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Do you think?

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Do you think that Ralphs PR people look at the message board traffic? They might be cluless on how to run an organization but they cant be missing the fact the everyone is extremely pissed! Onto the next point, the only way things change is to have an empty stadium. I know thats a tough pill to swallow seein you would have to eat the tickets you bought, but remember that much of the revenue is generated from parking, concessions and paraphenalia. Its time to hit ralph where it hurts since he is laughing at everyone.

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If they waste their time trolling through message boards like we do, it's yet another reason they should be fired.

OK let me elaborate...im not talking about the top guys like modrak, brandon etc...I am talking just the PR department. A good PR dept has to report up the chain on what the sentiment is and how to keep things smooth with the fan base. So I dont think it would be a waste of time for them to scan through message boards.

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