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And to suggest in a broad stroke that all of the private sector doesn't care about the citizens is ridiculous because that is also saying that they don't care about their customers, and when you don't care about your customers, your customers don't care about you and they ultimately find someone else to buy their products from. Assuming, of course, that the citizens aren't hog-tied to state regulations which restrict more competition in the state.

Large companies don't care about their customers. They care about lip service and metrics. To think anything else is ludicrous.

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Large companies don't care about their customers. They care about lip service and metrics. To think anything else is ludicrous.

Fair enough. But y'know, the last time I went to Wal Mart they greeted me and handed me a cart. And it was a really good cart. Not one of those wobbly-wheeled disasters. So I think they care about me.

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Generally speaking, companies don't care about individuals and their well being, specially considering that it isn't a living entity and the ultimate goal is to make a profit. Having said that, companies do care about profits and in many businesses, that entails good customer service which leads to the impression that the company cares for you. If you don't provide good, "caring" service, many businesses go under. So in many cases, I hardly see the difference.

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Ummmm...the citizens care about the citizens. Which is completely lost on Washington, which is why you keep hearing the rhetoric sound like "This is what my constituents need..." instead of "This is what my constituents want..." because, let's face it, people are just too stupid to take care of themselves and if the government can just take care of everyone, then everyone won't need to take care of themselves. And hey...who doesn't want the government running everything in their life? :doh:


And to suggest in a broad stroke that all of the private sector doesn't care about the citizens is ridiculous because that is also saying that they don't care about their customers, and when you don't care about your customers, your customers don't care about you and they ultimately find someone else to buy their products from. Assuming, of course, that the citizens aren't hog-tied to state regulations which restrict more competition in the state.


Tough concept, I know...


(Note: I am not defending 1billsfan. I'm disagreeing with your very general statement. Please don't confuse the two.)

The private sector doesn't care about the customers either, they care about making a profit at the customers expense and hiding it with fancy commercials which confuse the issue. Nobody cares about anybody, the government and private sector care about wealth and power.

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The private sector doesn't care about the customers either, they care about making a profit at the customers expense and hiding it with fancy commercials which confuse the issue. Nobody cares about anybody, the government and private sector care about wealth and power.


Actually, they care about making a profit, period. Whether or not it's at the customer's expense is at worst irrelevent - and at best, the most successful companies recognize that customer service and loyalty are real assets, and try not to overtly !@#$ over the customer.

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Actually, they care about making a profit, period. Whether or not it's at the customer's expense is at worst irrelevent - and at best, the most successful companies recognize that customer service and loyalty are real assets, and try not to overtly !@#$ over the customer.

I used to believe that

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Generally speaking, companies don't care about individuals and their well being, specially considering that it isn't a living entity and the ultimate goal is to make a profit. Having said that, companies do care about profits and in many businesses, that entails good customer service which leads to the impression that the company cares for you. If you don't provide good, "caring" service, many businesses go under. So in many cases, I hardly see the difference.


Actually, they care about making a profit, period. Whether or not it's at the customer's expense is at worst irrelevent - and at best, the most successful companies recognize that customer service and loyalty are real assets, and try not to overtly !@#$ over the customer.


At least 1 moderate size company in my experience where I have access to the high level decision making actually cares about Customer Service, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't motivated by profit. However, they do seem to actually care about their customers and employees.


I actually think that if the records are correct, 3% is sorta weak. Seems the shareholders might have more of an issue with CEOs with high salaries. That is just me though.

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Generally speaking, companies don't care about individuals and their well being, specially considering that it isn't a living entity and the ultimate goal is to make a profit. Having said that, companies do care about profits and in many businesses, that entails good customer service which leads to the impression that the company cares for you. If you don't provide good, "caring" service, many businesses go under. So in many cases, I hardly see the difference.

Correct me if I am wrong. But did you say that a company actually caring for there customers and pretending to care for there customers are the same thing? In all cases, I see a huge difference.

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At least 1 moderate size company in my experience where I have access to the high level decision making actually cares about Customer Service, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't motivated by profit. However, they do seem to actually care about their customers and employees.


I actually think that if the records are correct, 3% is sorta weak. Seems the shareholders might have more of an issue with CEOs with high salaries. That is just me though.

I wonder why this country/world is in such ****ty shape. No one gives a **** about anything other than money. Sad, really sad.

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I wonder why this country/world is in such ****ty shape. No one gives a **** about anything other than money. Sad, really sad.

As sad as it may be, it is for this reason that allows more employment opportunities, whether it is morally right or wrong.

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But the difference between good customer service and caring about your customers is not nearly as big a gulf.


Very true. In many cases you have to give the customer what they want even though they are lying. It becomes a balance between "do we want all customers trying to pull this" vs a customer retention issue. The best ones at customer service can manage to give the ones who abuse the system a pat on the head with little real compensation. All while making them think they are being royally compensated.

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Very true. In many cases you have to give the customer what they want even though they are lying. It becomes a balance between "do we want all customers trying to pull this" vs a customer retention issue. The best ones at customer service can manage to give the ones who abuse the system a pat on the head with little real compensation. All while making them think they are being royally compensated.


No, we just pissed in their food. :doh:

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I wasn't talking about the restaurants totally. Those customer service types did both, pissed in their food and made them like it. :lol:


Only a top quality Chef can piss in someones food and then get a compliment back in the kitchen. :doh:


It's an art I tell ya.

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