fans plaster RWS with obscenities either, just to express their frustration with the team.



I can respect that...and I didn't mean to jump to conclusions.....my apologies....

I pity all of you on the left who can't see the folly that's going on in DC right now. The leftist agenda is simply wrong and always has been. Much of it borders on unconstitutional. Frankly this is a more interesting debate than anything going on with the Bills or Redskins. You'd be hard pressed to assemble one good team or coaching staff from both of them.


Obama had/has an economic plan. Most people on the right and left tend to think that it will eventually backfire. Thus far, if nothing else in the short term, it seems to be working (employment always lags 1-2 years behind the market). The stock market is way back up this year- whether you think it is a sucker's bull market or not, who knows? Would you rather it be way down again though? Besides sending more troops to die in Afghanistan (that may be the folly you're alluding to), what is this so-called leftist agenda? Attempting to improve a broken health care system? God knows if McCain were elected, nobody would even be talking about health care. I would hope we can agree that debate is healthy and it's about time that it's finally a national issue. You talk about an agenda? How about the 30 "Republicans for rape" congressmen? The partisanship on both sides is disgusting right now. I would appreciate some clarification on this "leftist agenda" that you speak of? Let me guess- Obama is a socialist, but without using wikipedia, you couldn't tell me what a socialist is. And uncosntitutional? Come on man, that's like saying to a Redskins fan, "I'm a Bills fan and ha ha, your coach sucks!"


Snyder is a POS and so is his entire organization... but these people in DC...


you really want to spend thousands of dollars to watch Jason ******* Campbell at quarterback... that needs repeating... it's Jason ******* Campbell, not even Sonny ******* Jurgensen is worth thousands to watch. Joe ******* Thiesmann is worth thousands to have his big ******* mouth ducttaped.



Obama had/has an economic plan. Most people on the right and left tend to think that it will eventually backfire. Thus far, if nothing else in the short term, it seems to be working (employment always lags 1-2 years behind the market). The stock market is way back up this year- whether you think it is a sucker's bull market or not, who knows? Would you rather it be way down again though? Besides sending more troops to die in Afghanistan (that may be the folly you're alluding to), what is this so-called leftist agenda? Attempting to improve a broken health care system? God knows if McCain were elected, nobody would even be talking about health care. I would hope we can agree that debate is healthy and it's about time that it's finally a national issue. You talk about an agenda? How about the 30 "Republicans for rape" congressmen? The partisanship on both sides is disgusting right now. I would appreciate some clarification on this "leftist agenda" that you speak of? Let me guess- Obama is a socialist, but without using wikipedia, you couldn't tell me what a socialist is. And uncosntitutional? Come on man, that's like saying to a Redskins fan, "I'm a Bills fan and ha ha, your coach sucks!"



Very well said...



If you didn't get my earlier message: POLITICS IS FOR THE POLITICS BOARD.


Thank you.


--the management


Sorry I will lay off the politics now...go back to talking about mediocrity, aka The Bills...(very appealing)

If you didn't get my earlier message: POLITICS IS FOR THE POLITICS BOARD.


Thank you.


--the management


Typical nazi tactics, trying to silence any and all opposition to your own politics, I see? Why don't you just go off and cling to your guns and religion, and leave us and our First Amendment rights alone??? ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA!

Sorry I will lay off the politics now...go back to talking about mediocrity, aka The Bills...(very appealing)

If you hadn't noticed, this board is for NFL-related topics, and this particular post was about the Redskins. There's a whole sub-board just for politics at the link I posted.

If you hadn't noticed, this board is for NFL-related topics, and this particular post was about the Redskins. There's a whole sub-board just for politics at the link I posted.

yes, grelit should come over to PPP, we'll treat him really well over there. :unsure:

yes, grelit should come over to PPP, we'll treat him really well over there. :unsure:



I am up for the challenge...see you over there.....did'nt realize it was so right around here...

(Disclaimer: Paul Allen's lottery wasn't a lucky sale, but an attachment at the hip to the Bank of Gates & Ballmer)


Pretty sure your history of Paul Allen is way off, as he and Gates were both students at the same high school. In fact, Allen brought Gates out to New Mexico where they ended up forming Microsoft. TOGETHER.


But this is the Internet afterall, where people can say silly things without regard for what actually happened...

Pretty sure your history of Paul Allen is way off, as he and Gates were both students at the same high school. In fact, Allen brought Gates out to New Mexico where they ended up forming Microsoft. TOGETHER.


But this is the Internet afterall, where people can say silly things without regard for what actually happened...

Hey Beast Mode, I'm glad you kept that quote of mine on your sig.


It makes me smile every time I see it :unsure:

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