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Well stick a fork in us.

Mile High

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Last night I was watching the game with all die hard Bills fans. So I turned to my buddy after the game and said, "now that we're almost done who ya cheering for?"

I then told him I'm pulling for Indy due to the fact that I hope Bill Polian gets the superbowl ring he really deserves. I mean come on guys the guy got a raw deal and he should've stayed here in Buffalo but differences should've been settled. Anyway all of that means stevestojan to me and I still like the guy due to what he did for the Bills. Once the regular season is over and the Bills are done I'm rooting for the Colts.

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Last night I was watching the game with all die hard Bills fans.  So I turned to my buddy after the game and said, "now that we're almost done who ya cheering for?"

I then told him I'm pulling for Indy due to the fact that I hope Bill Polian gets the superbowl ring he really deserves.  I mean come on guys the guy got a raw deal and he should've stayed here in Buffalo but differences should've been settled.  Anyway all of that means stevestojan to me and I still like the guy due to what he did for the Bills.  Once the regular season is over and the Bills are done I'm rooting for the Colts.


Anyone who plays against the Pats.

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It comes down more to people that teams...but he's a short list..


San Diego - Respect for Wade, Marty, like what Brees has done after everyone has counted him out.


Minny - Winfield, Cottrell - and I like Mike Tice.


NE - sorry guys, but I have a great deal of respect for Bill Belichek. I like the way he handles himself and how he prepares his team. This team could be on the front page every day, declaring how great they are and they just work as a team.


Indy - Dungy/Polian factor.

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So none of you have a 2nd team? None of you will watch the playoffs and root for anyone? Either you are full of crap or pathetic one of the two. Carolina is breasts up as well so me and deeray are screwed top and bottom :P


I will root for Indy. I dig payton manning. he is the only guy with class in his family. I like Pitt. They remind me of how the Bills SHOULD be.

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i can't root for any other teams. i sorta like the pitt cause the bus helped me beat ice in fantasy football a few years back ( :P ), but really i will just be playing out the string watching the remaining bills games....then rooting for all the underdogs in the playoffs.



...again...*sigh* :lol:

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I generally will not pull for another AFC team, but I do like Indy. Then again anyone but the pats would work for me. Living in Boston and being a Bills/Sabres/Mets fan is really tough. I lost 1986 this year, and cannot take another pats superbowl victory. If any of my friends come up to me and say "how many superbowl rings do the Bills have" again, I might hurt someone.


On the NFC side I am definately pulling for Green Bay and Farve. He is trully Mr. Football.

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So none of you have a 2nd team?  None of you will watch the playoffs and root for anyone?  Either you are full of crap or pathetic one of the two.  Carolina is breasts up as well so me and deeray are screwed top and bottom  :P


I will root for Indy. I dig payton manning. he is the only guy with class in his family.  I like Pitt. They remind me of how the Bills SHOULD be.



Actually I do have a second team and like you and Deeray, its Carolina. :lol: I am also kind of rooting for Pittsburgh, because their system is how ours is supposed to work, so if it goes well for them, maybe, just maybe there is hope the Bills in the future.

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So none of you have a 2nd team?  None of you will watch the playoffs and root for anyone?  Either you are full of crap or pathetic one of the two.  Carolina is breasts up as well so me and deeray are screwed top and bottom  :lol:


I will root for Indy. I dig payton manning. he is the only guy with class in his family.  I like Pitt. They remind me of how the Bills SHOULD be.



I root for the Bills every week, obviously. I just will not be rooting for their season this year. :lol:


I enjoy watching Manning because he is improvising his play on the field as the D moves around. Reminds me a lot of the K Gun.


Outside of watching the Bills I really do not care very much who wins. So, am I full of crap or pathetic? :P

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I cant believe the Colts ballwashing in here! If Manning had run up the score just to break records against you guys, you'd be calling him the most classless guy in the NFL.



My secondary team is San Diego. Only because my inlaws live out in SD and I've seen a few Chargers games. Obviously head to head I'm taking the Pats EVERY TIME.

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I cant believe the Colts ballwashing in here!   If Manning had run up the score just to break records against you guys, you'd be calling him the most classless guy in the NFL.

My secondary team is San Diego.  Only because my inlaws live out in SD and I've seen a few Chargers games.    Obviously head to head I'm taking the Pats EVERY TIME.


Ballwashers? :P Why because some of us like what Bill Polian did for our franchise back in the day? The truth is the Pats got LUCKY in NE with the first win of the year over the Colts. And I'm sure most of the Pats fans don't want to see Peyton and Co. back in NE because they are SCARED. Especially with the way he is playing now. I know I would be.... :lol:

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1. I hate the Pats.

2. I think they would love to see Indy again at Foxboro.

3. I think they would be willing to play anyone at Foxboro.

4. The worse part is, I think they would win, against Indy, anyone right now.


Remember to keep refering to #1

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Of course the Buffalo Bills are always my top priority....


But Im gonna pull for the Philadelphia Eagles, a few close friends of mine are actually good Eagles fans (yes they do exist) and they support the Bills too, both of them have been to the Ralph with me for a game and like the Bills fans/taigating experiences.... and I live in an area where the Eagles are so despised, seeing them win would be great because it would annoy so many Giants and Jets fans here!

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