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Ravens recently contacted the Bills about the possibility of acquiring


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FOX Sports' Jay Glazer reports that the Ravens recently contacted the Bills about the possibility of acquiring Terrell Owens.


The Bills reportedly balked because ticket sales have spiked since they signed T.O. Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome has been trying to get Owens on his roster for years. He probably wouldn't give up more than a fifth- or sixth-round pick, though.

Source: Profootballtalk on NBC Sports

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FOX Sports' Jay Glazer reports that the Ravens recently contacted the Bills about the possibility of acquiring Terrell Owens.


The Bills reportedly balked because ticket sales have spiked since they signed T.O. Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome has been trying to get Owens on his roster for years. He probably wouldn't give up more than a fifth- or sixth-round pick, though.

Source: Profootballtalk on NBC Sports


You don't trade TO for less than a 3rd rounder IMO. Not sure if that will happen though.

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FOX Sports' Jay Glazer reports that the Ravens recently contacted the Bills about the possibility of acquiring Terrell Owens.


The Bills reportedly balked because ticket sales have spiked since they signed T.O. Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome has been trying to get Owens on his roster for years. He probably wouldn't give up more than a fifth- or sixth-round pick, though.

Source: Profootballtalk on NBC Sports


T.O. is a UFA at the end of this year. :P

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I'd give up a 4th. The desire to have TO on another team in likely going to heat-up. There are teams that are clearly going to the play-offs this year (the Bills not one of them). To them, TO may push them over the hump and single-handedly win them a critical playoff game. We see this in the NHL every year.

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NO! I want to watch TO run routes and catch 1 pass a week while we go 1-15. Then he will leave as an UFA and the Bills will get nothing for him. But ticket sales spiked when they signed him! Are they kidding me? Ticket sales will spike next year when they get a new coach and a new QB and have 12 draft picks. They have sold out every game for the last 7 years anyway. Start dumping junk now and stockpile draft picks. The incompetence and stupidy at OBD is mind boggling. I think they think they still have a chance to win 10 games this year. Only if they play a 100 game schedule.

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The Bills won't trade TO because he's the only big ticket player they have, and the team signed him to make up for DJ. Without TO, the focus will be on the coach and front office even more than it is now.


RW made the call to sign TO, and it'll take his blessing to trade the guy. I highly doubt he acquiesces and permits their only big name player to go for a draft pick, even if it's best for the future of the franchise.

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Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome has been trying to get Owens on his roster for years.


didn't Newsome already get him on the roster and then had to trade him to the Eagles because he wouldn't play there? And wasn't Ray Lewis extremely pissed that T.O. refused to play there and mocked him in the media? Didn't TO mock Lewis in a TD celebration when they played each other? Why would this trade happen again?


The Bills aren't trading T.O., doing that would admit to the fan base that they have given up on the season. And even if they have given up..they aren't going to trade the guy that they sold you as this seasons hope

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The Bills won't trade TO because he's the only big ticket player they have, and the team signed him to make up for DJ. Without TO, the focus will be on the coach and front office even more than it is now.


RW made the call to sign TO, and it'll take his blessing to trade the guy. I highly doubt he acquiesces and permits their only big name player to go for a draft pick, even if it's best for the future of the franchise.



T.O. is a media distraction. People can focus on his sunglasses, door kicking, poor attitude, and so forth and that translates directly into less column space devoted to ripping on Brandon, Jauron, and the rest of the nutless squirrels.


They can't use him on the field of course and trading him could help the team in the future, but why get rid of your human shield? Maybe he'll have a meltdown and save their jobs.

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TO makes no difference to the Bills as they fail to use him.


After this horrific season, he will be gone and the Bills will have nothing in return.


If they trade him now, 1.) they will get SOMETHING in return for him and 2.) I believe that I read if he gets traded prior to the Tuesday deadline the Bills are not on the hook for 2/3 of his salary (what is that, like $4 million?).


Sounds like a deal to me.


Start stockpiling draft picks so that ONCE MODRAK AND GUY ARE FIRED, we can hire a real GM and scouting staff (Promote Nix) to get us the most bang for our buck and turn this team around.

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He's served his purpose here (sold tix). It doesn't appear that he's gonna contribute much more than any of our other WRs here (Johnson, Hardy) for us. (We suck w/ him - we won't suck that much worse w/o him.) If you can get a conditional 5th-7th rounder, I'd take it.

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T.O. is a media distraction. People can focus on his sunglasses, door kicking, poor attitude, and so forth and that translates directly into less column space devoted to ripping on Brandon, Jauron, and the rest of the nutless squirrels.


They can't use him on the field of course and trading him could help the team in the future, but why get rid of your human shield? Maybe he'll have a meltdown and save their jobs.


The black hole in the front office is going to get more scrutiny as this season progresses. Yeah, TO deflects the blame, but I don't see the Bills trading him because their entire marketing campaign was built on the guy. A firestorm would erupt among fans who want to come see TO if he were traded.

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The black hole in the front office is going to get more scrutiny as this season progresses. Yeah, TO deflects the blame, but I don't see the Bills trading him because their entire marketing campaign was built on the guy. A firestorm would erupt among fans who want to come see TO if he were traded.

Is the firestorm avoidable? In some sense, hasn't it already begun? (What's Jauron's approval rating at?)


The marketing campaign for season tickets in 2009 is in the rearview mirror. I understand people that bought season tickets because of TO will probably feel jilted if TO were traded. OTOH, the Bills aren't even using the guy as it is. Getting something for him, rather than watch him run around as a decoy would be understandable, even preferable if the team was going to make a strong move in a new direction.


PS: If the OP is accurate, I kind of wonder if the Bills FO is considering trying to re-sign TO this off-season or something. :P

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NO! I want to watch TO run routes and catch 1 pass a week while we go 1-15. Then he will leave as an UFA and the Bills will get nothing for him. But ticket sales spiked when they signed him! Are they kidding me? Ticket sales will spike next year when they get a new coach and a new QB and have 12 draft picks. They have sold out every game for the last 7 years anyway. Start dumping junk now and stockpile draft picks. The incompetence and stupidy at OBD is mind boggling. I think they think they still have a chance to win 10 games this year. Only if they play a 100 game schedule.



YOu said it man. The excuse about the ticket sales is stupid, they ALREADY SOLD the tickets. They won't be selling any mroe this year, TO or no TO.

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Is the firestorm avoidable? In some sense, hasn't it already begun? (What's Jauron's approval rating at?)


The marketing campaign for season tickets in 2009 is in the rearview mirror. I understand people that bought season tickets because of TO will probably feel jilted if TO were traded. OTOH, the Bills aren't even using the guy as it is. Getting something for him, rather than watch him run around as a decoy would be understandable, even preferable if the team was going to make a strong move in a new direction.


PS: If the OP is accurate, I kind of wonder if the Bills FO is considering trying to re-sign TO this off-season or something. :P


No, the firestorm is unavoidable at this point. The PR people are taking additional measures with each week to disguise their inept team and coach. Although they've got TO, who is like the center attraction in a three ring circus. People watch him while the clown act continues to perform out of the spotlight.


If they want to re-sign the guy, well fine. But the novelty effect will eventually wear off and the PR department will need another act to draw fans in for 2010.


The gimmicks have sold tickets since Marv arrived. With disgusted fans increasing each week, gimmicks aren't going to get it done for next season.

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didn't Newsome already get him on the roster and then had to trade him to the Eagles because he wouldn't play there? And wasn't Ray Lewis extremely pissed that T.O. refused to play there and mocked him in the media? Didn't TO mock Lewis in a TD celebration when they played each other? Why would this trade happen again?


The Bills aren't trading T.O., doing that would admit to the fan base that they have given up on the season. And even if they have given up..they aren't going to trade the guy that they sold you as this seasons hope

Owens once 'defiled' the Dallas star. Any problems with him playing there? Winning matters to players and front offices (well, NFL players & FOs, not the Bills where ticket sales matter most).

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The black hole in the front office is going to get more scrutiny as this season progresses. Yeah, TO deflects the blame, but I don't see the Bills trading him because their entire marketing campaign was built on the guy. A firestorm would erupt among fans who want to come see TO if he were traded.


This kind of stuff is over my head, because it involves the business end of football. Are you suggesting that trading TO would hurt beer sales, parking, etc.? If so, you could be right.


I would absolutely be willing to trade him for picks. A poster above suggested at least a 3rd, and I would tend to agree, but a 3rd in 2011 and a lower pick in 2010 would seal the deal for me. The Bills are going to have to be built via the draft. There is no other option and generally speaking, this is the correct way to build a team in any event.


Give a bunch of picks to Marty, and watch him construct winning football team.

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YOu said it man. The excuse about the ticket sales is stupid, they ALREADY SOLD the tickets. They won't be selling any mroe this year, TO or no TO.


Look at the big picture for a moment. In all probability, they'll need to soothe fans' concerns for 2010 and I'm sure most ticket buyers will remember this team dealt their biggest name early in 2009 if TO were traded.


Brandon et al will need to market this team next season and I'm sure he's anticipating (as any good manager does) the challenges ahead. Trading TO will leave a bad taste in fans' minds because it indicates the team wasn't serious about winning and more concerned with saving money.

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