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rush has 30 million listeners... mainstream conservatism is racist. always has been and always will be. it was the progressive movement that ended slavery and it was the progressive movement that started the civil rights movement.... conservatives also think poor people are lazy....... there I SAID IT!!!



Again, another liberal that doesn't know his history and can't get his facts straight. What party and its leader ended slavery? What party pushed for the Civil Rights Act? What party held up its enactment for a good deal of time? What party's continued existence relies on keeping the disadvantaged "beholding" to the government. Find the answers to those questions and you just might become enlightened. I doubt it though.

You do realize that it's pathetic, pea-brained crap like that which makes the rest of the world view the modern conservative movement as the whiniest group of bitches in the US. You've marginalized yourselves by marching idiot lockstep behind a bunch of weepy, self-pitying pundits and I think most people (including true conservatives) are just sick of it. You've got nobody to blame but yourselves.

I'm not whinny, and I don't listen to Rush. I have little sympathy for him. I do think hypocrisy is important to note - on the right, left and center. What's good for the goose...

Again, another liberal that doesn't know his history and can't get his facts straight. What party and its leader ended slavery? What party pushed for the Civil Rights Act? What party held up its enactment for a good deal of time? What party's continued existence relies on keeping the disadvantaged "beholding" to the government. Find the answers to those questions and you just might become enlightened. I doubt it though.


it was the conservatives in power dealing with the strain of liberal progress thats what happened. the progressive movement brought about the change. not rich white slave holders........

u can live in your own world, but your wrong... the next progressive movement is coming from liberals too, the secular movement.... get used to it. conservatives are racist


Which one of the former loons on the board is Delladork?

u can live in your own world, but your wrong... the next progressive movement is coming from liberals too, the secular movement.... get used to it. conservatives are racist



Argumentum ad ignorantiam :thumbdown:

it was the conservatives in power dealing with the strain of liberal progress thats what happened. the progressive movement brought about the change. not rich white slave holders........


Nice answer :thumbdown: If you want to have any credibility at all, answer my original questions with facts, not some Obama-like all encompassing pronouncements. Be specific.

Is it me or does anyone else believe that Delladork was home schooled via youtube?




My take: Al Sharpton should be run out of the country. Mind you, he probably should have been allowed to be part of the ownership group. At the same time, I feel Rush is a complete asshat so I like that he didn't get to be part of it.



# "Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing."


Media Matters for America documents this statement (with an audio clip) as one made by Rush Limbaugh in the course of his radio program on 21 August 2007.


Doesn't strike me as racist as much as anti-communist.


# "Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."


Media Matters also documents this statement as one made by Rush Limbaugh in the course of his radio program on 19 January 2007.


Again, not necessarily racist. I'm not even sure the Crips and Bloods aren't multi-racial.


# "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"


It's racist to say someone resembles Jesse Jackson? That's not a slur against race, it's a slur against Jackson.


# "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."


THAT one is pretty inarguably racist.


# "I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They're interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there's a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn't deserve."


This one's the most idiotic of all. It's not even remotely racist, it's a criticism of the media.

i know its hard for u republicans and right wingers but just admit your racist. just admit it....



You sir, are moronic. You have been asked to be specific and you either can't or just enjoy yanking people's chains. I thought this board was for honest political discussion. Your posts are nothing like that. They are just run of the mill leftist babble sprinkled with idiotic platitudes or simplistic mush. I could have more intelligent conversation with a rock. You are not worth having a discussion with.

You sir, are moronic. You have been asked to be specific and you either can't or just enjoy yanking people's chains. I thought this board was for honest political discussion. Your posts are nothing like that. They are just run of the mill leftist babble sprinkled with idiotic platitudes or simplistic mush. I could have more intelligent conversation with a rock. You are not worth having a discussion with.



and now he admits it finally.... good job hannity!

You sir, are moronic. You have been asked to be specific and you either can't or just enjoy yanking people's chains. I thought this board was for honest political discussion. Your posts are nothing like that. They are just run of the mill leftist babble sprinkled with idiotic platitudes or simplistic mush. I could have more intelligent conversation with a rock. You are not worth having a discussion with.


You're giving him too much credit. Monkey-boy's all that, but with the added craziness of not even being able to string together a coherent thought.

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