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Is Daniel $nyder channeling Tom Donahoe? Wouldn't they make a PERFECT pair?



So what do the upper reaches of management do? They tacitly tell the salary-supporting, skybox-filling, Bentley-providing fanbase to shut up. That’s right: Signs have officially been banned. Scream all you want, just don’t show up with a message that could land on television screens or in media photos. If you bring them, security will insist you check them with the garbage bin attendants. And if you sneak them, you’ll be booted out of the stadium.


Tactitly? $nyder does not know meaning of tact.

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The funny thing about this whole deal, this “no signs” provision didn’t exist until some point after the team’s rough start, when fans started blasting Snyder with both barrels


Purely a coincidence :thumbdown:


Any semblance of respect I had left for the Redskins organization is gone now... Not that I had much respect for Snyder to begin with... What happened to rights in this country? Particularly in Capital DC? Not to mention people are being censored after PAYING to be there!!!


I say go to the game with your signs, Redskins fans... RIOT!!! Give Snyder HELL!!! :thumbdown:


Reminds me of the Denver night game a few years back when people were getting kicked out of the Ralph for signs and paper bags. They cut the beer sales off in the first quarter. Thought there was going to be a riot.


Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to delegitimize Fox News and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?




Snyder is the same guy who sued a woman over season tickets. The Skins have a LOOOOOONG waiting list to get season tickets and Snyder sued an unemployed woman, hit by the economy like many others, for the remainder of money for the tickets. Needless to say, his big money lawyers wiped the floor with the woman and she's responsible for $66,000+ while unemployed. Class act. :thumbdown:




1. It's tacitly, not "tactitly," which is not a word. But you're right, Snyder does not know tact.


2. This has nothing to do with free speech rights, because FedEx Field is not a public forum.


3. The Redskins play in Maryland.


4. President Obama has nothing to do with this, but nice of you to bring up our Commander in Chief. Funny, I've never heard the Right criticize the media. Oh, wait, yes I have. ALL THE TIME. Now wave your flag and support our President!


5. I note how Snyder's lawyers and press people helped us realize that the true victim is the team, and not the unemployed woman. I was in real danger of getting it screwed up, myself, and thinking that the woman was the victim.


6. They should riot and give Snyder hell.

Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to delegitimize Fox News and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?




Yeah because Fox News is known for its legitimacy to begin with.

Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to delegitimize Fox News and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?


But that's different because Obama is so inspirational!

Is Daniel $nyder channeling Tom Donahoe? Wouldn't they make a PERFECT pair?



So what do the upper reaches of management do? They tacitly tell the salary-supporting, skybox-filling, Bentley-providing fanbase to shut up. That's right: Signs have officially been banned. Scream all you want, just don't show up with a message that could land on television screens or in media photos. If you bring them, security will insist you check them with the garbage bin attendants. And if you sneak them, you'll be booted out of the stadium.


Tactitly? $nyder does not know meaning of tact.



Uh, your buddy Ralph does the same thing. Just sayin'.

Well, Obama's administration is out these days trying to delegitimize Fox News and trying to tell the press how to cover politics - there's lots of free speech abridgement going on these days. If our democracy's leader can limit free speech, why get riled up when Daniel Snyder tries to do the same over a football team?





Just like when President Bush tried unsuccessfully to shut down Michael Moore's movie...lol trying to control peoples thoughts about him etc.....


Say all you want about Obama, but he inherited a colossal mess....

Yeah because Fox News is known for its legitimacy to begin with.


Invest a few hours watching it. You'll get news that is not reported by most of the other networks and frankly, with all that is going on in Washington we need to be paying attention. There is a reason why their ratings are at an all-time high and they are reporting on facts.


As for Snyder, he's in a lofty enough place that he should be able to stand the heat and accept the challenge coming his way.

Invest a few hours watching it. You'll get news that is not reported by most of the other networks and frankly, with all that is going on in Washington we need to be paying attention. There is a reason why their ratings are at an all-time high and they are reporting on facts.


As for Snyder, he's in a lofty enough place that he should be able to stand the heat and accept the challenge coming his way.



Are we talking about FOX news and facts in the same sentence. This news channel has an obvious hidden agenda. FOX news is a joke.


The U.S. economy grew at a 3.5% annual rate in the third quarter, ending a string of declines over four quarters that resulted in the most severe slide since the Great Depression. FACT...


A few things:

Politics is for the politics board.


For ongoing coverage of the Burgundy Revolution, head over to the SportsBog, Dan Steinberg's WaPo blog:



Add: you can also follow Redskins HOF RB John Riggins, who has been absolutely vicious toward Synder, on Twitter and YouTube: http://twitter.com/riggo44



And Joe, what Synder is doing right now goes FAR beyond the crackdown Donahoe pulled at the '05 home finale (which was, in fact, part of the reason RCW fired him.) As long as they're not profane, I haven't heard too much about sign-confiscating and such since then.


Regardless of his reasons for it, I say GOOD!


Signs are stupid. Fans who make signs are stupid. Fans who hold up signs in front of other fans are very stupid. I paid to watch the game, not the back of your piece of cardboard. I wish all stadiums would ban signs.

A few things:

Politics is for the politics board.


For ongoing coverage of the Burgundy Revolution, head over to the SportsBog, Dan Steinberg's WaPo blog:



Add: you can also follow Redskins HOF RB John Riggins, who has been absolutely vicious toward Synder, on Twitter and YouTube: http://twitter.com/riggo44



And Joe, what Synder is doing right now goes FAR beyond the crackdown Donahoe pulled at the '05 home finale (which was, in fact, part of the reason RCW fired him.) As long as they're not profane, I haven't heard too much about sign-confiscating and such since then.




A few things:

Politics is for the politics board.


For ongoing coverage of the Burgundy Revolution, head over to the SportsBog, Dan Steinberg's WaPo blog:



Add: you can also follow Redskins HOF RB John Riggins, who has been absolutely vicious toward Synder, on Twitter and YouTube: http://twitter.com/riggo44



And Joe, what Synder is doing right now goes FAR beyond the crackdown Donahoe pulled at the '05 home finale (which was, in fact, part of the reason RCW fired him.) As long as they're not profane, I haven't heard too much about sign-confiscating and such since then.

Also heard that local TV is now not allowed to interview fans while on Redskins' property. So, no checking in with the tailgaters. (sorry if that is mentioned in one of the links which I'm too lazy to investigate)


In the irony of ironies department, the guy who made his fortune in advertising and mailbox clogging junk is dictating the elimination of signs. Nice job, Napoleon.


Which brings me to the continuation of my role of debunking the myths of the business acumen of Snyder and other sometime fan favorites, Mark Cuban and Paul Allen. By any reasonable measures, all these guys were the ultimate winners of the time lottery of running modestly successful businesses which got caught up in a buyout hoopla of their time and got very rich because of stupid moves by the buyers of their companies. Careful inspection of all of the above's independent business moves since winning their lotteries show a ridiculously poor track record. (Disclaimer: Paul Allen's lottery wasn't a lucky sale, but an attachment at the hip to the Bank of Gates & Ballmer)

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