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Better get to the animal shelter while there's still time!


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As an owner of three cats who stands to profit greatly from something like this...this is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever heard. :unsure:


Do I have to get them Social Security Numbers or something for this to work?


I have two, but have all receipts for the two since dearly departed. Will this cover retroactive costs? - what with this current Congress considering the Constitution as a pesky impediment...

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I like to play video games, but with the recession and rising system/game costs, its becoming tougher and tougher to continue to buy games. Can i get a tax credit for that?


On second thought, perhaps i should be "diagnosed" with a "disorder" that makes me want to stay home and play video games. Then i can't be fired if i skip work to play madden, because it would be discrimination.


EDIT: this tax break represents discrimination because my landlord says i cannot have a pet in my apartment. I want to and would have a pet f i could, so I believe the gubmint should subsidize me the money i am missing out on.

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I have two, but have all receipts for the two since dearly departed. Will this cover retroactive costs? - what with this current Congress considering the Constitution as a pesky impediment...

Yeah, THIS congress. As opposed to the last 10 that have stuck strictly to the letter of the Constitution. :unsure:


Partisan blindness is doing wonders for our freedoms.

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Yeah, what slope? There's no slope. We stepped off the edge of the cliff a while ago.



The US Congress. Doing everythine possible to put The Onion out of business. :unsure:

As I was writing that, I was thinking we have more of a water slide.

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Yeah, THIS congress. As opposed to the last 10 that have stuck strictly to the letter of the Constitution. :unsure:


Partisan blindness is doing wonders for our freedoms.


Enjoy the coming one-party government. It's over and done with...the worker's paradise is just around the corner. The unions will be the Pretorian Guard, of course...

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Enjoy the coming one-party government. It's over and done with...the worker's paradise is just around the corner. The unions will be the Pretorian Guard, of course...

And the President the dictator, stemming from powers obtained during wars on various groups. Face it, your "can do no wrong" republican party is just as responsible for the demise of the Constitution as the democrats. Every time one party takes control, they increase their powers through new laws, never giving a thought to the fact that sooner or later the other party is going to be able to use those same laws for their own misguided agendas.


All of your blathering about liberals is pointless and tiresome.

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And the President the dictator, stemming from powers obtained during wars on various groups. Face it, your "can do no wrong" republican party is just as responsible for the demise of the Constitution as the democrats. Every time one party takes control, they increase their powers through new laws, never giving a thought to the fact that sooner or later the other party is going to be able to use those same laws for their own misguided agendas.


All of your blathering about liberals is pointless and tiresome.


Enjoy. Haven't you read anything about what is going on? It is unprecedented.


It's over - you have finally won. Rejoice.

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IRS: Chef Jim, you've claimed a $3,500 deduction in years 2009-2012. Is this for pet care?

Chef Jim: Yes sir.

IRS: Ok, Chef Jim. What is the pet's name.

Chef Jim: Fluffy sir.

IRS: Ok, can you provide Fluffy as proof?

Chef Jim: No can do sir.

IRS: And why not?

Chef Jim: Economy sucked....got hungry sir.

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And the President the dictator, stemming from powers obtained during wars on various groups. Face it, your "can do no wrong" republican party is just as responsible for the demise of the Constitution as the democrats. Every time one party takes control, they increase their powers through new laws, never giving a thought to the fact that sooner or later the other party is going to be able to use those same laws for their own misguided agendas.




Back on the original topic, will pets be covered under the Public Option? If so, will abortions for pets be covered?

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