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Easiest way to lower your BP is to stop watching the Bills :lol:





Man was I in a pissy mood on Sunday! I have been on BP meds since I was 20 and 50 pounds lighter... I can't imagine what my BP was doing this past Sunday!


Anyway... I am going home this weekend and thinking about picking up a couple of tickets outside the stadium... Maybe the scalpers will be gving them away!

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Try getting in a decent (40 minute or so) cardio workout shortly before your doctors appoitment. I've noticed my BP is usually a little lower if I do that. Also if you take BP meds,take them a couple hours before your appointment. And watch your sodium intake for a few days prior. A full stomach will also raise your BP,so go in hungry.

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Do you feel a sports drink like Gatorade is as good as water?


I am only 32, and in good health, but was out of work for a few months and my doc and I decided that since I have never had cholesterol or anything else ever looked at, we felt it was a good idea too in order to begin building a history. So obviously you havea battery of different tests done on your blood to check out all sorts of levels. My sodium, protein and another level (triglycerdies I think) were way out of whack...So my Doc asked what I normally drink throughout the day, once i said gatorade, my doc stopped me right there and said only drink that stuff if you are dehyrdated from being ill or working out. Drinking too much sports beverages on a daily basis leads to some in balance and aren't really healthy unless you really need to replenish. So after not drinking it for a few weeks and having the tests redone, things were fine...


It never occurred to me that this wasn't/isn't that great to drink all the time...

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Two words: Separate Vacations :nana:



Other than that: Eat better foods (outside aisles at the supermarket), exercise, don't sweat the small stuff (most of it is small stuff). I'm sure that once you recognize that the o-line is really the root of the problem, everything else is cream cheese*!


* Cut back on the cream cheese

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BP, you mean blood pressure?


Don't let a hot chick take your reading! Get somebody really fugly, that will at least drop your diastolic by at least 10 points and you will be as quiet as hell so they can hear it better!



Actually I just saw a Viagra commercial that said it may cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

That and loose clothing may be be the trick. Old Simba can pull a lot of oil out of the sump. :beer:

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Doc, what about garlic pills?

Can't hurt. But try the other suggestions first.


Do you feel a sports drink like Gatorade is as good as water?

Water is the best. You'll get enough electrolytes in the food you eat.


Exercise, meditation.

Yes, forgot to mention exercise.


Easiest way to lower your BP is to stop watching the Bills :lol:

Most definitely. :beer:

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