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For the first time since the Flutie vs Johnson wars

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It's pretty easy considering the liberals have Reaid, Pelosi and Obama. It's like the federal governments version of having Brandon, Jauron and Ralph Wilson in charge.


Don't talk about football people in this thread. We're trying to stay positive. Please edit.

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I am proud of everyone here for keeping things positive and civil compared to TSW. That place is a pit of negativity. Please continue to set an example for them.


Lead, don't follow fellow PPPers.


Probably because even the federal government can't execute as absymally as the Browns and Bills did today.

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Probably because even the federal government can't execute as absymally as the Browns and Bills did today.


You are an example for us all with that uplifting comment. Thank you Tom for sharing your wisdom. I am a better person for it and will pay it forward.

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The Flutie and Johnson wars were a lot more fun... We had a coach and two good QBs at the time!


There's positive and there's just slap-happy. Let's keep a foot in reality.


Mods: This thread is getting too negative. Please consider moving it to TSW.

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Classic. You know it's bad in Bills-land when people come HERE for refuge.

You knew it was coming when you saw Lori posting over here. I can only imagine what's next. Dogs and cats getting along? Someone noticing the world is actually cooling? John Wawrow posting from home while sipping a Shirley Temple?

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You knew it was coming when you saw Lori posting over here. I can only imagine what's next. Dogs and cats getting along? Someone noticing the world is actually cooling? John Wawrow posting from home while sipping a Shirley Temple?

Aw, c'mon -- when I heard about the Nobel, I knew there would be some great stuff over here. And to be honest, when I ship something to PPP, it's usually with the idea that you guys will administer any beatdowns required, and y'all rarely disappoint.:thumbsup:

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