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Some Raw Health Insurance Premium Numbers

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Just got my new 2010 health insurance packet from my insurance company. I work and my employer picks 80%... Here are the numbers and how much things are going up for family and self:


2009 I paid about 170 bucks every two weeks.


2010, that will go up to $207 every two weeks.


Now for the amount my employer will pick-up every two weeks in 2010: $367.


What is wrong with this picture considering that costs went up about $30 every two weeks last year. Will the costs ever stop climbing? And I still pay certain amount for co-pays and other deductibles...


That is a lot of money and still my health care provider (doctor) has been claiming I owe 25 bucks on my balance the insurance company will not pay... $25... :w00t::wacko: It has been so long that nobody knows why they are charging me this, I won't pay out of principle... Probably stupid on my part... I have always met my co-pays and what not, they just don't know why they are charging me this... :w00t:


Oh well, I guess almost $1200 a month isn't bad for health coverage. :w00t::w00t:


Somebody is getting rich somewhere and and it isn't me or the US gov't (okay maybe THEY are) that I work for.


Are these numbers really out-of whack? should I still feel blessed and lucky? Or should I feel like I am being bent over? I guess I can get a lesser plan.

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Your number don't add up, you liberal hack. if your employer pays 80% then how does you paying 207 and him paying 367 make 80%. Running that through my handy dandy calculator I come up with about 63%. So either your employer is screwing you or you're a lying pig.

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Looks like this thread is DOA, unless these #s can be explained a little better.


Anyway, here's the reality: Insurance companies will use any justification they can get their hands on to raise their rates. This is not news. But, unlike the government agency currently being proposed, whose employees are basically accountable to no one, insurance companies are subject to regulation by state and federal commissions, where they have to DEFEND those rate increases or pay fines, get suspended, etc.


Tell me: who is going to hold the newly minted legions of government employees accountable when they decide to raise the rates of government insurance without good/real cause? How does this not become politicized(and therefore unmanageable, and therefore destined to become massively inefficient), and stay a reasoned, defensible process as it is today?


How in God's name can you possibly expect those in charge of this proposed government program, to have a single meeting that is about efficiency and cutting cost, when it is so much easier to simply whine to Congress for more money, and/or simply Czar their way into merely giving away less service?


Show me one department in the government, besides the DoD, who has voluntarily and assertively taken the initiative to cut one of their own programs, or make it more efficient, without any external pressure......


I will be here for the rest of the week, so you have plenty of time to find it.

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Just got my new 2010 health insurance packet from my insurance company. I work and my employer picks 80%... Here are the numbers and how much things are going up for family and self:


2009 I paid about 170 bucks every two weeks.


2010, that will go up to $207 every two weeks.


Now for the amount my employer will pick-up every two weeks in 2010: $367.


What is wrong with this picture considering that costs went up about $30 every two weeks last year. Will the costs ever stop climbing? And I still pay certain amount for co-pays and other deductibles...


That is a lot of money and still my health care provider (doctor) has been claiming I owe 25 bucks on my balance the insurance company will not pay... $25... :w00t::wacko: It has been so long that nobody knows why they are charging me this, I won't pay out of principle... Probably stupid on my part... I have always met my co-pays and what not, they just don't know why they are charging me this... :w00t:


Oh well, I guess almost $1200 a month isn't bad for health coverage. :w00t::w00t:


Somebody is getting rich somewhere and and it isn't me or the US gov't (okay maybe THEY are) that I work for.


Are these numbers really out-of whack? should I still feel blessed and lucky? Or should I feel like I am being bent over? I guess I can get a lesser plan.



A couple of years ago, I was looking to bring my family on to the health insurance I got through work. I would have had to pay out almost $1,300 per month. It was cheaper, fiscally smarter and risk... but we had to go with a lesser plan until I found a job with better benefits that covered my family as well.

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Let him try to make his point, which is the exact same strategy the W.H has, give a specific, sympathetic story in how health insurance costs are going up, at the same time try paint a picture that Insurers are raping the public suggesting that the government can solve the problem for you.

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Your number don't add up, you liberal hack. if your employer pays 80% then how does you paying 207 and him paying 367 make 80%. Running that through my handy dandy calculator I come up with about 63%. So either your employer is screwing you or you're a lying pig.


EVEN WORSE!!! :lol::wacko:


I am quoting from memory of the back of my packet that I received (I don't have that new packet in front of me right now)... If those numbers don't add up to 80% then I thought my agency paid that 80%... They must pay lower when you actually crunch the FEBHA charts! I always though they paid around 80%.... :w00t::w00t:


I don't have the new booklet in front of me but looking at some old ones (other plans), the % is all running around 60-40 employer-employee split.


Wow... And here I thought my agency was picking up 80% of the tab when they are only picking up around 60%... Seems I am getting numbers in the 60-70% range when I crunch different plans I can choose from.


Wow, that sucks! :w00t::w00t:


Right now I just checked my current pay stub online and I am paying $172.69 every two weeks... I know it is going up to 207 from memory.


Sorry for the correction.

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Looks like this thread is DOA, unless these #s can be explained a little better.


Anyway, here's the reality: Insurance companies will use any justification they can get their hands on to raise their rates. This is not news. But, unlike the government agency currently being proposed, whose employees are basically accountable to no one, insurance companies are subject to regulation by state and federal commissions, where they have to DEFEND those rate increases or pay fines, get suspended, etc.


Tell me: who is going to hold the newly minted legions of government employees accountable when they decide to raise the rates of government insurance without good/real cause? How does this not become politicized(and therefore unmanageable, and therefore destined to become massively inefficient), and stay a reasoned, defensible process as it is today?


How in God's name can you possibly expect those in charge of this proposed government program, to have a single meeting that is about efficiency and cutting cost, when it is so much easier to simply whine to Congress for more money, and/or simply Czar their way into merely giving away less service?


Show me one department in the government, besides the DoD, who has voluntarily and assertively taken the initiative to cut one of their own programs, or make it more efficient, without any external pressure......


I will be here for the rest of the week, so you have plenty of time to find it.


I get paid by the DoD... They are my employer... Probably why I kick in over 40% now and they are only picking up 60%



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I get paid by the DoD... They are my employer... Probably why I kick in over 40% now and they are only picking up 60%




That also explains why your rates are so high to begin with. DoD = Federal benefits = Gold plated bullet proof cadillac insurance plan

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That also explains why your rates are so high to begin with. DoD = Federal benefits = Gold plated bullet proof cadillac insurance plan


The problem is that I can pick from about a dozen or more plans!! I should look into a lesser plan(s). Here the problem is TOO much choice and who they (agency) are dealing with... Now, they also list the premiums for the Post Office, which seem to be better... They must deal with the companies straight-up.


Of course my plan is for family and self... I got the high option, which probably explains the higher rate.


Yet... For years I always had Humana and liked them...

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The problem is that I can pick from about a dozen or more plans!! I should look into a lesser plan(s). Here the problem is TOO much choice and who they (agency) are dealing with... Now, they also list the premiums for the Post Office, which seem to be better... They must deal with the companies straight-up.


Of course my plan is for family and self... I got the high option, which probably explains the higher rate.


Yet... For years I always had Humana and liked them...

Postal is cheaper becuase of the postal workers union. They negociate very well for their folks, and while their pay isn't nearly as good as the rest of the feds, you don't need a degree and it is just as impossible to fire. Those jobs are like working at the car companies.

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They are their own worst enemy aren't they?


Hey... I am just a grunt, I work for a living... I do have computer access! :w00t:


The problem is the ones in the gov't writing the contracts to these insurance companies. That is what they are the insurance companies... Gov't contractors right?


You think that will change... I see it all the time how my agency can act in good faith, only to be screwed over by the contractors. Then the agency gets "heavy" and people cry.


Quite a mess.

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Postal is cheaper becuase of the postal workers union. They negociate very well for their folks, and while their pay isn't nearly as good as the rest of the feds, you don't need a degree and it is just as impossible to fire. Those jobs are like working at the car companies.



I am a wage grade employee, I probably make less than if I worked a similar labor job postal.

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I may be a liberal hack... I just don't want anybody to say that I am lying with the numbers... I just got home an should be sleeping... :w00t: Here are the actual numbers down to the penny for 2009 and 2010... Bi-weekly... The one plan for the Chicago area for gov't employees from the highest "golden parachute" (I presume) to the lowest GS/Wage grade worker. I don't have the numbers for 2008, but I will post the approximate amount I was paying bi-weekly:


This of course is HIGH option, family AND self.


2008: About 140-150 dollars


2009: $172.79, the employer kicked in $352.56


2010: $207.33, the employer will kick in $376.04



Here are the USPS (postal) premiums that they negoiated separate from the gov't:


2009: $118.83, the employer kicks in $406.42


2010: $155.10, the employer will kick in $428.27




Again... This is the same plan that I have had for a long time (over 10 years). Can I expect the premiums to go up 60 bucks a month every year?? The actual plan is also changing with higher deductibles and co-pays every year (service is going down).


Oh... I just got back from shelling out 50 bucks (a month) on Rx's...


Again... Not that I am complaining... I still tend to feel very lucky and blessed... Just why the skyrocketing health that are coming close to outpacing COLA and other costs in an economy where everything else is getting cheaper and stabilizing out?


The one gpod thing is that my COLA barely keeps pace with these numbers because I make a decent wage. I won't find out what that COLA will be for my wage schedule (believe it or not my wage grade is based of the Quad Cities which is higher than the Chicago area-- Set with regard to other industry) and area till about November or December (I will wait till the hourly wages are officailly posted). But, not by much. Just imagine the poor slep that makes a lower hourly rate. :w00t:



Again... I am posting this so people can get a picture of what some people are paying out there. Of course I have choice and can economize when my plan out prices me... Just as I can stop going to Bills games if they out price me, or Bear's games if they slap a PSL on people... :w00t::w00t: Yet, I am in a middle of the road plan... I know people who pay more.


I hope this picture helps with the amount of money that is funneling into the system. IMO, I see the problem being the numerous "middle men" contractors.

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A quick google suggests that DOD typically pays ~45%. Are you sure about the 80%?


I was wrong... I don't know why I said 80%... I was off by about 15-20%! :w00t::w00t: I looked at actual hard numbers on the back of various plan packets (we have in the office so one can make a choice) from this year and last year... And the %'s seem to vary. You would think that would all be the same %.



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