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Apparently NE plays to diff rules

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last week it was the roughing passer calls for hitting marcia. This week thye have a rookie play left tackle and the guys helmet isnt even close to the butt of the center yet Bell was whisteled for this at least twice when we pplayed NE yet NE not getting called for that today. The officiating in the NFL is clearly slanted toward their chosen team

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last week it was the roughing passer calls for hitting marcia. This week thye have a rookie play left tackle and the guys helmet isnt even close to the butt of the center yet Bell was whisteled for this at least twice when we pplayed NE yet NE not getting called for that today. The officiating in the NFL is clearly slanted toward their chosen team


Of course--do you expect anything less by now? How many data points do folks need to see that something is really funny about the the officiating in their games.....

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I completely agree that those calls against Bell were made up, and officials can make that call on any play they want. I don't even know why I care anymore though...

A caller into Sirius NFL this week was asking if there was a way to find out what crew is officiating a game, he figured he could base his betting on Pats games by knowing what crew was working. Apparently it doesnt matter from what I am seeing in this game against denver. We get called for a gunner being illegally downfield ya cant make this stuff up

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