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It has been posted that there are reports out there saying that plans are already underway creating a new

stadium in California and an article quotes a John Semcken as saying "Of the

other six teams mentioned, Semcken said "one of those six teams will play in our

stadium." This makes it sound like something is already worked out for him to

make a statement like that. One of those teams mentioned is the Bills.



While the Bills max out their stadium in attendance on a yearly basis, the other

teams on this "list" do not (namely Jacksonville). Are the Bills on such a list

purely on the speculation of Wilson's death somewhere in the future, or is it

because they are not "viable" in the WNY market? If so, how are the Bills any

different than franchises like Kansas City?


Is there any credence to this report? And with Ralph Wilson on record as saying

that the team will be sold until his passing, how can these plans be put in

motion before a team like the Bills is even "available?"


My skepticle side tells me that this is all a huge set up, not unlike the movie

"The Natural," which ironically was shot in Buffalo.


In a nutshell, why has the local, or national media not reported any of this? The

possible relocation of an NFL team from a 50 year old home would seem to be

newsworthy? If they have, I've missed it.


Were you visited by men in black suits after you reported seeing lights in the sky? There is no conspiracy or cover up - trust me if a weasle like Jerry Sullivan got his hands on a story like this, he would proudly detonate this bomb on WNY and say I told you so.....


Are the Bills going to move one day? Probably, but let's not get some grand conspiracy theory going to further work the collective inferiority complex of WNY back up into a lather....It's hard enough admitting your from WNY without having to be fearful that people are scheming to steal your football team....

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