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IF Ralph understands economics, he would know that you have to spend (invest) moeny to make (winning team/winning coach) money. If Jauron is retained there is no way Ralph makes a profit in 2010.

I don't think this matters. Ralph has already made his money beyond his wildest dreams with this franchise. NFL is such a monopoly and false competition it's laughable to think that he would be worried about losing money. And if he did , it would probably be a good write off for him. Thats why there is no motivation to win in the NFL, revenue sharing, huge tv contracts. It's almost a socialist kind of setup. They should make the NFL like euro soccer. A second tier of teams that suck and they can play for a minor championship. Ralph sucks as a owner and it doesn't matter. He gets rich no matter what. Not that I have a problem with that business wise. Hell, if you can get away with it. I just wonder when guilt, pride and dignity kick in with this guy.

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