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Obama: Pelosi Will Go Down As One Of "Greatest Speakers Of All Ti

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More evidence of what happens when we let affected minds be in charge of things. This is the definition of absence of reason. Clearly, Obama thinks he is still on the campaign trail. It seems he wants to go back to those halcyon days when all he had to do was talk a big game to get the adulation of the masses. Too bad things don't work in reverse Barack...you have to get things done, and forcing a far-left agenda down our throats is only gonna get you fired.


And yeah, I get that it's probably more about bucking up the troops than anything else. Telling people that are already affected what they want to hear is fine...but it doesn't help with the people whose minds aren't affected. Those independent people are the reason he got elected, and they are the reason he will get un-elected as well. They are also the reason that, if he keeps this nonsense up, he will get most of his party un-elected in 2010.


Unless, this is some sort of attempt at setting the lowest expectations possible...so...that when he starts to pursue a centrist agenda...he can gain the same "comeback" status, and momentum, that Clinton was able to ride into re-election. Hell of a risk to take...and it doesn't work unless he adopts Clinton's centrist agenda.

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Clearly, Obama thinks he is still on the campaign trail.

In this case, he actually was on the campaign trail, trying to raise funds. I heard the other day that NOT doing this was a big error by Clinton as he was heading into the mid-terms.


On the other hand, it's becoming increasingly clear that this is about all Obama, the person and president, is good for, so keep him out there raising money and talking about how no one expected him to get anything done in his first year anyway, and how he did great things so far like passing "a national service bill named after Ted Kennedy." Have him speak to adoring crowds who cheer and yell, even when he says things like Pelosi is awesome. He's better off doing that and letting Rahm and Axelrod and Reid and Pelosi run things without his knowledge so in three years he can give a speech about how he inherited our mess from them.

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Amen to that. I wonder what he's paying Daggett to keep in the race.

Daggett = HR Perot


He has been a Godsend for Corzine. It's basically a dead heat now and I think Corzine's negative ads are hitting their mark more effectively than Christie's. Factor in the dirty tricks money from a rich incumbent on election day and NJ will have another four years of tax and spend. A repeat of today's weather next Tuesday may be Christie's only shot.


I'm just surprised Corzine hasn't taken any heat for all the corruption arrests in NJ last year.

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He has been a Godsend for Corzine. It's basically a dead heat now and I think Corzine's negative ads are hitting their mark more effectively than Christie's. Factor in the dirty tricks money from a rich incumbent on election day and NJ will have another four years of tax and spend. A repeat of today's weather next Tuesday may be Christie's only shot.


I'm just surprised Corzine hasn't taken any heat for all the corruption arrests in NJ last year.

I think that's what Christie's early lead was built on. Agreed - Corzine's attack ads are inundating the airwaves. The bastard is buying his job once again.

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He has been a Godsend for Corzine. It's basically a dead heat now and I think Corzine's negative ads are hitting their mark more effectively than Christie's. Factor in the dirty tricks money from a rich incumbent on election day and NJ will have another four years of tax and spend. A repeat of today's weather next Tuesday may be Christie's only shot.


I'm just surprised Corzine hasn't taken any heat for all the corruption arrests in NJ last year.

If Christie was smart, he would somehow use the same "populist" tactics that the Democrats use, and that is tie in the link of Corzine once being a Goldman Sachs chief with the Record bonuses that were just payed out this year, and tie that to all the money he has been spending on the campaign ads. People are pissed about the bonuses that were paid, and the corruption scandals, this should be an angle that he pursues going into the elections.

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If Christie was smart, he would somehow use the same "populist" tactics that the Democrats use, and that is tie in the link of Corzine once being a Goldman Sachs chief with the Record bonuses that were just payed out this year, and tie that to all the money he has been spending on the campaign ads. People are pissed about the bonuses that were paid, and the corruption scandals, this should be an angle that he pursues going into the elections.


Last November, the 'party of the people' gave us folks up here in CT another Goldman multi-millionaire to represent us in Congress. Meanwhile, many of the same idiots who voted him in where also spending their time picketing the homes of Wall Street guys. :devil:

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Jackass speach




PRESIDENT OBAMA: "First of all, I don't think people quite understand, Nancy Pelosi is not simply the first woman Speaker of the House -- I think she's going to go down as one of the greatest Speakers of all time. And she's very nice and she's very friendly, but, boy, she is tough."


HA! I knew it! Proof positive that he is smoking crack.

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I think that's what Christie's early lead was built on. Agreed - Corzine's attack ads are inundating the airwaves. The bastard is buying his job once again.



Jonny Corzine is a criminal. Christie should have been blasting the airwaves linking him to the bushel of Democrats who were indicted.

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