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What should we all do to protest on Sunday?

This is our chance to be heard as a collective group.  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. What do we do?

    • Golf Clap
    • Boo like we've never booed before
    • "Dick must go! Dick must go!"
    • Stand, face away from the field, and make literally no noise
    • "Wil-son SUCKS! Wil-son SUCKS!"
    • The ever popular A-Hole taunt

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I know it would be hard to organize, but I like the idea of a delayed entry. DO NOT begin entering the stadium until after kickoff. You still get to tailgate and see the game. But imagine a completely empty stadium for the singing of the national anthem and kickoff? That would send a message.

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i can't believe how many people actually believe firing jauron will solve our problems. wilson has proven time and again that he'll just hire another incompetent. he deserves to booed for all the the cheapskate terrible front office and coaching hires and subjecting us to the humiliation of moving home games to toronto. i think he's completely lost it if he shows his face on the field sunday, and i can't believe i will be lucky enough to be there when it happens.


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Well said. Time and place is the key. Some of the suggestions in this thread are extremely distateful. Anyone in attendance at the Pat Mcgroder Wall of Fame ceremony in '85? I was and many "fans" embarrassed themselves that day by drowning out Ralph's induction speech by booing him. Anyone who thinks Ralph doesn't want to win as badly as anybody in that stadium is a fool. He just isn't particularly good at accomplishing that, and no amount of booing is going to change that. For me, I respect his longevity in the game, devotion to Buffalo (despite his sometimes clumsy way he shows it), and the respect he has garnered around the league.


Well said. :doh:

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why the quotation marks? are you threatening violence?


It will only start with words. Personally if you are disrespectful to boo Ralph at that time, you are a scumbag and make a lot of good Bills fans look bad. No one is happy with the last decade. But to serious spend time thinking of ways to ruin a man who has given a lot to the city and area's moment of glory is just a complete POS move. I can't put into words how mad that makes me.


Like I said before, boo (booing is stupid IMO but whatever) during every second of the game. But don't disrespect the man. Even if you disgree with something, it doesn't mean you have to becoem classless. It kinda makes me ashamed that some Bills fans are even entertaining this pathetic idea.

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It's a interesting situation. If you cheer loudly what message are you sending RW about your feelings on the Bills current situation. And if you boo, you are being disrespectful to a original owner that brought the Bills to Buffalo in the first place and kept them there for 50 years. Even leaving the stands during the ceremony isn't that much better than booing. A respectful, but deafening silence maybe?

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It's a interesting situation. If you cheer loudly what message are you sending RW about your feelings on the Bills current situation. And if you boo, you are being disrespectful to a original owner that brought the Bills to Buffalo in the first place and kept them there for 50 years. Even leaving the stands during the ceremony isn't that much better than booing. A respectful, but deafening silence maybe?



Yeah, it is a dilema.

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Is booing Ralph petty? Absoultely. But the fans don't owe Ralph Wilson anything. Do you really think it matters to Ralph to have his moment in the sun? The man is obviously human, so booing him would surely hurt, but money heals all wounds, and I'm sure Ralph couldn't care less what Bills fans think of him. If he did care about the fans he would do more to put a winning product on the field. The fans turned Ralph's $25,000 into a $900 million asset, and while I personally won't boo him, I can see why other fans will.

If you believe that the fans owe Ralph nothing, then Ralph owes the fans nothing. Fans owe Ralph alot of gratitude for giving them an NFL team, and keeping them in Buffalo for 50 years, when he could have just as easily picked up and moved to somewhere and made more money. He provides Buffalo fans with one of the most affordable ways of experiencing the NFL product.


If you don't like the product, don't pay for it and find one you do like. No one is making you spend your money on the Bills and the NFL is a privilige not a right.

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It will only start with words. Personally if you are disrespectful to boo Ralph at that time, you are a scumbag and make a lot of good Bills fans look bad. No one is happy with the last decade. But to serious spend time thinking of ways to ruin a man who has given a lot to the city and area's moment of glory is just a complete POS move. I can't put into words how mad that makes me.


Like I said before, boo (booing is stupid IMO but whatever) during every second of the game. But don't disrespect the man. Even if you disgree with something, it doesn't mean you have to becoem classless. It kinda makes me ashamed that some Bills fans are even entertaining this pathetic idea.

yes, it will start with words. it will start with the word "boo," and end there. if you want to escalate it into a confrontation you have less class than i do. who made you ralph wilson's brownshirt?


i hardly think it will "ruin" the man, and i'm pretty sure he doesn't even care. we made the guy stinkin rich. we're the consumers. we can voice our opinion. i haven't wasted a more than a minute thinking about it, and honestly i'll probably off be taking a piss when he's on the field. but if i am in my seat and the mood strikes me, i will let it fly. big effing deal.


the guy has done as much to humiliate buffalo as he has to give us "glory." he went in business to get rich and he pulled it off. hoo-ray. now he intentionally serves us garbage every year and moves home games to Canada...and he wants his ass kissed at halftime? ha. by the way i will be in section 332, row 3, seat 3 and 4 with my pregnant wife if you want to have "words" with me. but i recommend that instead trying to be a tough guy and making veiled threats you mind your goddamn business and respect the fact that we have different opinions on this matter. go bills.

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yes, it will start with words. it will start with the word "boo," and end there. if you want to escalate it into a confrontation you have less class than i do. who made you ralph wilson's brownshirt?


i hardly think it will "ruin" the man, and i'm pretty sure he doesn't even care. we made the guy stinkin rich. we're the consumers. we can voice our opinion. i haven't wasted a more than a minute thinking about it, and honestly i'll probably off be taking a piss when he's on the field. but if i am in my seat and the mood strikes me, i will let it fly. big effing deal.


the guy has done as much to humiliate buffalo as he has to give us "glory." he went in business to get rich and he pulled it off. hoo-ray. now he intentionally serves us garbage every year and moves home games to Canada...and he wants his ass kissed at halftime? ha. by the way i will be in section 332, row 3, seat 3 and 4 with my pregnant wife if you want to have "words" with me. but i recommend that instead trying to be a tough guy and making veiled threats you mind your goddamn business and respect the fact that we have different opinions on this matter. go bills.

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If you believe that the fans owe Ralph nothing, then Ralph owes the fans nothing. Fans owe Ralph alot of gratitude for giving them an NFL team, and keeping them in Buffalo for 50 years, when he could have just as easily picked up and moved to somewhere and made more money. He provides Buffalo fans with one of the most affordable ways of experiencing the NFL product.


If you don't like the product, don't pay for it and find one you do like. No one is making you spend your money on the Bills and the NFL is a privilige not a right.


First off, if you actually read my post, I clearly stated "I personally won't boo Ralph" & that booing Ralph is "petty". However, while Ralph obviously doesn't owe the fans anything, you can't really believe that fans owe Ralph a lot of gratitude. The Buffalo Bills are worth $900 MILLION and their operating income was 12th in league last year. How much more of a return would he have recieved if he moved the team?? $100 million maybe tops??


While I appreciate that the Bills have remained in Buffalo, the reason for them staying here is the fans, not Ralph Wilson. Any paying fan has a right to boo Ralph if they want.

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If you believe that the fans owe Ralph nothing, then Ralph owes the fans nothing. Fans owe Ralph alot of gratitude for giving them an NFL team, and keeping them in Buffalo for 50 years, when he could have just as easily picked up and moved to somewhere and made more money. He provides Buffalo fans with one of the most affordable ways of experiencing the NFL product.


If you don't like the product, don't pay for it and find one you do like. No one is making you spend your money on the Bills and the NFL is a privilige not a right.

Didn't you all know, New York is a "Right To Win" State? :unsure:


Ralph is a douche and if anyone were to start a fight with me for booing him, they'd be making a huge mistake, believe me.

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Didn't you all know, New York is a "Right To Win" State? :unsure:


Ralph is a douche and if anyone were to start a fight with me for booing him, they'd be making a huge mistake, believe me.


After all, the only thing stronger than retard strength is Chimp strength.

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This is why I no longer have season tickets and refuse to purchase tickets, the owner wants to hire low cost coaches and put an inferior product on the field, then I choose to not support the team, you can call me a bandwagon fan, I don't care.


If the Bills are playing badly on TV I just watch a different game. I truly feel sorry for the suckers who bought into the no huddle and TO hype and purchased season tickets. I even tried to warn my son about season tickets this year,to no avail.



It took Jauron 4 years to realize it all starts with the offensive line, if he had started rebuilding it through the draft when he first was hired, the Bills would have been playoff bound last season. Instead he keeps trying to find another Ronnie Lott every year.

It will be ironic then next year when Jauron is watching the draft and Mays from USC has his named called. The next Ronnie Lott will head off to the NFL and Dick will go to the fridge and get a soda.

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No, for being a original owner, for being inducted into the HOF, for bringing the team (which hasn't always sucked as bad as it does now) to Buffalo, and for keeping it in Buffalo for 50 years. That's what he is being honored for. The current situation has nothing to do with it.

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