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Have you guys been hearing about this? This is embarrassing, the White House denied access of FOX to interview the Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg, and when they made this decision, the rest of the networks decided if they followed through with this, they wouldn't participate.




Today the White House stepped up its attack on Fox News, announcing that the network would no longer be able to conduct interviews with officials as a member of the Press Pool. The Pool is a five-member group consisting of ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News and NBC organized by the White House Correspondents Association. Its membership is not subject to oversight by the government.


Before an interview with "Pay Czar" Kenneth Feinberg, the administration announced that Fox News would be banned from the press pool. This marks the first time in history that an administration had attempted to ban an entire network from the press pool.


To their credit, the other networks objected. They told the White House that if Fox were banned, none of the other networks would participate. The White House relented, but in an apparent act of petulant retaliation, it restricted each network to a two-minute interview instead of the standard five.


un!@#$ingbelievable :cry:


That's embarrassing. Even the Bush administration's relations with the press, which were at best hostile, was never this petulant and condescending.



I'd like to see Feinberg interviewed by CNBC, though. The network best equipped to interview him on the issues, that's likely to ask tough questions at the expense of the administration AND against the wishes of their parent company (GE). But I doubt Immelt OR the administration would allow a financial network to interview any of the administration's financial people on financial issues...too damned risky.

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In all fairness, now that the recession is over, the economy has recovered, unemployment is at 4%, health care reform is a rousing bipartisan success and Afghanistan is peaceful, what else does this administration have to deal with?


Can we just stop with the Afghanistan BS already? The Obama administration's not going to untangle that snakepit, through no fault of their own, no matter how hard they try. Can't really hold them responsible for people continuing to kill each other who have been killing each other for 3000 years.

Can we just stop with the Afghanistan BS already? The Obama administration's not going to untangle that snakepit, through no fault of their own, no matter how hard they try. Can't really hold them responsible for people continuing to kill each other who have been killing each other for 3000 years.

But we Hoped that he would Change everything


Yes we did

Can we just stop with the Afghanistan BS already? The Obama administration's not going to untangle that snakepit, through no fault of their own, no matter how hard they try. Can't really hold them responsible for people continuing to kill each other who have been killing each other for 3000 years.

Then get out. Or send more troops. Or do SOMETHING. But no. He needs to do fundraisers, and yell about Fox News, or have another campaign speech to some obscure union so he can feel all warm and loved again.


I've said it and will keep saying it: he's the Dick Jauron of presidents. If he could punt on fourth and inches while down by seven with eight minutes left, Obama would do it in a NY minute. Unless he had some timeouts left, in which case he'd call them all consecutively while asking Gibbs to run out of the field and pretend he pulled a hammy.


His lack of experience is embarrassingly obvious, and you know how you know it's embarrassingly obvious? Look around. See Bishop? See Blzrul? See Bad Leftenant?


No. Cuz even they're embarrassed by this idiot.


He's a fool, and I'm starting to miss Jimmy Carter.

That's embarrassing. Even the Bush administration's relations with the press, which were at best hostile, was never this petulant and condescending.



I'd like to see Feinberg interviewed by CNBC, though. The network best equipped to interview him on the issues, that's likely to ask tough questions at the expense of the administration AND against the wishes of their parent company (GE). But I doubt Immelt OR the administration would allow a financial network to interview any of the administration's financial people on financial issues...too damned risky.

It is embarrassing, and I'm glad you brought up GE, they were a benificiary of TARP, why in the hell are they not listed as one of the companies with the pay restrictions? Could it be because Immelt has been sucking up to BO? This is amazing, how is it that we see this, but the majority of the country doesn't?


I gotta go, I'm feeling disgusted :cry:

Then get out. Or send more troops. Or do SOMETHING. But no. He needs to do fundraisers, and yell about Fox News, or have another campaign speech to some obscure union so he can feel all warm and loved again.


I've said it and will keep saying it: he's the Dick Jauron of presidents. If he could punt on fourth and inches while down by seven with eight minutes left, Obama would do it in a NY minute. Unless he had some timeouts left, in which case he'd call them all consecutively while asking Gibbs to run out of the field and pretend he pulled a hammy.


His lack of experience is embarrassingly obvious, and you know how you know it's embarrassingly obvious? Look around. See Bishop? See Blzrul? See Bad Leftenant?


No. Cuz even they're embarrassed by this idiot.


He's a fool, and I'm starting to miss Jimmy Carter.

The something they should do is make a deal with the Taliban. Let them take back power, buy all of their opium and keep a knife to their back. Pay them to kill Alqaeda. That's what Joe Biden will come up with next.

It is embarrassing, and I'm glad you brought up GE, they were a benificiary of TARP, why in the hell are they not listed as one of the companies with the pay restrictions? Could it be because Immelt has been sucking up to BO? This is amazing, how is it that we see this, but the majority of the country doesn't?


I gotta go, I'm feeling disgusted :cry:


...or stumping on the campaign trail for a crooked politician who got a sweetheart deal from Countrywide. A company that tanked leading this country into an economic disaster. A company which needed more and more our money to help keep it afloat all the while millions of Americans were losing their homes due to foreclosures. This guy is a joke, he's full of you know what, he's become an embarrassment here and around the world. Disgusted is a good word to use here.

Then get out. Or send more troops. Or do SOMETHING. But no. He needs to do fundraisers, and yell about Fox News, or have another campaign speech to some obscure union so he can feel all warm and loved again.


I've said it and will keep saying it: he's the Dick Jauron of presidents. If he could punt on fourth and inches while down by seven with eight minutes left, Obama would do it in a NY minute. Unless he had some timeouts left, in which case he'd call them all consecutively while asking Gibbs to run out of the field and pretend he pulled a hammy.


His lack of experience is embarrassingly obvious, and you know how you know it's embarrassingly obvious? Look around. See Bishop? See Blzrul? See Bad Leftenant?


No. Cuz even they're embarrassed by this idiot.


He's a fool, and I'm starting to miss Jimmy Carter.



Did we expect anything else?...




I was watching Fox News this week and one of the political commentators gave a very fitting description of Obama the politician. He said that Obama as a politician was a deliberator, not a decision maker and that to be a successful President you have to be a decision maker.

But FoxSnooze has never been one to just disagree with people themselves; they demonize anyone and virtually everyone to hell and gone. The administration's biggest problem there is stooping to Fox's level.


And a point of note: as a believer that the economy does whatever the hell it wants with no regard to White House, I refuse to blame any of it on Obama. And the "stalling" on Afghanistan, I refuse to believe is a bad thing, give how naively idealistic their policy there has been.



I disagree. If the gov't were to lower income taxes and corporate taxes by 80% and deregulate a bunch of stuff to make it appealing to manufacturing you would see a boon in the economy short-term and long-term.


The facts are we lost manufacturing because of law changes in regulation, taxation, and not being manufacturing friendly with our laws that can be directly related to the gov't. People go to China for a reason and the #1 reason is not taxes, it's regulation.

  • 3 weeks later...


Anita Dunn, President Barack Obama’s outgoing communications director, renewed her attacks against Fox News as she praised the “investigative journalism” of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and said MSNBC was not a biased cable news network.




Sadly, you're laughing at Anita when you should be laughing at the journalism industry.

Sadly, you're laughing at Anita when you should be laughing at the journalism industry.

Industry being the key word


If you owned a business and somebody was propping up your latest scam (green technology) while printing money to bail out your recent track record of pure suckitude, would you criticize them?

Sadly, you're laughing at Anita when you should be laughing at the journalism industry.


I think that particular line provides plenty of opportunity to laugh at both.

Sadly, you're laughing at Anita when you should be laughing at the journalism industry.

she considers the Daily show as "good investigative journalism" and "MSNBC as not being biased"


so yes, I'm laughing at Anita dumb dunn :lol:


what is sad, is that she speaks for the White House and BO, that's whats sad

she considers the Daily show as "good investigative journalism" and "MSNBC as not being biased"


so yes, I'm laughing at Anita dumb dunn :lol:


what is sad, is that she speaks for the White House and BO, that's whats sad


The Daily Show is good investigative journalism, in this day and age.

Industry being the key word


If you owned a business and somebody was propping up your latest scam (green technology) while printing money to bail out your recent track record of pure suckitude, would you criticize them?


The business of America is business.

He who believes himself to be without hypocrisy is the biggest hypocrite of all!


It's just so obvious. And, so self evidently true!


....and what is equally obvious? Your obfuscation. :lol:


If we all agree that everyone is a hypocrite, then no one can ever be held accountable for their wrongheaded views. Therefore, nobody ever truly makes mistakes....thereby removing all opportunity to LEARN from those mistakes. :wallbash:


That seems strange coming from a retired navy guy. Actually, it seems diametrically opposed to what armed service teaches us.


And, since you apparently want to remove all accountability, and especially from politicians/those espousing political views, apparently you are in favor of creating an environment where the only thing that matters is political expediency. Apparently you are a big LBJ fan, because he tried to run everything based on opinion polls, rather than actually standing for something.


Or...is it really: you only want to focus on the mistakes made by people not on your "team" and ignore the ones your "team" makes, as was initially suggested? It's fine if you do, plenty of people on both sides want to do that, fairly or unfairly.


What's not fine is your sanctimonious attempt at preaching "Amercian Values" to us with your TR quote, but then not being willing to acknowledge those same values, or rationalizing them, when they are applied by others. They were absolute when you applied them to Bush. But now, they are relative when they are applied to Obama? Horsecrap.

The business of America is business.

I am in business. In fact I partially own one. I don't remember creating a scam strategy, or getting the government to either run, or be complicit in, my racket for me this week. In business school, I don't remember learning that instead of using my skills and my ability to properly recruit, retain and manage the skills of others towards creating competitive products/services, I should simply pay off a bunch of politicians to create a phony "industry".


I, and I assume many others here, lived the .com nonsense. This global warming crap has a very good chance right now of bubbling, and bursting just the same, and for the same reasons: when we let investment bankers become board members, and those "we have money, therefore we are smart" boards put marketing people, instead of people that actually know the business, in charge of companies.....assclown behavior always ensues.


This entire Global WarmingTM thing is simply the .coms all over again, and it will have the same results:

1. Scamming investors

2. Real innovators in "green techs" whose real, well built/conceived products/services will be crowed out or lost in the noise

3. Money being diverted towards the business plans that support a political agenda, or are the most "marketing hype friendly", instead of those that have the most merit and have the highest chance of long term profitability.

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