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wildcat against the Jets

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The offense is dead and nothing but a radical change is going to make much difference. What about taking Trent out and going wildcat with Marshawn and Jackson on the field at the the same time, Owens two tight ends and eat up clock and concentrate on running and chewing up the clock keeping the defense rested?


One objection (very good one at that) is that our offensive line sucks so bad there isn't much you can do to mask the problem. I guess that the two gaurds and center can run block to some extent and we have our best players on the field where we are going to operate at our best (which apparently still isn't very good.)


Pretty drastic change, but is it doable?

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They can't run the freakin offense they have now and they have been working on that since APRIL. What they should do to prevent Edwards from getting seriously hurt or killed is to ditch the no-huddle garbage and run the goalline offense all day Sunday. Two TE's and a FB and run it 60 times. No way they even come close to winning Sunday regardless of what they do.

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They can't run the freakin offense they have now and they have been working on that since APRIL. What they should do to prevent Edwards from getting seriously hurt or killed is to ditch the no-huddle garbage and run the goalline offense all day Sunday. Two TE's and a FB and run it 60 times. No way they even come close to winning Sunday regardless of what they do.

They should keep the no huddle, but really spice it up. Make it really crazy, chinese fire drill style. Confuse all hell out of the defense. Guys lining up wherever they feel like it, false starts all over the place. For home games, they should play "Sweet Georgia Brown" over the PA. Also, lots and lots of flea-flickers.

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The wildcat isn't the most difficult offensive scheme in the world. Hell I'll be any number of the players played a single wing in high school. I'll admit we haven't tried it or practiced it..but the crap we've been trying and practicing didn't work in preseason or in the first five games of the season. If the argument is that this bunch of clowns can't make the adjustment...you are probably right. However, this season is a death spiral. I'd recommend trying something different.


Actually come to think of it Sunday in the mountains is sounding more and more preferable with each passing day.

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They should keep the no huddle, but really spice it up. Make it really crazy, chinese fire drill style. Confuse all hell out of the defense. Guys lining up wherever they feel like it, false starts all over the place. For home games, they should play "Sweet Georgia Brown" over the PA. Also, lots and lots of flea-flickers.


The Confusion Offense- I'm game with this, but that's not enough flea flickers, plus, I want Moorman on the field for more than just punts. He is our best player (afterall).


If we're gonna be a joke, we may as well really make it funny and entertaining.

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Yup, I wanna see Dick running out onto the field throwing buckets of confetti at the refs, pretty girls invited to join in the hijinks, etc...


We are the Washington Generals!


perhaps we can play the Benny Hill theme song instead of Shout for the rest of the year.

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All the wildcat does is snap the ball to a RB and then he runs. What is the big deal?

Exactly...we have used wildcat plays, Lynch can throw the ball, and we would, I think, compensate for our two weakest points, the tackles. Its not rocket science as there are four basic plays.




Dords anyone think we will score points with the existing offense? The wild flea flicker, bomb throwing offense with no pass blocking and checkdown charlie at the qb? You guys must be smoking whacky tabaccy in the mountains of the Southern Tier to think that is going to work.

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