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1. It's tacitly, not "tactitly," which is not a word. But you're right, Snyder does not know tact.


2. This has nothing to do with free speech rights, because FedEx Field is not a public forum.


3. The Redskins play in Maryland.


4. President Obama has nothing to do with this, but nice of you to bring up our Commander in Chief. Funny, I've never heard the Right criticize the media. Oh, wait, yes I have. ALL THE TIME. Now wave your flag and support our President!


5. I note how Snyder's lawyers and press people helped us realize that the true victim is the team, and not the unemployed woman. I was in real danger of getting it screwed up, myself, and thinking that the woman was the victim.


6. They should riot and give Snyder hell.



No, thanks. The left wouldn't support Bush, either, so don't give me that crapola. Take your Gestappo act elsewhere.

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Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to delegitimize Fox News and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?




who is stopping Fox from saying whatever they want? There is no Constitutional right to be treated as you want to be treated. The reality is they're not run as a news network, and the government isn't compelled by the Constitution to treat them like one.

Just like when President Bush tried unsuccessfully to shut down Michael Moore's movie...lol trying to control peoples thoughts about him etc.....

You mean this Michael Moore movie?


Invest a few hours watching it. You'll get news that is not reported by most of the other networks and frankly, with all that is going on in Washington we need to be paying attention. There is a reason why their ratings are at an all-time high and they are reporting on facts.


As for Snyder, he's in a lofty enough place that he should be able to stand the heat and accept the challenge coming his way.


a) Unlike a Republican, who would NEVER tune in to someone like Bill Maher, I actually watch Bill O'Reilly fairly often. He's definitely less partisan than just about every politican in the United States right now, so I'll give him that. I did however, tune in to Glenn Beck yesterday and... dude, come on. b) The reason their ratings are so high is because it's the only mainstream fanatical right wing news outlet that's readily accessible, whereas for rational people, you have several options. Unfortunately, radical right wing fanatical fear-mongering hatred is at an all-time high in the United States, so naturally their ratings are going to be very high.

Uh, your buddy Ralph does the same thing. Just sayin'.

Uh actually, I believe it was reported that Ralph was very upset when he found out TD was banning certain signs and was having people ejected if they snuck them in.

You mean this Michael Moore movie?




Good find there...lol...


But back to being serious...the movie that exploited Bush...you know the one....don't you?


Even if I was Republican which I am thankfully not, I would have had a hard time supporting that guy. I mean he embarrassed your party. I just hope for the sake of the Republican party they can produce a better candidate next time. I mean at least someone that won't embarrass themselves publicly. LOL Oh and one that can actually put sentences together.

Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to [b]delegitimize Fox News[/b] and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?



Pretty sure they do this to themselves, day by day, minute by minute.


Now go back to your idiotic town hall meeting or tea party.

Good find there...lol...


But back to being serious...the movie that exploited Bush...you know the one....don't you?


Even if I was Republican which I am thankfully not, I would have had a hard time supporting that guy. I mean he embarrassed your party. I just hope for the sake of the Republican party they can produce a better candidate next time. I mean at least someone that won't embarrass themselves publicly. LOL Oh and one that can actually put sentences together.

How the !@#$ do you know what party I support, if any?


News flash - this is a football board. Here ya go...




Hey this is a football thread. Don't muck it up, because I don't want this to end up on the dark side, because the main topic is bashing Dan Snyder, which should be a universal truth.


Keep politics and religion out of this and it will stay here!!!

Hey this is a football thread. Don't muck it up, because I don't want this to end up on the dark side, because the main topic is bashing Dan Snyder, which should be a universal truth.


Keep politics and religion out of this and it will stay here!!!

For alot of people in D.C. and Virginia, bashing Snyder is a Religion!

Are we talking about FOX news and facts in the same sentence. This news channel has an obvious hidden agenda. FOX news is a joke.


The U.S. economy grew at a 3.5% annual rate in the third quarter, ending a string of declines over four quarters that resulted in the most severe slide since the Great Depression. FACT...


Genius, take billions of dollars, give it to people to spend the economy will rise on the surface level and people will oh and ahh without thinking.


The real question is, and the reason why democracy will never be a good form of gov't because people will never learn about their country, was it the right thing to do while simultaneously destroying the dollar through inflation? In other words if inflation in real terms, not gov't terms, goes up 8% according to the dollar index dropping but the economy going "up" 3% we had a 5% drop in real terms of what our dollar buys.


You can't compare with the Great Depression because we had asset based currency. The Fed is screwed with anything they do, if they raise interest rates it hurts "recovery" and housing and if they keep it low they are continuing to devalue the dollar. This problem never existed.

Which brings me to the continuation of my role of debunking the myths of the business acumen of Snyder and other sometime fan favorites, Mark Cuban and Paul Allen. By any reasonable measures, all these guys were the ultimate winners of the time lottery of running modestly successful businesses which got caught up in a buyout hoopla of their time and got very rich because of stupid moves by the buyers of their companies. Careful inspection of all of the above's independent business moves since winning their lotteries show a ridiculously poor track record. (Disclaimer: Paul Allen's lottery wasn't a lucky sale, but an attachment at the hip to the Bank of Gates & Ballmer)


Sounds like someone is jealous. Like it or not, these guys are the great American success story. Start with nothing and build it up into great wealth. As in life is also so in business, timing is everything. I think they were both wise for seeing an opportunity and taking advantage of it.


Snyder is a POS and the NFL is a bloated, arrogant pig that needs to be disemboweled... but this woman is a nimrod. She hurt her own case by not going up against a lawsuit... and it's not like people in tune with sports don't know that Midget Snyder is arguably the biggest wallet and purse rapist in pro sports.

How the !@#$ do you know what party I support, if any?


News flash - this is a football board. Here ya go...




With all due respect you posted a link that had nothing to do with football as well.....


....OK OK I will move to the other board....


Hope you have a wonderful day!! Stay classy....

Are we talking about FOX news and facts in the same sentence. This news channel has an obvious hidden agenda. FOX news is a joke.


The U.S. economy grew at a 3.5% annual rate in the third quarter, ending a string of declines over four quarters that resulted in the most severe slide since the Great Depression. FACT...


No idea what your point is about the economy stat.


Here's a clue for you. All media outlets have agendas. Fox presents plenty of facts in their news and yes they're slanted right. If you're not watching, you might be missing the atrocities that are going on in Congress and the White house. The majority of the media is slanted hard to the left and covers up what is going on rather than covering it. You owe it to yourself to tune in. We're at a critical time in this country and the federal government is making a string of bad decisions. The critism aimed at the left is well earned right now just as is the critism of Dan Snyder.

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