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analysis of T.O. .....play by play vs Cleveland


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i am a season ticket holder. i decided to DVR the game and spend the entire time watching T.O.'s every move on every play. i wanted to see how much he was double teamed, if he got open, does he block, was he tipping plays, attitude, etc... guess i picked a good game to do this, cause i didn't miss much action by not following the ball.


double teamed - about two thirds of the time. had single coverage more often than i expected (previous games it looked like he was doubled on almost every play).


got open - ALOT !! , for discussion purposes, if Trent had "looked" for T.O. , he could have easily had over 10 catches. i was shocked to see how wide open T.O. was on so many plays. Obviously he didn't get separation until about the 3 - 4 second mark of most plays, by then Trent was in his checkdown progression and i assume was under fire/attack and couldn't/didn't look T.O.'s way. The one obvious play i remember well was Trent rolling left out of the pocket, T.O. was coming back to the ball, slammed on the brakes and went long, he had about 3 yards on the defender and Trent under threw him and the ball was intercepted.


blocking- not his strong suit, i would go so far as to say he is an "unwilling" blocker. on run plays that went "away" from him, he gave very little effort. on plays that ran up the middle, not much better. on run plays that came his way, i would say he gave half effort.......for his size and strength, i expected more physical battles.


attitude- T.O. was into this game. he ran all his passing routes hard. he was encouraging the crowd and his teammates in a very positive way.


tipping plays- i couldn't pick up on anything as he left the huddle or lined up before the snap. i believe he does tip running plays by his lack of effort blocking, which gave the defensive back the green light to come in and support the run. On several occasions i was hoping for the running back to throw the ball to T.O. because he was left alone by the defender.


CONCLUSION- what a shame T.O.'s strengths are not utilized better. Trent Edwards is either unwilling or unable to throw long and his accuracy is not that good anymore, it's time to replace him. Our offensive tackles are brutal. in hindsight, Michael Oher, the right OT the Ravens took would look alot better than Maybin right about now (chambers is a joke). Until they fix the O line , any QB will struggle.

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"The one obvious play i remember well was Trent rolling left out of the pocket, T.O. was coming back to the ball, slammed on the brakes and went long, he had about 3 yards on the defender and Trent under threw him and the ball was intercepted"


This play was replayed a few times on the television broadcast. If Edwards makes a decent throw, the entire game changes. It is reminiscent of the overthrow he made to TO during the Saints game. If Edwards makes either pass, I think everyone would be relatively happy with him. Unfortunately, he simply does not appear to be a clutch player. Like Jauron, he does just enough to lose a game.

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