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"Democrats of Manhattan, rise and shine! It’s been over a week now. The American people have spoken, and what they said was: They don’t want you. The vote is in, the map is more red than blue, that smirking jerk you love to hate is back for four more years. So now what....."



I'm not sure who she is talking about. I have argued for democrats here plenty of times and I don't think that I have ever once mentioned Kofi freaking whats his name.


I am not sure I really agree with her on the "getting back the working man" thing. Democrats are never going to be the anti-gay, anti-abortion party. I don't care how many elections they lose. If that is what they have to do to get the working man back rather than to support the economic policies that benefit them the most then forget it. Instead, they should go after the moderate republicans who, but for the tax the rich crap too many democrats love, would vote for democrats. There are plenty of republicans who cringe at the mixing of politics and religion, gay baiting and the like. However, given the democratic stance on taxes, they hold their noses and vote Republican.


Arlen Specter is learning what it is like to even hint at being something other than an anti-choice zealot. If Rudy runs he will learn what McCain learned the hard way, stand in the way of the evangelicals and you will pay. Republicans long ago realized that they were going to be a minority for a long time if they didn't go after marginal democrats. They went after them and got enough of them to win plenty of elections. Democrats have to do the same, enlarge the party by going after marginal Republicans. Democrats will never be able to outflank the Republicans on divisive issues like gay rights and abortion. No matter how far to the right they move, their opponents will take another step to the right themselves.


Democrats could end their opposition to so-called partial birth abortion but it wouldn't win them hardly a single voter. Republicans will just go after abortion with another piece of legislation. One thing there has never been is a shortage of legislative initiatives designed to chip away at abortion. They will just pull another one out of the hopper. Again, democrats will never be able to outflank the right on those kinds of issues, never.


Economically however, how hard is it to be for any and every tax cut that comes down the pipe? That is the easiest thing in the world for a politician to do. It requires no courage whatsoever. Yeah, it could turn the awful deficits we have now into something even worse but you know, the voters haven't ever made any politician pay a price at the ballot box for ballooning a deficit in part through an ill advised tax cut. Democrats could do this with impunity and thereby attract plenty of marginal republicans.

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