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Does Trent like the hurry up offense?

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Little Clues on ESPN from Adam Schefter today, "I think he hates this offense"


"Trent Edwards has been pretty quiet this year in the locker room"


"Some QB's can run it and some can't, his confidence is clearly suffering and his play has regressed this season"


"I believe the hurry up offense and the confidence issue are directly connected"


"The hurry up offense is ussually implemented slowly over time, this one was shoved down his throat"


"If it doesn't work, why keep running it?"


"Some changes are coming is Buffalo, and I expect it to get loud"

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I hate it, but what is remarkable is that it looks so similar to the last several coordinators. Should we blame Jauron or the front office? Probably both.


For comparison, watch a colts game. You immediately understand the intent of the play that they run. Their routes are crisp, practiced, they dont hesitate to make reads or miss blocks, and their receivers and Manning are on the same page. The thing that really gets me is that they arent doing anything different than the rest of the NFL. They have a stereotypical playbook.


Then watch our guys clusterhump all over the field.

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