/dev/null Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Draws parallels between the current administration and what he witnessed early in the Nixon administration http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1009/28549.html
IDBillzFan Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Given the increase in my political awareness of late, I find this fascinating. I was particularly young during Nixon's time in the WH, and to listen to Alexander, the similarities are kind of cool. I can't figure out if people like Nixon and Obama are just massively thin-skinned pussies, or massively egomaniacal power monsters. Either way, I believe history shows us this is pretty freaking stupid, and given the absolute lack of production from the current WH on anything that matters to the American people, I suspect this is going to bite them in the ass. If Obama and his boys are going to continue to take this approach, they may want to ensure (unlike Nixon and his boys) that they don't do anything stupid, because the more people you piss off (particularly in the media) the faster you'll get caught.
1billsfan Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 This administration is immature beyond belief. Even thought 90% of the news media has been under his thumb and in the tank for him since before he's been if office, he can't handle the one news outlet that offers criticism. Apparently if you don't agree with his policies then, not only are you not a legitimate news organization, but you'll be seen as the enemy and be subject to public condemnations in the hopes of intimidating the other 90% into staying good little legitimate news organizations. Glad to see ABC's Tapper taking that balloon head Gibbs to task. How embarrassing must it be to work for ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN news department and be led by the nose from such a weak looking, pompous, narcissistic and thin skinned President. Obama was a virtually unknown person two years ago who now seems to think he's been made the King who will punish all those minions who disagree with him.
BillsNYC Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 LOVE this quote: "The British writer Edward Dicey was once introduced to President Lincoln as “one of his enemies”. "I did not know I had any enemies,” was the Lincoln’s answer; And Dicey later wrote, “I can still feel, as I write, the grip of that great boney hand held out to me in token of friendship."
Magox Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Possible Enemies list: Wall Street CHECK Banks CHECK Autmotive industry CHECK GM Bond Holders CHECK Hedge Funds CHECK Credit Card industry CHECK Health Insurance industry CHECK Medical Device Makers CHECK Chamber of Commerce CHECK FOX News Network CHECK Politicians that oppose them CHECK Future to do list: Coal Companies Oil Companies Corporations that ship jobs overseas
DC Tom Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Possible Enemies list: Wall Street CHECK Banks CHECK Autmotive industry CHECK GM Bond Holders CHECK Hedge Funds CHECK Credit Card industry CHECK Health Insurance industry CHECK Medical Device Makers CHECK Chamber of Commerce CHECK FOX News Network CHECK Politicians that oppose them CHECK Lamar Alexander CHECK Future to do list: Coal Companies Oil Companies Corporations that ship jobs overseas Missed one.
Nanker Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Given the increase in my political awareness of late, I find this fascinating. I was particularly young during Nixon's time in the WH, and to listen to Alexander, the similarities are kind of cool. I can't figure out if people like Nixon and Obama are just massively thin-skinned pussies, or massively egomaniacal power monsters. Either way, I believe history shows us this is pretty freaking stupid, and given the absolute lack of production from the current WH on anything that matters to the American people, I suspect this is going to bite them in the ass. If Obama and his boys are going to continue to take this approach, they may want to ensure (unlike Nixon and his boys) that they don't do anything stupid, because the more people you piss off (particularly in the media) the faster you'll get caught. What happened to the eavesdropping of phone conversations by the NSA? President BO put a quick end to that - didn't he? No? They're still listening in? How un-American. Well, they certainly wouldn't be listening in on any of his political enemies, would they?
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