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You have to look at the players strengths and what the situation is. We're blessed to have to very good RBs who have different strengths. Marshawn moves the piles and is one of the strongest runners in the league. Sometimes it takes 5 defenders to take him down. He is a cut then run player that can make many players miss the tackle and is a better blocker than Fred. Fred has an amazing burst of speed once he hits the holes. He can catch the ball very well. I don't think age really has a factor in the conversation simply because of the time Fred has spent in the NFL on the active roster. Yes, he is 29, but he hasn't taken the beating that 6-7year veteran RB has taken.


Do not see much to to say either is better than the other .. both play hard .. but I expect Fred to get yards .. with Lynch .. he SHOULD get the yards, but always seems a few shy, with about 3 guys on his back .. for some reason Fred seems to make more miss .. and his struggles seems to get a few extra yards.


I vote Fred ...


It's simple really, Fred has vision and finds the tiny seam to slip through for 5 yards or so. No wasted motion,,,,just gets the ball, sees the crack and hits it hard. Lynch gets the ball and doesn't always find the seam, makes a cut or two and then 4 guys are piling on before he can get moving.


I don't love Fred on the sweeps but he usually follows his blockers and can turn the corner. Both Fred and Lynch seem to get strung out on the sweeps since neither is a burner.


Both guys can be useful in the passing game. Maybe they should have Marshawn get singled up on a LB more often and get the ball in his hands in space.


Overall, I'd like to see Fred get more of the carries between the tackles. Lynch is good to spell him and work him in the passing game more. Definitely go with the hot hand if one guy is running better than the other.

Beware...the "Beast Mode" worshipers will react hysterically to such comments.


u r right. i am getting hysterical. truth be told if lynch would get the full load of carries like he's supposed to u would see a stronger running game. 80% lynch 20% fred would result in wins. this 50/50 is killing the momentum for both runners.

Lynch is better, hate to break it to you. Lynch turns 1 yard losses into 10 yards gains. Lynch is never brought down by the first tackler. Jackson is good, but he is second to Lynch.




I seen one handoff from the shotgun position yesterday and before I saw #22 on the jersey I thought #34. Fred Jackson has proved again and again why he should be the #1 back on the Bills roster.

NO, Lynch should get the carries. Lynch is 23, and fred jackson is 29. Lynch is the future, so give him the bulk of the carries.


I watched the game, and thought jackson was ineffective when he got carries. Just my opinion, but give the ball to Lynch


i agree with you. age plays a MAJOR FACTOR. fj is good. i give it to him. but he is also at the end of his career. he should not be our #1 right now. sorry fj lovers. we would not even be in this situation if lynch didnt get suspended earlier in the year. fj would be #2 and that would be that.


lets go with 80/20 split of the carries. lynch getting the 80% and it will result in wins.

Does someone have to start this thread every week? Enough already of the same crap...


Fred's better

No, Marshawn's better.

No, give it to the hot hand.

We're lucky to have them both.

Yes, we should split the carries and keep them fresh.


End of thread...


lol. actually u r right. this happens in practically all the threads.

ML looks slower than in the past and not cutting up the field or hitting the hole as most good RBs do. Maybe he is a little too heavy right now.


thats cuz he is trying to make the best of his 50/50 role. not too heavy. just right. needs more carries.

You do realize that Freddie is 28 not 29, right? Is being that "old" really a good reason to bench him for a slower, less explosive, and less versatile running back?


lynch= less explosive??? lets not insult the best player on our team. please.

I think that they should give them even carries for the first part of the game and then go with the hot hand as the game wears on.


that would equal no momentum for both guys.

they need to look at the future. lynch is our future. we should let lynch wear out the defense, throw fj periodically (20%), and we will win.


Yes, Yes, Yes! He's just able to find the holes better than Lynch. He has excellent vision that Marshawn lacks. I like Marshawn but Freddy's just better. That's the bottom line.

that would equal no momentum for both guys.

they need to look at the future. lynch is our future. we should let lynch wear out the defense, throw fj periodically (20%), and we will win.


I'm not saying bench Lynch for the rest of the game, but if Jackson is getting a lot more yardage in the early part of a game then the Bills should give him more carries in the second half. I love Lynch, but he has yet to show that he's a "game breaker" so I favor the hot hand approach for the time being. Maybe as the season goes along Lynch comes into his own and earns the undisputed role as the starter and bulk ball carrier.

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