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Bills to dump No Huddle Per PFT

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Why dump it now? If we keep it up, we can be 1-15 with a shot at the #1 draft pick. Then Wilson will HAVE to pony up the dough.


Yeah. Pony up the dough for the best DB in the draft. Hell, I hope we even take a DB at 33 in that case. You can never have too many defensive backs.



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It should help with penalties that kill drives before they start, but the overall play won't improve much. If the bills were smart they'll start playing to their strengths and ride lynch/jackson. Whether we can get those intermediate throws to owens/evans well that remains to be seen.


Well, as much as I loved the K-gun offenses of the past, and the Manning led offenses of this past decade, when TO came onboard I truly believed that the quicker pace would actually be a boon for the young offensive lineman and make it easier for them to execute, and harder for defenses to substitute and lessen the creativity of their blitzes and looks.


Somehow, bonehead, drive-killing penalties were not expected.


The Bills were not too bad of an offense with huddling. I don't mean that statistically, but they did only need a #2 receiver to really improve. Maybe the no-huddle was a stumbling block to learning and feeling comfortable on the field, I don't know.


In today's Buffalo News, the Jets Lito Sheppard thinks the Bills should be gameplanning for Owens in the offense. Perhaps his one key quote, was that it was the poor pass protection that is what is causing Trent to look away from his receiver options and having to checkdown. I believe that is more truthful coming from a defensive player on a divisional opponent scouting the Bills for an upcoming game that anything the Bills, this site, or any of the players will ever say.


The O-line is the issue folks.

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Now the offense will look like


Huddle Up #1


"okay guys off-tackle hand-off to Lynch"



Huddle Up #2


"Well that only gained us a yard the first time, but they were ready for it. They won't be this time so let's hand off to Lynch again"



Huddle Up #3


"Okay we got another 3 yds on Lynch's extra effort, we need 6 yds so receivers run patterns beyond the first down marker"


Huddle Up #4


" well none of you guys could get open so I had to check down and dump it off behind the line and we lost 5 yds. So now we punt"



and so it will go...


Buffalo Bills offense...3 muffed plays and a punt.

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In today's Buffalo News, the Jets Lito Sheppard thinks the Bills should be gameplanning for Owens in the offense. Perhaps his one key quote, was that it was the poor pass protection that is what is causing Trent to look away from his receiver options and having to checkdown. I believe that is more truthful coming from a defensive player on a divisional opponent scouting the Bills for an upcoming game that anything the Bills, this site, or any of the players will ever say.


The O-line is the issue folks.


One of the issues. Fixing the line would be a BIG help, but even if it's caused Edwards' bad decision making we've seen, I don't think fixing it automatically fixes Edwards' decision making. Bad habits and shot confidence, no matter what the cause, take time to repair.

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One of the issues. Fixing the line would be a BIG help, but even if it's caused Edwards' bad decision making we've seen, I don't think fixing it automatically fixes Edwards' decision making. Bad habits and shot confidence, no matter what the cause, take time to repair.

Have to agree. It's not like Trent Edwards was the mad bomber last year, throwing lasers over the top of the defense game after game. It was the exact opposite, and he was behind a completely different, veteran OL. Last year, the excuse was to blame the WRs for not getting open enough, even though they were often open downfield. The fact is that Trent has always been a quick, short passer. He was the anti-Losman in that regard, and won over a lot of people that were sick of Losman's spastic and erratic play. But, his long game has been virtually non-existant. That's not news and it remains a problem.

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It may not look like it but its a step in the right direction. Especially for the OL. Once the play is called they can talk en route to the line and get on the same page. It will make a difference. Also Trent obviously isn't far enough along to properly read a defense, having all 10 guys in there will get every one on the same page even if its for a split second.

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Huddle Up #3


"Okay we got another 3 yds on Lynch's extra effort, we need 6 yds so receivers run patterns beyond the first down marker"


You should know that the Bills do not call plays that involve the receivers running beyond the 1st down marker on 3rd and long. The key is to throw it to Evans when he is 5 yards short.

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Depends ... did we get a new QB?!?

I'm starting to think we should try that new fangled Wild Cat offense. Only I'm thinking we direct snap it to Fitzpatrick or Hamdan. Then they could either hand it off or throw it depending upon the situation.

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Cutting Your premier OT a week before the season starts- Failure!


Starting a all green o-line -Failure!


Not playing your #1 draft pick in the position he is best suited for (even after you suffer huge losses at that position)- Failure!


Running the slowest No Huddle ever then scrapping it cause it is not working -Epic Failure!!!

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Cutting Your premier OT - Failure!


Starting a all green o-line -Failure!


Not playing your #1 draft pick in the position he is best suited for (even after you suffer huge losses at that position)- Failure!


Running the slowest No Huddle ever then scrapping it cause it is not working -Epic Failure!!!



Langston Walker is a "premier OT"? Must be, 'cause Jason Peters wasn't cut. He was traded.

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