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sub in Bills names and you have the same story

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This is what happens when owners think they can build a winner. Owners may know a little, but not enough to build a winning football team. Wilson, Snyder, Mike Smith, Al Davis, and Jerry Jones have all failed trying to build good teams.


I wish RW would humble himself and hire someone from the outside who will be held responsible. But that won't happen because TD failed, making RW fall back on people he knows. Besides, RW is a stubborn man who will keep doing things wrong so he doesn't have to do what people outside his group recommend.


This is Ralph's team now. It's not Brandon's, Jauron's, or anyone else's. He is hurting whatever legacy he think he's got by being this bad at hiring coaches and signing players. Only the fans will tell him the truth.

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This is Ralph's team now. It's not Brandon's, Jauron's, or anyone else's. He is hurting whatever legacy he think he's got by being this bad at hiring coaches and signing players. Only the fans will tell him the truth.

I wasn't around to experience the 60s-80s, but from what I've gathered that is his legacy. Ralph has made a career of going the cheap route with coaches and players. He struck gold with one of the great GMs of our time and got rid of him in the midst of our highest peak.


This is a franchise largely defined by failure and mediocrity, only to be blessed by the occasional short periods of success.



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