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I'll be there. I'm coming up from NJ ready to rock! Any tailgate information?


I'm with you Lieutenant Dan, we will revenge upon the season, no matter how ugly it is. The seemingly tough schedule at the beginning of the year is looking a little bit easier every week (thank goodness).


Skraapy-doo-- for tailgate information, I really don't have anything specifically but if you're looking to have some fun, I'd just park in a lot, set up some tables with some food and beer and just let the good times roll. There's usually fun people all over the place and I'm sure you'll meet some characters along the way. If nothing is going too well, just grab a case and walk around until you find some fellow fans having some fun. Usually they will embrace you with open arms, a beer, maybe a hot dog, and some fun.


Also, you can check out this thread for other tailgating info...


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