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Could this be the worst team ever?

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Will we sink to new lows and beat out our own 2-14 years? Our one win may be it for the season. They are not only inept, they god awful terrible. It's a comedy of errors. What happened to Bobyy April's vaunted Special Teams? Looks like the Browns beat us on special teams all day.


They need to clean house. They need to bring in a winning coach, not someone else's cast off that nobody wants. Or perhaps give Jauron testosterone shots. He has no balls. :lol:

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They gotta lose a couple in a row by 35 points or more for the discussion of worse ever. Those here like me who are 40+ remember those teams.



I'm in the age group and do remember crying in beers. The first game I saw was in 63 and have watched in utter amazement how back we stink over the years. If you consider the Super Bowl years an anomaly, then we right on track.


Go Bills

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I remember those 84-85 teams. But we KNEW they were gonna be bad.


This is different because they have way more talent than those eighties clubs and I don't remember this many injuries to so many starters on Defense.


Still they are had to watch. Why they don't try Fitzgerald at QB is a mystery cause Trent sucks.

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13 points scored by the offense in the last 3 games...certainly headed in that direction.


And two of those games are against very suspect defenses! If you can't score against the Browns and the Saints or even move the ball consistently, things are going to really get ugly when you play good teams (as the Dolphins game revealed). Next week is going to be a nightmare. If only I could make myself turn off the television instead of futilely staring at the screen with a sick sense of knowing disbelief. Why do we do it? I certainly have not been getting much enjoyment out of the experience thus far this season.


God, this team is so bad that they are making me question things that I have always taken for granted and (by extension) forcing me to experience some sort of existential crises. Maybe that can be their slogan for next year. That one's free Russ!


Okay, rant over.

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Worst team ever? I think that still belongs to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers when they started playing football.


Although I wonder how many teams could lose a game when your opponent only completes 2 passes.


Yeah, the idea that this is the worst team ever is just frustration talking. It's probably not even in the bottom 5 (Redskins, Titans, Rams, Chiefs, Lions, Panthers, etc.).


But it is behind mind boggling that it is possible to lose to a QB with Anderson's stat line. That is just pathetic. :thumbsup:

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I remember those 84-85 teams. But we KNEW they were gonna be bad.

You didn't "know" this team was going to be bad? Really?


Unless OBD completely changes the culture, it doesn't matter how much talent gets assembled because the loser mentality that resides throughout this organization is killing any chance to turn it around.

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