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Nobel Prize Has Officially Become a Liberal Joke

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oh yes the rest of the world is little kids and you the great USA are the parents who is trying to educate us :doh:


great way to see foreign relations....


Then I'm sure you will back your remark with examples of how well Europe has done in promoting peace in the world over the last 100+ years.

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And good for them. Still I love how everyone finds it so easy to bash the President. Love the Patriotism.

Attacking other people for "bashing the President"? Questioning their patriotism? Ah yes, PPP staples ever since we started this board in 2000. I do have to admit it's amusing to see them coming from the other side of the aisle, though, considering how much they've complained about other people doing the same for the previous eight years.

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No he does it because WE (the free world) MUST win that war there.


some wars are necessary, too bad GW prefered to fight useless ones...



Then maybe the free world will contribute soldiers for combat duty ....




... any day now ...







... still waiting ....

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Great. Glad you used google. I read the same article. Do I think that there are people out there more deserving. Yes. Do I also think it's pretty nice to have a sitting American President be given that honor. Yes.


Will I be pissed about this and do or say anything to cut this honor down? Hell no.


It would be interesting to see who the other people in the running were. And by the way, HOPE can be a powerful thing. It can help people get through tough times. Sometimes HOPE is all that people have.

Googled it? No you dimwit, how many times have I posted bloomberg articles? LOTS OF TIMES!!! :doh:

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Attacking other people for "bashing the President"? Questioning their patriotism? Ah yes, PPP staples ever since we started this board in 2000. I do have to admit it's amusing to see them coming from the other side of the aisle, though.



Damn straight I will question it. People damned and cheered that we lost the Olympics because Obama was involved. People are damning the Nobel Peace Prize because they awarded it to Obama. etc., etc. Notice the trend?


Whatever happened to disagreeing the President but having respect. There is no respect here.

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I was really hoping, when I heard this news this morning, that it was a joke.


Amazingly, this is a more senseless award than Gore's. Take the man's name out of it, read the award citation...the only think in it supported by reality is the bit about nuclear weapons, and that's not supported by any practical actions. What a completely ridiculous award. :doh:



No he does it because WE (the free world) MUST win that war there.



Eight years, and still no one can define "win" as it applies to Afghanistan..

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Then I'm sure you will back your remark with examples of how well Europe has done in promoting peace in the world over the last 100+ years.



Well with the UE integration, Europe has find a way not to make war between its nations and for the long term... when you know the cruel history of our continent i can not think about a bigger possible action for peace than that in our history ...


And well for peace in the rest of the world the contribution in the UN and NATO operations of the UK or France is probably on par per capita with the one of the US since WWII. we don't always choose to go in the same places but we act.

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Youre either a !@#$ing idiot or a bald faced liar, becuase nobody did EITHER of these things.



OH BS!! People were overjoyed when Chicago lost the bid especially when Obama became involved. And that is the only reason to. Calling it another failure for him.


And read a bit more... the peace prize is now a joke of an award.

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Then maybe the free world will contribute soldiers for combat duty ....




... any day now ...







... still waiting ....


Lots of foreign contribution in Afghanistan. The reason it doesn't seem like it is because: 1) logistically, everything basically has to be shipped through US infrastructure, and 2) our news media sucks ****, and only reports it as a US campaign, not an international one.


That's why I find the talk about "not enough troops" vaguely silly...we're not the only ones contributing.

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Heard Regis and Kelly this morning, Anderson Cooper was subbing for Regis, and he mentioned he thought it was a joke when he heard it this morning.

For Anderson Cooper to say that, shows why there is only 2 liberals so far on this board that are justifying the award.

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OH BS!! People were overjoyed when Chicago lost the bid especially when Obama became involved. And that is the only reason to. Calling it another failure for him.


And read a bit more... the peace prize is now a joke of an award.

No, the Nobel Peace Prize has been a joke of an award since Arafat shared it.

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Damn straight I will question it. People damned and cheered that we lost the Olympics because Obama was involved. People are damning the Nobel Peace Prize because they awarded it to Obama. etc., etc. Notice the trend?


Whatever happened to disagreeing the President but having respect. There is no respect here.


What's this myth about "disagreeing but respecting" you're promoting? Disrespect has always been part of the fabric of our national dialog when it comes to politicians. The Adams/Jefferson election was dirtier than anything you could dream of today. Amusing that you find the tone so offensive now that your boy is in charge.


Obama hasn't done anything to earn the award. He may--and I hope he does--but he hasn't done it yet. Even from the perspective of an Obama-lover like you, it's got to be like enshrining Adrian Peterson in the Hall of Fame based on his first 2 seasons. Again, even for someone like you, you have to admit it's undeserved.


And by the way, in case you missed it, one of the things I agreed with Obama on during the election was his stance on torture and Iraq withdrawl, both of which he's reversed course on. So he hasn't even improved the world peace dialog much, except for some nuclear talks. It's just horribly premature.


Give it to Bono. Bill Gates. And let the criticism begin but at least they've dedicated themselves to peace and charity.

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well nobody said it'd be easy, but we 'd better not give up...


It's just that a goal would be nice. Don't know if you get this news over in France, but the White House and Pentagon are talking about another "strategy review" over Afghanistan for, as far as I can tell, determining just what the hell it is we're doing there.


Gee, Mr. President...it only took your administration eleven months to decide that you needed to figure out what it is you want to do in Southwest Asia. Mind you, we still don't know what we want to do...we just know that we have to figure it out. That's gotta be worth a whole 'nother Nobel Prize, right? :doh:

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