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I have not posted for almost two months and this is why....


The Bills football games for the last year and a half are sometimes boring, sometimes bad and sometimes both at the same time. The last time things were this bad, were the two years preceding Jim Kelly's arrival. Before that we had the OJ era, followed by Chuck Knox. Even the Flutie/Johnson era of football was at least exciting. Yes, I've been lurking here a few times a week and I'll never miss a game either on TV, in person or on the radio, but they have sapped the Bills fever from me. I am confident when JP Losman is inserted at QB that the games will be exciting from the get go. He will make mistakes, but he will also MAKE PLAYS. DB's play is comical. You shrug your head & chuckle like it's a bad dream. I was completely against re-signing him to a new contract when we could have let him go with no cap hit. Christ...Kordell Stewart would been a welcome alternative. Instead we are saddled with him this year and beyond from a salary cap perspective.


What is the reason that DB must stay as the starter???


Are people still lining up today to buy tickets by the thousands to see the Bills? I don't think so!


Is this team going to the playoffs?? No, and I don't want to hear that they are not mathematically eliminated. The train wreck last night speaks volumes as to where this team is heading with DB as their QB.


Can Losman be any worse than DB?? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Chances are good, that he will be a LOT better. Get him in there now and let the fans see the potential of McGahee, Losman & Evans, so they can become the focal point of the off-season season ticket renewal campaign.



I'll start posting again when the Losman era begins. Until then, there is nothing left to say.


You were way ahead of the curve Labatt about Drew. At least now we are achieving some vindication for all the crap we took. Beleive me I wish to God Drew could be a great QB and prove me wrong but that will never happen. Drew is useless

You're not speechless, you just wrote all of that out!


I was thinking the same thing!


Nice to hear from you again man. This season is really tough to stomach.



And somewhere Spiked is laughing.

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