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6 year old floats away... literally!


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I saw a ghost push the carriage off the platform.


Was it the ghost of American Pop Star Michael Jackson?


If indeed it was a ghost... you know what, nevermind, these friggin retards have already garnered too much attention.


So, who's going to win the Bills game this weekend? :wallbash:

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Oh kids say the darnedest things don't they? Heene family, your fifteen minutes are up, thank you for playing.



College students say the darnedest things;




Here's what the seller says the documents prove:


"The show surrounds scientific experiments and controversial pranks, and one of the pranks within it — actually several of the things within this document — talks about very similar information to what is being debated on the air."




What possessed you to name your son Falcon?


What possessed you to name your kid Deerball?



I've been busy


Hand to sore to type now?



Hmmmm, could this be a hoax? The police are finally starting to think it may be; ;)




The fact that Falcon got sick twice on national TV Friday when he was asked about the "show" remark also "raised suspicions," the sheriff said.


In another wrinkle, police initially said Heene claimed he was inside the house when the homemade balloon went flying into the sky.


But a video of the launch surfaced showing the family counting down in unison, "Three-two-one" before the dad pulls a cord.


New reality show; How to look really stupid while trying to pull off a hoax. :thumbdown:


New Video - http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5388608n


Is that Falcon's voice yelling "daddy (something that sounds like "let go?"

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I didn't think it was a hoax till I seen the video of the father kicking the furniture... I thought he was nowhere in sight... Then his child supposedly flies off and he reacts like that... I mean come on! The Bills try harder. I can understand him getting freaked, but not until the balloon is really far out of his reach by all means.


Right there I decided that something isn't right in Hippyville... :thumbdown:

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there was no basket in the video of the launch....this family is pure scum



College students say the darnedest things;




Here's what the seller says the documents prove:


"The show surrounds scientific experiments and controversial pranks, and one of the pranks within it — actually several of the things within this document — talks about very similar information to what is being debated on the air."






What possessed you to name your kid Deerball?





Hand to sore to type now?



Hmmmm, could this be a hoax? The police are finally starting to think it may be; ;)




The fact that Falcon got sick twice on national TV Friday when he was asked about the "show" remark also "raised suspicions," the sheriff said.


In another wrinkle, police initially said Heene claimed he was inside the house when the homemade balloon went flying into the sky.


But a video of the launch surfaced showing the family counting down in unison, "Three-two-one" before the dad pulls a cord.


New reality show; How to look really stupid while trying to pull off a hoax. :thumbdown:


New Video - http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5388608n


Is that Falcon's voice yelling "daddy (something that sounds like "let go?"

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Father called for news conference at 10:00 am this morning, promised big announcement that would answer all questions. He comes out at noon with box saying he wants people to place all questions in the box he will have another news conference at 7:00 pm tonight. Media would do well to pack up, not give this man anymore attention. Let authorities deal with him. ,

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I didn't think it was a hoax till I seen the video of the father kicking the furniture... I thought he was nowhere in sight... Then his child supposedly flies off and he reacts like that... I mean come on! The Bills try harder. I can understand him getting freaked, but not until the balloon is really far out of his reach by all means.


Right there I decided that something isn't right in Hippyville... :devil:

I just had this mental image of the Bills OL flying off in a balloon during the middle of a game and Dick just standing there staring at the scoreboard watching it slowly drift off - staring at the scoreboard watching it drift off...

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But wait there's more!




FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) - A sheriff said he was pursuing criminal charges in Colorado's "balloon boy" saga, which first sparked fear for the child, then relief that he was OK and now suspicions of a hoax. Deputies searched the home of the boy's parents Saturday night, carrying away several boxes and a computer.


UH-OH!! Too bad they couldn't teach the kid to be a better liar. As KD pointed out he's a scumbag. If for no other reason, telling his kids to lie.


The honesty of a child is going to cost them dearly!!! :P

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Here's more; http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/10/18/colorado....tion/index.html


A dispatcher with the Larimer County Sheriff's Department declined to release any information about the search, but said the office will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. ET Sunday. Calls to the department's spokeswoman were not immediately returned.


"We anticipate criminal charges will be filed sometime in the near future," Sheriff Jim Alderden told CNN late Saturday.

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what upsets me most about this story is the potential for a "cry wolf" effect.


the next time there's a report that some poor kid actually is trapped in homemade kevlar helium powered silver flying saucer and levels off at 8 thousand feet, people are going to be very skeptical.

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I just had this mental image of the Bills OL flying off in a balloon during the middle of a game and Dick just standing there staring at the scoreboard watching it slowly drift off - staring at the scoreboard watching it drift off...


Please tell me the balloon eventually knocks out the power in the stadium.

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what upsets me most about this story is the potential for a "cry wolf" effect.


the next time there's a report that some poor kid actually is trapped in homemade kevlar helium powered silver flying saucer and levels off at 8 thousand feet, people are going to be very skeptical.



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More on the story; http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33340547/?GT1=43001


"He may be nutty, but he's not a professor," Alderden said. :lol:


The sheriff said all three of the Heenes' sons knew of the Thursday hoax, but likely won't face charges because of their ages. The oldest son is 10. One of the boys told investigators he saw his brother get in the balloon's box before it launched.




"If they (prosecutors) can prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's one thing. If they can't prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's another," he told The Associated Press.


Well at least they've got a brilliant lawyer working for them. :w00t:

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what upsets me most about this story is the potential for a "cry wolf" effect.


the next time there's a report that some poor kid actually is trapped in homemade kevlar helium powered silver flying saucer and levels off at 8 thousand feet, people are going to be very skeptical.


I know. I feel bad for the next kid who's dad leaves a flying saucer unattended in the backyard for him to play in.

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