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I can see how you'd react to a casino from that experience... when you have an area with a lot of them, that would be an accurate representation. However, having exclusivity really improves the experience, like at Foxwoods or Casino de Montreal- it is THE place, and there is a lot more going on.


Come on man, do you really think that Buffalo would not totally fubar the whole thing?

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Look at Las Vega then look at Laughlin. The difference is so striking but they both have casinos.

OK, but the NF NY casino is really the only clean, nice type place that anyone would ever go there for outside of that park that has all the rapids in it.


I mean, really, the casino is actually a nice, clean, safe property on the NY side. Where's the economic development staff to bring in some more attractions around it?

Could downtown Buffalo get any worse? Could Niagara Falls, NY look any more God-awful?


Just look across the border to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada... sorry; you lose.



Wrong, Baltimore's Inner Harbor is fine without a casino.

I thought there might be a slim chance of this happening until i saw the section of the planning map marked off for "Bass Pro" :lol:

I understand your skepticism, Ramius, but this is happening. I just got back from the public meeting at the Albright Knox an hour ago, and the excitement is truly tangible - you can feel it. I wish you could see the videos and renderings - they are spectacular. Bass Pro is on-board, despite having halted every other construction project 'on their plate' - they are just waiting (at least, so they say) for State and Federal sign-off before signing their own 'legally binding contract'...


Bass Pro affirms plan for store in Canal Side


BTW, what has held them up for so long is the constant site-shifting, mostly prompted by Larry Quinn and Bob & Mindy Rich, in their haste to put something - anything - up quickly, despite the fact that there has been an agreed upon historical preservation plan in place since 1999. (Yes, Tim Tielman and my preservationist pals have been a pain-in-the-ass to any & every attempt to encroach on the historical Erie Canal remnants that still remain, completely in tact, and buried under just a few feet of gravel thrown on top to make parking lots when we won a coin toss for...



..and expanded The Aud.


Now that we've managed to convince Larry, Bob, & Mindy that they'll wind up in court - and never win - if they try to take the prime centerpiece of the historical site to build a Benderson box for their Florida friends at Bass Pro, more creative minds have prevailed; the old canals will be re-dug', bringing the waterfront 'inland' (right in front of the old Aud, where the original Erie Canal once flowed) and giving Bass Pro their waterfront site.


Here's the entire site - old Naval Museum still there, along with The Aud...


Ariel of site


Now here's the site today - with old Aud (gone) in the foreground, new Naval Museum in the background (top right), and Commercial Slip 're-dug' half-way to old-Aud-soon-to-be-Bass Pro...


Aud demolition


And here's the rendering of what WILL be in 5-10 years (HSBC lower right, new Bass Pro/old Aud top center)....


Canal Side


(existing HSBC offices and Buffalo News HQ on Washington St. are represented at far right above HSBC Arena)


If you're really interested, here's a good site to follow the progress...


Link - Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp.


Now we just need to get that Skyway down...


What would make it perfect is get rid of the damn skyway.



Congressman Higgins is on board, but methinks too much graft has changed hands between the State bureaucrats in charge and the contractors that get $6M to re-paint the thing every few years - OTOH, now that NYS is about to run out of $$$$ in 6 months, who knows? 'If we can't afford to paint it, tear it down,' sounds about right for this State. :wacko:


Yes, but they make those kinds of calls. The whole thread started over a waterfront plan, and it should include a casino to pump more revenue into the city. This would help to ease tax burdens and stimulate the economy, and also present an opportunity to make even more improvements. THAT was the whole point...

The Seneca's are on board, and the casino's already there, my friend - one could argue that they took a huge gamble themselves and were 'first-in' before any of this other development...


Ground broken for bigger casino in Buffalo



Don't even get me started on this - the Seneca Buffalo Casino represents everything that's f'd up about doing business in The BuffTown - we beg them to build a casino, then refuse to sell them a site; when they get frustrated and say "Screw you, we'll build in Cheektowaga," we sue them to make them build in Buffalo; we win that lawsuit, and they design a beautiful facility to be built on a site that is currently nothing but ghetto (and never will be, without the Seneca project), and as soon as they break ground, we sue to make them stop :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:



If it weren't for morons and mis-guided NIMBY obstructionists, THIS would already be standing, one block from the water, and 3 blocks from HSBC Arena...


Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino - Site Plan


Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino - Economic Benefits


On the plus side, all those canadians can take the new bridge to get to the waterfront.

I could do a lengthy treatise on that issue as well, Ramius, As long as the idiots at the Public Bridge Authority keep trying to ram the wrong design down our throats just to guarantee their own continued bonding authority (i.e., their very existence) - and because they've already accepted graft for the design they've chosen without public input - and continue to invent specious arguments and outright lies about endangering migratory birds, etc., in their duplicitous attempt to justify their crimes - rather than doing the right thing and moving the entire project up-river, building a true signature design, and restoring Front Park - the crown jewel in Buffalo's Olmsted Park system - there'll be sensible obstructionists like myself trying to keep 'folks in charge' from f'ing up like they did with UB Amherst, and that football stadium way out in Orchard Park B-)

  • 7 months later...
Maybe California could lend us a half billion or so to remove the skyway and build a new southtowns connector...


Half a billion? Pffft, chump change.

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