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Like most other years in my 45 years or so of Bills fandom, I enetered the season with at least some hope - of a competitive if not dominating team and some enjoyable afternoons (and some frustrating ones) wathching the Bills. I was encouraged somewhat by the game performance on Monday night and the win the following week. It is clear now though that this team is in deep trouble and beyond redemption in the short term, and perhaps not for several more years under competent leadership, which itself is a big unknown.


There is a silver lining to this situation for long suffering Bills fans. Just think of it this way. The sting of losing the team forever when the Old Man dies to well heeled owners with glistening new stadium deals and plenty of high priced corporate seat buyers awaiting in Los Angelas, or Toronto, or wherever will be felt far less. At least the short term pain will be over, to be replaced by the ache of loss and eventually fond memories of the good times.


Sure I had hoped to enjoy Bills football in whatever time we have left, but at this point, perhaps it's death is the most merciful result.

Like most other years in my 45 years or so of Bills fandom, I enetered the season with at least some hope - of a competitive if not dominating team and some enjoyable afternoons (and some frustrating ones) wathching the Bills. I was encouraged somewhat by the game performance on Monday night and the win the following week. It is clear now though that this team is in deep trouble and beyond redemption in the short term, and perhaps not for several more years under competent leadership, which itself is a big unknown.


There is a silver lining to this situation for long suffering Bills fans. Just think of it this way. The sting of losing the team forever when the Old Man dies to well heeled owners with glistening new stadium deals and plenty of high priced corporate seat buyers awaiting in Los Angelas, or Toronto, or wherever will be felt far less. At least the short term pain will be over, to be replaced by the ache of loss and eventually fond memories of the good times.


Sure I had hoped to enjoy Bills football in whatever time we have left, but at this point, perhaps it's death is the most merciful result.


Don't take this the wrong way - but !@#$ off. Seriously, no offense though.

Don't take this the wrong way - but !@#$ off. Seriously, no offense though.


Dude, unfortunately what he says is the plan.

There is a silver lining... losing the team forever when the Old Man dies...

That's your silver lining? Defeatism? You criticise "the leadership," but I don’t know why you bother. You are the same as them. Ditto to what ACor58 said, times 10.


Jesus, I think some of you people need to get out more. I think the Bills leaving would be the best thing for that city. Being attached to that team only brings more reality to the notion that Buffalo is a loser city. Even if they won the Super Bowl you know there would be tons of "yeah, but they lost four freaking times in a row!" But I guess seeing I don't live there it's easy for me to say and it's just an opinion. So have at it guys.

Jesus, I think some of you people need to get out more. I think the Bills leaving would be the best thing for that city. Being attached to that team only brings more reality to the notion that Buffalo is a loser city. Even if they won the Super Bowl you know there would be tons of "yeah, but they lost four freaking times in a row!" But I guess seeing I don't live there it's easy for me to say and it's just an opinion. So have at it guys.


See post #2 baby. :wallbash:

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