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If Rush was buying our Bills instead of the Rams...


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That's right, because those bumbling farmers and country bumpkins are just a bunch of blank canvases, waiting for Rush to show them the way. B-)


Ummm...I don't think most farmers are just siitting with their families, gathered 'round the old Philco in their living rooms, waiting for Rush to guide their ignorant lives. Unlike a large portion of Obama's supporter, waiting for the next handout, those farmers are actuallu busy working.


You strike me as the kind of elitist who assumes the salt of the earth middle American, church-going citizens are a bunch of Mayberry castoffs who couldn't find their pitchfork with a Garmin GPS navigation system. If that's your assumption, that's as ignoratnt as any ethnic or racial stereotype.


You want to see duped? Look no further than the ignoartant masses duped by our new messiah or the maliable Acorn recruits voting for their amzing leader, but who couldnt' even tell you who the VP candidate was.


You wanna see some real dumbasses?......click here:


Yeah, cuz farmers never take money from the government... :D


Not a hint of elitism in your declaration of farmers as the "salt of the earth" is there? Next you are going to tell us that they are the reason America is great. All us city folk are just so much chopped liver, anti-American, welfare loving commies, thats us. Of course, the fact that our taxes keep the rural states afloat while they reap the fruits of our prosperity never seems to come up in all their screeds about hand outs. Check it out, every year the more populous states pay way more in taxes than they get back in spending while the rural states, you know, the salt of the earth, heart of America states, routinely pay less than they get back. Turns out farmers just love their pork.


Conversations like this are exactly why we don't need Rush Limbaugh in the NFL let alone as our owner. The last thing we need around here is another reason to go at one another rather than, ya know, talking about football. Of course, if you want the bills to be the center of controversey every year and think that having an inveterate racist as its owner will attract free agent talent then I guess Rush is your man.

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There is not a Ghost of a Chance that Rush would buy the Bills. But if they do show The Big Money, we will know that they have a lot of Bravado. They may help us fans Turn the Page and get out of this Twilight Zone of losing and may get One Little Victory and be back in the Limelight ...


Too damned funny!

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Now, that had me literally laughing out loud!!!


BTW, i could not care less who buys the friggen team, as long as they keep them in Buffalo. Bryan Cox ,Brett Hull, Barney Frank, Glenn Beck, the Peter Pan dude,,I don't care ..buy em and keep em in Buffalo. Well, maybe a couldn't take Roger Moore buying them


Well, how about Sean Connery?

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I read this morning where current Rams players and fans were upset that Rush Limbaugh was one of the bidders for the Rams. If it was us, would you be upset?


I'm sure the majority of Rams players don't care who owns the team. As long as they get paid. I'm equally sure that the majority of fans don't care. As long as the team stays in St. Louis. As the group Rush Limbaugh is part of has promised to do.


If Rush, either by himself, or as part of a group could buy the Bills, and keep them here, I would welcome that.


Even if some left wing nut case like George Soros or Michael Moore, or some racist pig Jew haters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson wanted to buy the team I wouldn't have a problem with that. As long as they kept the team in Buffalo. And did whatever it took to make this team successful.

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Rush is a piece of **** in the world.. .a complete embarassment to humanity itself....


I don't think the NFL should let him own a team based purely on his strong political views which would alienate many fans.


If Rush bought the Bills I'd shoot the muther !@#$er and do my time...

You say things like this and start topics like "When do we stage a meaningful protest" against the Bills and you wonder why so many view you as douchebag. Complete assclown.

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No, rush is a right-wing, conservative LIAR, CRIMINAL, HATER OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, STICK IN THE MUD, HOUSE SITTER ABUSER and OVERALL PUSHER IN NON-PRODUCTIVE ATTITUDES. The William Buckleys of the world cringe when this baffoon hits the air. He is not a conservative, he is a dangerous blowhard trying hard to move America back to a time that no longers exists. He is sad, pathetic and dangerous and he is NOT going to get a team - the NFL doesn't need to hassle.


Wow, that's quite an opinion. Keep your left-wing ass in Manhattan. Good place for you. If you're afraid of the constitution being attacked, take a look at what's happening in Washington right now.


The owners would be very wise IMO to get Rush on-board. He'd show the player's union some backbone which most of the current owners won't do. He strikes me as a guy who would do what's necessary to compete which is what the fans want. I'd also wager that most players and fans would end up loving the guy, because he would probably treat his team and fans very well.

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Wow, that's quite an opinion. Keep your left-wing ass in Manhattan. Good place for you. If you're afraid of the constitution being attacked, take a look at what's happening in Washington right now.


The owners would be very wise IMO to get Rush on-board. He'd show the player's union some backbone which most of the current owners won't do. He strikes me as a guy who would do what's necessary to compete which is what the fans want. I'd also wager that most players and fans would end up loving the guy, because he would probably treat his team and fans very well.



No freakin' way on Rush. He is to much of a loud mouth to be a good owner. Not knowing when to shut his mouth and when to open could hurt any team. I could also care less if likes or dislikes the players union. I would want to know if he could make sound football decisions regarding the front office. I don't think he can.


Side note: Constitution by many has been under attack for the last 8, now going on 9 years.

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I'd only be upset that he was allowed to make so much money duping so many poor farmers and country bumpkins into thinking they should vote Republican. But I'm betting that he'd pour real money into making whatever team he buys a WINNER, so, no, I'd be happy.

Where is Limbaugh going to get "real money"?

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Hate to break it to all the libs, but you might as well give up on being fans of the NFL RIGHT NOW, becuase as a whole, the NFL's ownership structure is DOMINATED by rich, white "old money" males and therefore, by extension, most likely Conservative/Republican.


Thats right, the ownership of the league RIGHT NOW is made up of a bunch of Limbaughs, but without the microphones and painkillers. Well...maybe without the microphones.


So buh-bye, libs....go have fun watching the "knitting and navel gazing" extravaganza on MSNBC next week, which youre more suited to anyway.

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I'd burn all my Bills stuff


Hate to break it to all the libs, but you might as well give up on being fans of the NFL RIGHT NOW, becuase as a whole, the NFL's ownership structure is DOMINATED by rich, white "old money" males and therefore, by extension, most likely Conservative/Republican.


Thats right, the ownership of the league RIGHT NOW is made up of a bunch of Limbaughs, but without the microphones and painkillers. Well...maybe without the microphones.


So buh-bye, libs....go have fun watching the "knitting and navel gazing" extravaganza on MSNBC next week, which youre more suited to anyway.

Very few conservatives are anything like Limbaugh

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Where is Limbaugh going to get "real money"?


Exactly...what is "real money" these days? The Treasury Dept. is issuing 15 billion dollars of short-term securities for sale every day. Nobody is buying the long-term stuff. This Administration's deficit is 3 times the previous record, and they are printing money. The U6 unemployment rate (the honest one) is 17%




Hyperinflation is around the corner. Buy your durable goods now. I am.

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If Rush bought a minority stake in the Bills, I wouldn't care.


If Rush bought a controlling stake in the Bills, I'd dislike it, because I think he'd not be a very good owner.


But generally, I don't base my like or dislike of sports teams on the politics of the owner. I generally don't even know the politics of the owners.

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If Rush bought a minority stake in the Bills, I wouldn't care.


If Rush bought a controlling stake in the Bills, I'd dislike it, because I think he'd not be a very good owner.


But generally, I don't base my like or dislike of sports teams on the politics of the owner. I generally don't even know the politics of the owners.

We don't even know Limbaugh's REAL politics either- he could be a liberal that is laughing all the way to the bank,m for all we know! What he says on the radio makes him rich!

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You know, my kneejerk reaction was no way.


But whatever, if this guy wants to subsidize someting I enjoy greatly, and on top of that makes a few bucks. Why not? Politics and football should be seperate (unless politics are blocking a move of the Bills)

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