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This Collins thing?


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It's a pretty unfunny joke, but where does it become anti-Semetic? He's saying Hitler was one of the anti-Christs:



Yeah, I think it's because he compared him to the third anti-Christ... anti-semetic, being that he is a jew. I don't know, it seems like something I would say in a very joking tone with that person present. It sounds like he just didn't deliver the joke well enough.


Anyways, I was on the fence with Collins before this, and this hasn't really swayed my opinion either way, however I can understand totally the offense taken.

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It's a pretty unfunny joke, but where does it become anti-Semetic? He's saying Hitler was one of the anti-Christs:


Like the fat man Ronan, who once in awhile sings God Bless America at Sabre games, Collins' comments will be forgiven...locally.


Forget any chance of him running for governor...which was no doubt his ultimate goal.


Which is a good thing because Chris "run government like a buisness" Collins should be voted out of office in Erie County the first opportunity we get.


As for my opinion about his comment? I'm not convinced it was anti-semetic. Collins is too much of a dope to know what he's saying half the time.

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This is sensitivity run amok for sure.


Maybe not a great joke - I mean how often can we call everyone we don't like 'Hitler'? But I have to believe it was done as a tongue-in-cheek sort of thing, and without any reference towards the religion of Silver.

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It's anti-Hitler. Hitler was anti-Jew. So, how could this be anti-Jew. It makes no sense. He doesn't even mention anything about Judaism or anything. All this because Silver just happens to be Jewish?

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