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Two sets of rules, one for us and another other for them

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If you ever manage to stumble across an original thought, kill it quickly, don't let it be slowly tortured to death by your lack of independent thought processes.


Must be very frustrating watching your hero crash and burn like this. This reminds me an awful lot of the debates I had with the Dick Jauron supporters last year.

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Must be very frustrating watching your hero crash and burn like this. This reminds me an awful lot of the debates I had with the Dick Jauron supporters last year.


<_< I guess it's tough for some people to recall the original subject... call your programmer spam-bot... it's time for a program upgrade. <_<

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<_<I guess it's tough for some people to recall the original subject... call your programmer spam-bot... it's time for a program upgrade. <_<


Says the guy who, instead of attempting to defend his messiah's embarrassingly big sellout to the politics as usual, decided to turn his man-crush for Tom up a notch.

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With no arguments to defend their positions, the liberals are left only with their delusions. Eight months in and the words "hope" and "change" have about as much authenticity as Nancy Pelosi's face.


:lol: Oh look, the spam-bot has been set on auto-repeat. B-)


Buzz... Buzz... Pelosi! Reid! Messiah! Hope! Change! Buzz... Buzz... Lather... Rinse... Repeat...


Maybe we'll be rescued when the RNC gets Windows 7.


But I kinda doubt it...

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:lol: Oh look, the spam-bot has been set on auto-repeat. B-)


Buzz... Buzz... Pelosi! Reid! Messiah! Hope! Change! Buzz... Buzz... Lather... Rinse... Repeat...


Maybe we'll be rescued when the RNC gets Windows 7.


But I kinda doubt it...


Ya know, it we got the Tommy bot and the spam-bot locked into a thread together, it would blow away the "Last Post Wins" record.

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You clearly have a follower complex. First there was Obama, a supreme figure who I'm sure in your world is the most perfect person to have ever graced the planet. Now you're starting to have a creepy adulation towards Tom. Stand on your own two feet. I know it must be hard considering the big flop your man has become, it's no wonder you're looking for another messiah figure to get behind.


Wait just a friggin' minute...did you actually call me a "messiah figure" here? :lol:

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Ya know, it we got the Tommy bot and the spam-bot locked into a thread together, it would blow away the "Last Post Wins" record.


I swear, one of these days when I have a free afternoon, I'm really going to write a Tommy Bot script.


It'll just look for posts that have less than 20 words and contain certain keywords ("Messiah", "Obamanazi", "libtards", anything from conner with "discuss" in it), and have it automatically post some variation of "You're an idiot".

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I swear, one of these days when I have a free afternoon, I'm really going to write a Tommy Bot script.


It'll just look for posts that have less than 20 words and contain certain keywords ("Messiah", "Obamanazi", "libtards", anything from conner with "discuss" in it), and have it automatically post some variation of "You're an idiot".


We could start a pool to see how long it took 1billsfan to catch on.

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I swear, one of these days when I have a free afternoon, I'm really going to write a Tommy Bot script.


It'll just look for posts that have less than 20 words and contain certain keywords ("Messiah", "Obamanazi", "libtards", anything from conner with "discuss" in it), and have it automatically post some variation of "You're an idiot".


We could start a pool to see how long it took 1billsfan to catch on.


:lol: I wonder if he'd ever notice? B-)

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:lol: Oh look, the spam-bot has been set on auto-repeat. :wacko:


Buzz... Buzz... Pelosi! Reid! Messiah! Hope! Change! Buzz... Buzz... Lather... Rinse... Repeat...


Maybe we'll be rescued when the RNC gets Windows 7.


But I kinda doubt it...



In other words, you got nothing...just what I thought. :w00t:

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Well said. I couldn't agree more. It's time we real Americans put the "wingers" in their places. Deep in a corner and out of sight.



This country is currently being run by near-Communists, after being run by people who think anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage issues are far more important than getting rid of corruption and fixing the failing entitlement programs(um, 75% of the Federal Budget we still can't afford).


I blame all of us. We need to remember what made this country great, and what got us away from that and got us here. Going forward, we need to insist upon keeping the "wingers" from being in charge of anything. I applaud the Blue Dog Dems for realizing that supporting the far-left agenda is a bad thing for the country(and of course its a bad thing for them personally, come election time). They are a good example for moderate Republicans to follow, when they take over in 2010(that's rapidly becoming an inevitable outcome).


The most success we have had in the recent past, 1994-2000, was when we had a, newly, moderate Democratic President in Clinton, with a moderate, economics first, Republican Congress led by Gingrich. The faster we get back to something like that, the faster the BS ends.


The very first thing that needs to happen, regardless of who is in control of Congress, is that neither side votes for a "winger" for Speaker of the House/Senate Majority leader. I think you could get 80% of the American people to agree to that immediately. It could be immediately accomplished with a simple pledge that was posed to ALL political candidates. We vote against anybody who doesn't sign or live up to it. Done.

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