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Last week, I posted a topic on TSW about Lee Evans' new nickname, "Money". I recieved several sarcastic remarks in return. But listen, every week "Money" is showing up. Yeah, there's been games where TE hasn't even attempted to throw to him, but one thing is undeniable, when he is called upon, he simply is "Money"!


I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, Lee Evans is a class act. And I personally am tired of hearing about when a certain OTHER reciever is gonna have a breakout game, about his reality show, about his crappy-tasting cereal, his 6.5 million dollars he's making to short-arm, and/or, drop balls. I'm tired of hearing when or if he's gonna blow up on the side-line, if he's hit a wall, about him telling me to get my popcorn prepared, its all just getting old to me.


Lee Evans is THE most underrated reciever in the NFL, period. And its time us Bills fans start giving this guy some well-deserved recognition. Show up at the Ralph this Sunday with you "Money-83" signs.



And I personally am tired of hearing about when a certain OTHER reciever is gonna have a breakout game, about his reality show, about his crappy-tasting cereal, his 6.5 million dollars he's making to short-arm, and/or, drop balls. I'm tired of hearing when or if he's gonna blow up on the side-line, if he's hit a wall, about him telling me to get my popcorn prepared, its all just getting old to me.


So says the poster who's SN is "TO4Prez"

I have as much as or more respect for Lee Evans than most people.


Which is fine, but that doesn't make him the league's most underrated WR.


Is he underRATED or underUTILIZED....big difference.


Just because he is good guy does not make him under rated.


He shows up because he is paid to do so. Stop worrying about TO and begin to focus on the lines, coaches, QB, H1N1, or anything else.

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