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Could this be the worst team ever?

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Will we sink to new lows and beat out our own 2-14 years? Our one win may be it for the season. They are not only inept, they god awful terrible. It's a comedy of errors. What happened to Bobyy April's vaunted Special Teams? Looks like the Browns beat us on special teams all day.


They need to clean house. They need to bring in a winning coach, not someone else's cast off that nobody wants. Or perhaps give Jauron testosterone shots. He has no balls. :thumbsup:



No, they're not that bad. Although the offense is. But the defense is decent and for that reason, no they're not historically bad.


And a lot of how bad they are comes down to injuries.


Pretty damn horrible, though.

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It will be tough to be worse than some of the teams of the late 60's early 70's. They were actually worse than the Bills of 84-85.


I think it would be a toss up! Admittedly, the late 60's to seventies were stinkers for sure, then we endured the 84-85 seasons..but we had greatness. Now, in the decade of mediocracy it makes it all the worse. We only had championships in the AFL, but have been abyssmal since then.


I think the Super Bowl years were an exception to the rule. We just SUCK!

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no...i have confidence that this is a 3 to 4 win team. The 1968 team with dan darragh, collier (the worst coach we ever had) getting fired. Dubenion retiring in the middle of the season. a halfback (and later county executive) playing quarter back...Now that was a thing that this team could never rival. I see us being maybe the second or third worst team, but we aren't even the worst team in the NFL right now. I think the raiders are worse.

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The different between the 84-85 teams and the 60's and 70's teams are we didn't have the internet so we could share our thoughts and disappointments with. We just moroned alone back in those days. Now we have company !!!!


Thats a really good point. We didn't have anything other than Bleak Monday mornings to go to school/work and escape the horrific Sunday blues.

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You didn't "know" this team was going to be bad? Really?


Unless OBD completely changes the culture, it doesn't matter how much talent gets assembled because the loser mentality that resides throughout this organization is killing any chance to turn it around.

Your right but After the NE game I had that false hope it would be different.


Injuries have really killed this team. But it been like this for the last few years. But still there is way more talent on this team than the 84-85 clubs.


They are getting terrible coaching. Your right until it changes we are stuck.

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