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I am personally loving the 4 pm start times. Although, I was sure I wouldn't like them so regularly. For me, I get a chance to get things done beforehand, and am able to fully commit myself to drinking heavily for the game given the fact I won't have to mull around half drunk for the rest of the day.


With the late start, the drinking and commiserating can almost be justifiably parlayed into an all-night affair. Thoughts?

I am personally loving the 4 pm start times. Although, I was sure I wouldn't like them so regularly. For me, I get a chance to get things done beforehand, and am able to fully commit myself to drinking heavily for the game given the fact I won't have to mull around half drunk for the rest of the day.


With the late start, the drinking and commiserating can almost be justifiably parlayed into an all-night affair. Thoughts?


If I'm watching the game on tv, 4pm is nice for those reasons you stated. When I'm at the game, 1pm is much better IMO.


What's nice about the 4pm start is that by the time the Bills kick off, I'm already half in the bag from the 1 o'clock games. It tends to ease the pain.


4 PM for away games. as I spend to much on games to leave early and generally stick around for two plus hours to let traffic clear after the game, 1 is a better start time for home games.


definitely 1pm. i enjoy waking up, and by the time i'm up, ready to get my day started, i only have to wait an hour or two to enjoy some bills football...


I like the 1. I am in Bangkok so that is midnight here I don't want to wake up at 3 and with this team being the way they are I missed 2 games that started at 4. If they start at 1 I can justifiy to myself being tired if I stay awake past 2or3. I did see the last quarter and OT last week but the stream I was on blew chuncks. I have to work this Monday and I am sleeping though this one, too. I really want to know WHY all these games at 4?


i prefer the 1pm games. by the time 4 rolls around i'm ready to drink a lot and get hammered, so i'll be hungover monday at work. i'm not big into getting ripped at 1, unless i'm going to the game

If I'm watching the game on tv, 4pm is nice for those reasons you stated. When I'm at the game, 1pm is much better IMO.




4 PM for home games that I'm attending. It allows me to go out the night before hand, get a good buzz, sleep in late on Sunday morning, and still have 4-5 hours to tailgate before kickoff.


If it's a game I'm forced to watch on TV then I definitely prefer the 1 O'clock start.


4 PM for any games that I'm attending. I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn and and still have lots of time to tailgate


If it's a game I watch on TV then I prefer the 1 O'clock start. It's hard to get a good seat at the sports bar unless we have the early game.

Don't matter


Not the question, compadre. Clearly, as stated in the thread title, which do you prefer...


Both is not a preference. If, in the future, you do not have an opinion, then just restrain from comment.

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