1billsfan Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 First they say that paying taxes is patriotic, that is unless your name is Charly Rangel or you're a member of Obama's administration... Then they tell Wall Street to clean up it's act, but then it's still ok to fly in and campaign for yet another corrupt member of congress, Chris Dodd... Then they want to regulate salaries, except when it comes to the entitled unions... Now we have members of congress looking to let federal workers off the hook for taxes on healthcare plans... http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/...--65293422.html
Alaska Darin Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Wait, so politicians pay back the groups that get them elected regardless of whether it's good for the country? It's not news and the idiots who follow the Dummycrats will continue to do it, regardless of the corruption - just like the a-holes who do the same for the Republitards. If you're not an independent, you're an idiot.
1billsfan Posted October 24, 2009 Author Posted October 24, 2009 Wait, so politicians pay back the groups that get them elected regardless of whether it's good for the country? It's not news and the idiots who follow the Dummycrats will continue to do it, regardless of the corruption - just like the a-holes who do the same for the Republitards. If you're not an independent, you're an idiot. Please don't throw this discussion off course. This isn't about the republicans and their supporters. They aren't in charge of you know what right now. I happen to think the country is moving away from the two major parties and that there's much less brand loyalty which will only increase. This is about a guy who was still in diapers when he pleaded to the general public that they should put an enormous amount of faith in his message of hope, and change, and no more politics as usual, and complete transparency, and blah blah blah blah... For that he needs to be called out for what he is, a sell out. When the next person comes along they can be trashed for going back on their word. He is the hollow man. Just words, just speeches.
IDBillzFan Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Wait, so politicians pay back the groups that get them elected regardless of whether it's good for the country? It's not news and the idiots who follow the Dummycrats will continue to do it, regardless of the corruption - just like the a-holes who do the same for the Republitards. If you're not an independent, you're an idiot. I've been giving consideration to registering as an independent, but I was concerned that they didn't do enough to insult the other parties. Looks like I was wrong. Sign me up.
DC Tom Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Please don't throw this discussion off course. This isn't about the republicans and their supporters. They aren't in charge of you know what right now. I happen to think the country is moving away from the two major parties and that there's much less brand loyalty which will only increase. This is about a guy who was still in diapers when he pleaded to the general public that they should put an enormous amount of faith in his message of hope, and change, and no more politics as usual, and complete transparency, and blah blah blah blah... For that he needs to be called out for what he is, a sell out. When the next person comes along they can be trashed for going back on their word. He is the hollow man. Just words, just speeches. In two posts you went from bashing "they" in Congress, to bashing Obama, who's NOT in Congress. Way to focus on a point, there.
RI Bills Fan Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 In two posts you went from bashing "they" in Congress, to bashing Obama, who's NOT in Congress. Way to focus on a point, there. Just more proof that your "Illogical Fallacy of American Politics" theory is true.
Magox Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Just more proof that your "Illogical Fallacy of American Politics" theory is true. I get a chuckle out of reading your Teddy Sig. The hypocrisy runs deep
1billsfan Posted October 24, 2009 Author Posted October 24, 2009 In two posts you went from bashing "they" in Congress, to bashing Obama, who's NOT in Congress. Way to focus on a point, there. Well that's where the "buck" is supposed to stop right? Wow...didn't take long for Obama to go from the second coming of JFK to just another guy along for the ride. I just don't understand why you get caught up in the "trying to win putdown points" game, rather than have an opinion about the disgusting behavior being shown by our elected officials. Nothing bothers you, congratulations.
RI Bills Fan Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 I get a chuckle out of reading your Teddy Sig. The hypocrisy runs deep Sometimes I don't give Tom enough credit. Then somebody like you appears and I realize just how smart Tom really is. You are living, breathing. proof of the validity of his theories. "The Illogical Fallicy of American Politics" learn it before it makes a fool of you...
Alaska Darin Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Please don't throw this discussion off course. This isn't about the republicans and their supporters. They aren't in charge of you know what right now. Which is why I took the time to include both parties in my insult, as well as anyone who follows them. Pretending that because they "aren't in charge" they deserve some kind of free pass is at best disingenuous. I happen to think the country is moving away from the two major parties and that there's much less brand loyalty which will only increase. I'm not seeing it but I sincerely hope you're right. This is about a guy who was still in diapers when he pleaded to the general public that they should put an enormous amount of faith in his message of hope, and change, and no more politics as usual, and complete transparency, and blah blah blah blah... For that he needs to be called out for what he is, a sell out. When the next person comes along they can be trashed for going back on their word. He is the hollow man. Just words, just speeches. Like pretty much all politicians. Welcome to why the government shouldn't be in charge of much.
Magox Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Sometimes I don't give Tom enough credit. Then somebody like you appears and I realize just how smart Tom really is. You are living, breathing. proof of the validity of his theories. "The Illogical Fallicy of American Politics" learn it before it makes a fool of you... This coming from the guy who mocked people for speaking out against Obama, who's sig reads : Teddy Roosevelt: ". . . .to announce that there must be no criticism of the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile but is morally treasonable to the American public." In the White House press strategy thread at that
RI Bills Fan Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 This coming from the guy who mocked people for speaking out against Obama, who's sig reads : Teddy Roosevelt: ". . . .to announce that there must be no criticism of the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile but is morally treasonable to the American public." In the White House press strategy thread at that Just out of curiosity, where, when, and who did I mock for speaking out against Obama? I don't recall saying (or posting) anything of the sort. I laughed at Tom for his continued berating of helpless idiots (the OP of this thread included) and (in a backhanded way) snickered at RKFast for yet another internet tough guy post but those are the only things I've posted on PPP in months. Except that... I've mocked you for your asinine attempts to call me a hypocrite for disagreeing with you politically --but that seems to be something you should be used to and comfortable with-- I'm positive you've been mocked on a regular basis for the majority of your life. So now I suppose it's Tom's turn to belittle me for continuing to berate a helpless idiot.
Magox Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Just out of curiosity, where, when, and who did I mock for speaking out against Obama? I don't recall saying (or posting) anything of the sort. I laughed at Tom for his continued berating of helpless idiots (the OP of this thread included) and (in a backhanded way) snickered at RKFast for yet another internet tough guy post but those are the only things I've posted on PPP in months. Except that... I've mocked you for your asinine attempts to call me a hypocrite for disagreeing with you politically --but that seems to be something you should be used to and comfortable with-- I'm positive you've been mocked on a regular basis for the majority of your life. So now I suppose it's Tom's turn to belittle me for continuing to berate a helpless idiot. If you don't see the irony of you posting in the White House Press Strategy(which is funny in itself) and defending the W.H for "calling" out FOX news or other industries, but yet, mock those that criticized people for speaking out against the War in 2003, enough for you to feel inspired to have the Teddy Sig. than I would have to say that you are blinded with your partisanship. It doesn't matter what your views of the war were or what the press strategy of the W.H is, the point is that it is the same. There were people who spoke out against the last administration for the mistakes they made, and there are people who are speaking out against this administration for the mistakes they are making today. That is part of what makes this country, we have the freedom to be able to do that, and you obviously had the urge to do so during the last administration, but when people do it against this one, the one that you are aligned with, you label it as"histrionics" or defend the W.H position to "call out" those who oppose them, Yet you felt so inspired to quote Teddy R. in your sig. in which it suggests that it is "unpatriotic" to do that very same thing, and from our elected president no less, but yet you don't see the that, because it fits your criteria. Pathetic It's obvious, that there is a double standard, and it isn't just from you, it comes from both parties, just that it is more pronounced now with the liberals. They refer to those who speak out against the administration as "astroturfers, teabaggers, unpatriotic" etc. etc. You're just the same as they are and for that matter the same as the idiots that would question anyone for speaking out agains the war. You are no different
1billsfan Posted October 25, 2009 Author Posted October 25, 2009 Just out of curiosity, where, when, and who did I mock for speaking out against Obama? I don't recall saying (or posting) anything of the sort. I laughed at Tom for his continued berating of helpless idiots (the OP of this thread included) and (in a backhanded way) snickered at RKFast for yet another internet tough guy post but those are the only things I've posted on PPP in months. Except that... I've mocked you for your asinine attempts to call me a hypocrite for disagreeing with you politically --but that seems to be something you should be used to and comfortable with-- I'm positive you've been mocked on a regular basis for the majority of your life. So now I suppose it's Tom's turn to belittle me for continuing to berate a helpless idiot. You clearly have a follower complex. First there was Obama, a supreme figure who I'm sure in your world is the most perfect person to have ever graced the planet. Now you're starting to have a creepy adulation towards Tom. Stand on your own two feet. I know it must be hard considering the big flop your man has become, it's no wonder you're looking for another messiah figure to get behind.
Albany,n.y. Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Please don't throw this discussion off course. This isn't about the republicans and their supporters. They aren't in charge of you know what right now. I happen to think the country is moving away from the two major parties and that there's much less brand loyalty which will only increase. This is about a guy who was still in diapers when he pleaded to the general public that they should put an enormous amount of faith in his message of hope, and change, and no more politics as usual, and complete transparency, and blah blah blah blah... For that he needs to be called out for what he is, a sell out. When the next person comes along they can be trashed for going back on their word. He is the hollow man. Just words, just speeches. They're all sellouts. How do you think they get campaign contributions-quid pro quo-always has been, always will. Nobody gets the Presidential nomination of a major party without doing a lot of selling out. The reason the Republicans aren't in charge is because the economy tanked so badly on their watch, it didn't matter what Obama was saying. It all goes back to James Carville's "It's the economy, stupid." People will always vote the party in charge out in a bad economy (and even if they have nothing to do with it, it doesn't matter to the voters), because if you can't put food on the table nothing else really matters-including which crook is paying his taxes & which crook isn't. The country isn't moving away from the 2 parties fast enough, we're still a long way away from seeing a President who is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Getting independents elected on a local, or even occasionally on a state level, is still quite different than getting someone in the White House.
RI Bills Fan Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Let's start with this, since you obviously have no idea what the word you enjoy throwing around so often actually means; hy⋅poc⋅ri⋅sy [hi-pok-ruh-see] –noun, plural -sies. 1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess. 2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude. 3. an act or instance of hypocrisy. Okay! Now for the past few days you've been attacking me and calling me a hypocrite because I use Teddy Roosevelt's quote in my Sig Line but I don't post asinine hyperbolic attacks, dredged from the latest set of RNC talking points, against the current administration in the manner that you've decided my use of that quote requires. Oh, and to add insult to injury (in your mind) I also have the audacity to laugh at the proliferation of spam-bot posters who do the things you are attempting to take me to task for not doing. Does that about cover it? If you don't see the irony of you posting in the White House Press Strategy(which is funny in itself) and defending the W.H for "calling" out FOX news or other industries, but yet, mock those that criticized people for speaking out against the War in 2003, enough for you to feel inspired to have the Teddy Sig. than I would have to say that you are blinded with your partisanship. 1.I don't remember defending the White House for anything. I recall telling you that you and I don't see things thru the same set of filters. The only thing that statement defends is the idea different people can have different opinions. Do you have a problem with the idea that other people can and do have their own opinions? Do you believe that you should have the right to unilaterally impose your opinions and view-point on other people? It doesn't matter what your views of the war were or what the press strategy of the W.H is, the point is that it is the same. There were people who spoke out against the last administration for the mistakes they made, and there are people who are speaking out against this administration for the mistakes they are making today. That is part of what makes this country, we have the freedom to be able to do that, and you obviously had the urge to do so during the last administration, but when people do it against this one, the one that you are aligned with, you label it as"histrionics" or defend the W.H position to "call out" those who oppose them, Yet you felt so inspired to quote Teddy R. in your sig. in which it suggests that it is "unpatriotic" to do that very same thing, and from our elected president no less, but yet you don't see the that, because it fits your criteria. Pathetic 2.The real irony here is your complete inability to grasp the concept that the TR quote espouses. The stifling of dissent is Un-American, unpatriotic, and against all of the principles this country was founded on. We completely agree on that point. But nowhere in that quote is there anything that makes dissent mandatory or anything that requires people who hold an opinion differing from the dissenters to be silent. It's obvious, that there is a double standard, and it isn't just from you, it comes from both parties, just that it is more pronounced now with the liberals. They refer to those who speak out against the administration as "astroturfers, teabaggers, unpatriotic" etc. etc. You're just the same as they are and for that matter the same as the idiots that would question anyone for speaking out against the war. You are no different 3.Okay, again please show me anything I've ever posted that disparages the right of anyone to protest anything. 4.So what I get out of this is you want the right to dissent but you don't want anyone who holds an opinion differing from yours to have the same right. Because that somehow creates a double standard? And yet I'm the Partisan Hypocrite disparaging your right to dissent?
Booster4324 Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 You clearly have a follower complex. First there was Obama, a supreme figure who I'm sure in your world is the most perfect person to have ever graced the planet. Now you're starting to have a creepy adulation towards Tom. Stand on your own two feet. I know it must be hard considering the big flop your man has become, it's no wonder you're looking for another messiah figure to get behind. RI, really? And we are supposed to believe anything else you post?
RI Bills Fan Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 You clearly have a follower complex. First there was Obama, a supreme figure who I'm sure in your world is the most perfect person to have ever graced the planet. Now you're starting to have a creepy adulation towards Tom. Stand on your own two feet. I know it must be hard considering the big flop your man has become, it's no wonder you're looking for another messiah figure to get behind. Oh, look a spam-bot that answers it's critics! What will those geniuses at the RNC think of next? Oh wait... “Follower Complex” “Messiah” “Supreme Figure” “Perfect Person” ...it's got all the standard required buzz words in the post. Nothing new, just recycled B.S. I guess it's not as advanced as I thought.
RI Bills Fan Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 RI, really? And we are supposed to believe anything else you post? I'm so ashamed...
1billsfan Posted October 25, 2009 Author Posted October 25, 2009 Oh, look a spam-bot that answers it's critics! What will those geniuses at the RNC think of next? Oh wait... “Follower Complex” “Messiah” “Supreme Figure” “Perfect Person” ...it's got all the standard required buzz words in the post. Nothing new, just recycled B.S. I guess it's not as advanced as I thought. Great description of Obama's presidency so far. Welcome back Carter.
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