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Nobel Prize Has Officially Become a Liberal Joke

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You ain't seen nothin' yet!


I have it on good authority that canonization proceedings were initiated 15 days into his administration. Expect an announcement from the Pope any day now.



with the dubious "values" of the current Pope he'll probably hang him before canonize him!

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I wonder if Obama is going to give due credit to his Teleprompter in his acceptance speech (which he will be reading from his Teleprompter)! :P



But there are some positive things coming out of this surprise award. Big Guy is actually thinking that now that he's won the Nobel, he might take a call from the Dalai Lama now that theDalai is his almost his equal. I say "almost" because, the Lama won his for bringing world attention to the plight of the Tibetan people. That's not quite as great an effort as the one Big Guy exerted to draw world attention to himself

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You ain't seen nothin' yet!


I have it on good authority that canonization proceedings were initiated 15 days into his administration. Expect an announcement from the Pope any day now.


They can sanctify a Muslim?



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Neon lights, Nobel Prize...


I actually supported his pledges to withdraw troops and stop torture...having backed off from those promises, he now wins the Nobel Peace Prize?


If you're going to award someone in the cult of personality, give it to Bono or Bill Gates. Both are doing tons more--and have accomplished far more--for world peace than Obama.

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Get off his rooster...You are beyond help if you think he deserved this.



It's nice to see an American win this great prize. Nice to see him recognized on the world stage even though many Americans would applaud his failure. And THAT is pathetic.

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It's nice to see an American win this great prize. Nice to see him recognized on the world stage even though many Americans would applaud his failure. And THAT is pathetic.

Ok you butt puppet, and be honest here, what has he tangibly achieved that has helped create peace in the world? No "hope" bull ****, but actual real achievements.

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Ok you butt puppet, and be honest here, what has he tangibly achieved that has helped create peace in the world? No "hope" bull ****, but actual real achievements.



Butt puppet? Nice. Starting off with the usual stuff that gives you credibility huh?


“The Nobel Committee has in particular looked at Obama’s vision and work toward a world without atomic weapons,” Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the five-member Nobel committee, said. “Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics.”




I'm going with what the panel has stated. I know everyone here will say they know more and that they panel was clearly wrong. It's expected. I am also saying (again) that it's something to be proud of as a country.

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Butt puppet? Nice. Starting off with the usual stuff that gives you credibility huh?


“The Nobel Committee has in particular looked at Obama’s vision and work toward a world without atomic weapons,” Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the five-member Nobel committee, said. “Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics.”




I'm going with what the panel has stated. I know everyone here will say they know more and that they panel was clearly wrong. It's expected. I am also saying (again) that it's something to be proud of as a country.

so in other words, you got nothin. Vision and Hope is all the committee has, nice.


Found this article on bloomberg this morning.




“It’s a dangerous thing to give Obama this prize after just nine months in office because what happens in the next three years could show him to have been undeserving of this prize,” said Shen Dingli, deputy dean of the Institute of International Affairs at Fudan University in Shanghai. “It takes decades to determine what scientific work is deserving of a Nobel prize.”


Princeton University presidential historian Fred I. Greenstein said awarding the prize to Obama “seems like premature canonization” and could bring scorn to the awards committee. “I don’t think it will bring him any political advantage in the United States, but I doubt that it will be damaging either,” Greenstein said.

By contrast, former Nobel Peace Prize winner and Polish President Lech Walesa said the prize was handed out too quickly. “He hasn’t made such a contribution. He’s proposing things, getting started, but he still has to do something.”


Choosing Obama is “highly political,” said Nicole Bacharan, associate researcher at the National Foundation of Political Sciences in Paris. The Nobel jury “chose a symbol over completed actions.”


“There’s a lot more that Obama needs to achieve for peace and for the Palestinian people in order to receive this award,” Fawzi Barhoum, Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, said in a telephone interview. The U.S., European Union and Israel brand Hamas, which controls Gaza, a terrorist organization. “So far nothing has changed in the Obama administration’s policies from previous governments.”

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so in other words, you got nothin. Vision and Hope is all the committee has, nice.


Found this article on bloomberg this morning.




“It’s a dangerous thing to give Obama this prize after just nine months in office because what happens in the next three years could show him to have been undeserving of this prize,” said Shen Dingli, deputy dean of the Institute of International Affairs at Fudan University in Shanghai. “It takes decades to determine what scientific work is deserving of a Nobel prize.”


Princeton University presidential historian Fred I. Greenstein said awarding the prize to Obama “seems like premature canonization” and could bring scorn to the awards committee. “I don’t think it will bring him any political advantage in the United States, but I doubt that it will be damaging either,” Greenstein said.

By contrast, former Nobel Peace Prize winner and Polish President Lech Walesa said the prize was handed out too quickly. “He hasn’t made such a contribution. He’s proposing things, getting started, but he still has to do something.”


Choosing Obama is “highly political,” said Nicole Bacharan, associate researcher at the National Foundation of Political Sciences in Paris. The Nobel jury “chose a symbol over completed actions.”


“There’s a lot more that Obama needs to achieve for peace and for the Palestinian people in order to receive this award,” Fawzi Barhoum, Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, said in a telephone interview. The U.S., European Union and Israel brand Hamas, which controls Gaza, a terrorist organization. “So far nothing has changed in the Obama administration’s policies from previous governments.”



Great. Glad you used google. I read the same article. Do I think that there are people out there more deserving. Yes. Do I also think it's pretty nice to have a sitting American President be given that honor. Yes.


Will I be pissed about this and do or say anything to cut this honor down? Hell no.


It would be interesting to see who the other people in the running were. And by the way, HOPE can be a powerful thing. It can help people get through tough times. Sometimes HOPE is all that people have.

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It's nice to see an American win this great prize. Nice to see him recognized on the world stage even though many Americans would applaud his failure. And THAT is pathetic.

It's nice to see deserving people win awards, regardless of nationality. Your followership grows more disgusting with each ridiculous slurp.


President Obama has done NOTHING to deserve this award and it cheapens it for everyone who has ever earned it. To say nothing of all the deserving people who should have won THIS year.


The funniest part of all of it is this is the exact kind of injustice that would have liberals scrambling to put in a new program to make sure it wouldn't happen again, but in your blind stupidity you couldn't be happier. I'd say you're not even a good liberal but we all know stupidity and hypocrisy are the cornerstones of the entire belief system.


Nice work.

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Not shocked pBills loves this, as he is a staunch advocate of people being rewarded BEFORE they actually DO anything.

pBills thinks Obama deserves an extra ciggie break per shift too.



Sooooo....Obama gave the world hope? What kind of hope, exactly? The hope that he's going to tank the Dollar as the global currency once and for all? Yes, I'm sure China, Russia and Europe are basking in that hope.


But just so long as he draws big crowds of peasants to hear him read off the TP, I guess everything is a-ok. :P

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pBills thinks Obama deserves an extra ciggie break per shift too.



Sooooo....Obama gave the world hope? What kind of hope, exactly? The hope that he's going to tank the Dollar as the global currency once and for all? Yes, I'm sure China, Russia and Europe are basking in that hope.


But just so long as he draws big crowds of peasants to hear him read off the TP, I guess everything is a-ok. :doh:




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It's nice to see deserving people win awards, regardless of nationality. Your followership grows more disgusting with each ridiculous slurp.


President Obama has done NOTHING to deserve this award and it cheapens it for everyone who has ever earned it. To say nothing of all the deserving people who should have won THIS year.


The funniest part of all of it is this is the exact kind of injustice that would have liberals scrambling to put in a new program to make sure it wouldn't happen again, but in your blind stupidity you couldn't be happier. I'd say you're not even a good liberal but we all know stupidity and hypocrisy are the cornerstones of the entire belief system.


Nice work.





Ok, you are right I will follow the will of this board. Anything the president does sucks. Screw the middle-class especially those in unions. Greedy bastards driving their BMWs and living in their mansions. Damn the Olympics, glad they aren't held in the U.S.


Screw everything unless it deals with the bitches on this board and makes them and their party happy. We're going to go back and cheer on what happened in the last eight years because it was AWESOME!! No one can ever top that.


F' the American President. No respect for him or that office.


How is that?


Oh almost forgot, no need for health care reform. Everything is just PERFECT!! :lol:


And screw the Bills and their owner. Yet, I am a huge fan and always be one. :doh::unsure:

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