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  DC Tom said:
Best justification of this award I've heard so far this morning was "Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for not being George W Bush."



Heard that on "Today." Unreal.


His policies on Iran, NK and even Afghanistan are on a similar path as Bush's.

  Andy Rooney said:
Peace Prize? He just dropped a bomb on the Moon for Gods sake. Starting a war with another Planet is not a really good idea when you've just won the Nobel Peace prize. :unsure:


The Moon is not a planet. It is, well, a moon. A natural satellite orbiting a larger body

  /dev/null said:
The Moon is not a planet. It is, well, a moon. A natural satellite orbiting a larger body

The aliens on the dark side of the moon are from another planet. That is the planet with which we have now started a war.


Don't you find it odd that the video cut out before impact? Or supposed impact.

  Adam said:
I am happy that our President got it cause I love this country. If you don't love it, I guess that's your decision.


President BO getting awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is like Sarah Palin being appointed Chief Justice of The Supreme Court.

  Nanker said:
President BO getting awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is like Sarah Palin being appointed Chief Justice of The Supreme Court.


Or more accurately like Sarah Palin being chosen as the Presidential running mate...........oh wait. :unsure:

  erynthered said:
The Nobel vote for the peace prize stopped 12 days into his presidency. He won on promises not achievements.



What a fuucking joke.




  Boomer Ex-Jamhead said:

I have to find it, but I remember you supporting that clown based on what he said he would do in Afghanistan. How's that working out?

  erynthered said:
The Nobel vote for the peace prize stopped 12 days into his presidency. He won on promises not achievements.



What a fuucking joke.


Simmer down

, daddy will get you want you want.


You can win on vision, it is "peace"... Not chemistry... But, you knew that



I guess it is okay this time with the powers that be: Announcement :wallbash::unsure:

  VABills said:
I have to find it, but I remember you supporting that clown based on what he said he would do in Afghanistan. How's that working out?


Wrong 'stan'.


It was what to do about Pakistan. Should he address the nation to make his case for a full on invasion of Pakistan then yes, he will have my support 100%. Put that in your quote line.


And yes, he is a !@#$ing clown. That much we agree on.

  Nanker said:
President BO getting awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is like Sarah Palin being appointed Chief Justice of The Supreme Court.


Don't EVER say that again... I almost died right here in my chair!! :unsure:

  GG said:
And out of that numerous foreign troops, how many have been deployed for active combat duty?


Very few. Broadly speaking, most nations are restricted from operations outside of their area of deployment, and most are deployed in safe regions - even if available for combat in principal, in practice they cannot leave their defined zone, typically somewhere safe like Kabul or the quieter north or west. The heavy lifting, the fighting in the south and along the Pakistani border, is the problem of the US, the UK, and Canada. (Indeed, NATO didn't even extend it's operations into the combat zones until 2006!) Many countries have further restrictions which can prohibit things like operations in urban areas all the way up to prohibiting combat itself.



  finknottle said:
Very few. Broadly speaking, most nations are restricted from operations outside of their area of deployment, and most are deployed in safe regions - even if available for combat in principal, in practice they cannot leave their defined zone, typically somewhere safe like Kabul or the quieter north or west. The heavy lifting, the fighting in the south and along the Pakistani border, is the problem of the US, the UK, and Canada. (Indeed, NATO didn't even extend it's operations into the combat zones until 2006!) Many countries have further restrictions which can prohibit things like operations in urban areas all the way up to prohibiting combat itself.




Also, the United States does something that other nations do NOT do- put other services in Army positions, called "Individual Augmentation". Evidently, the DOD feels it necessary to make all branches out to be the same- I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of branches altogether, which would be hailed as a "cost saving move", but would send us reeling backwards into inefficiency *GAG*

  ExiledInIllinois said:
You can win on vision, it is "peace"... Not chemistry... But, you knew that [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Find me ANY other winner of the Nobel Peace Prize that won on "vision" without actually doing a damned thing. MOST of the laureates work for years on international issues before they get an award. Some - Woodrow Wilson's award for the League of Nations, and Roosevelt's for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War, for example - are awarded much more quickly, but represent very real accomplishments.


But no one has ever "won" on vision - unless they've worked that vision for years, and actually accomplished something related to it.


Duck! Incoming, I hate to break up the conservative cirlce jerk that is going on:


Think about it, we are in these colossal messes not because Carter, Gore got their way... And don't worry, all you will get your way and Obama will be out in 3 years. Oh, and I consider Clinton one of the best "republican" presidents of all time.


It is just priceless watching everybody kick up an ADD hissy, stomp their feet and whine... Thank you Nobel board, you made things priceless!


I want it now daddy! After 30 years of failure... No wonder Americans have a short attention span and expect Obama to wave a magic wand. :unsure: We will be back to "normal" in 2012 with the conservatives (and dems in conservative clothes) screwing things up like they did for the last 30 years.

  DC Tom said:
Find me ANY other winner of the Nobel Peace Prize that won on "vision" without actually doing a damned thing. MOST of the laureates work for years on international issues before they get an award. Some - Woodrow Wilson's award for the League of Nations, and Roosevelt's for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War, for example - are awarded much more quickly, but represent very real accomplishments.


But no one has ever "won" on vision - unless they've worked that vision for years, and actually accomplished something related to it.


Hey! What can I say, we are in a new age... Star appeal is everything. What you said about Bush and Obama is fitting and right on. Take up your hissy with the Nobel board... I didn't pick him.


Looks like the Taliban are pissed, but that's not the main story here:





Published: Friday, October 09, 2009



KABUL -- The Taliban Friday condemned the decision to award this year's Nobel Peace Prize to U.S. President Barack Obama, saying he had "not taken a single step towards peace in Afghanistan".



"We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. He has not taken a single step for peace in Afghanistan or to make this country stable," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP.



"We condemn the award of the Noble Peace Prize for Obama," he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.



"We condemn the institute's awarding him the peace prize. We condemn this year's peace prize as unjust."






Jesus or Allah, talk about redundancy :unsure:

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