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Look at the bigger picture Bills fans it will make u feel better

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Look on the bright side Bills fans, major changes will be made at the end of the season because RW knows that Bills fans will not buy into the status quo any longer, and that that status quo will not make him money for next season and beyond. Firing Jauron right now will not change anything. Accept reality Bills fans, this season is over. Here's what we should be looking forward to next year that will make us a better team.


1. Proven GM. We're actually going to have a real GM not a marketing guy who pretends to be one.


2. A new head coach, coaching staff, and scouting dept who will know what to do with this team.


3. A top 5 pick in next years draft to finally get ourselves a FRANCHISE QB and by picking high in each round will give us an opportunity to retool this team.


4. Free Agency

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Look on the bright side Bills fans, major changes will be made at the end of the season because RW knows that Bills fans will not buy into the status quo any longer, and that that status quo will not make him money for next season and beyond. Firing Jauron right now will not change anything. Accept reality Bills fans, this season is over. Here's what we should be looking forward to next year that will make us a better team.


1. Proven GM. We're actually going to have a real GM not a marketing guy who pretends to be one.


2. A new head coach, coaching staff, and scouting dept who will know what to do with this team.


3. A top 5 pick in next years draft to finally get ourselves a FRANCHISE QB and by picking high in each round will give us an opportunity to retool this team.


4. Free Agency

Didn't you post this last year?

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Didn't you post this last year?


No I didn't but truth of the matter is even if RW fired Jauron before this season started and brought in another coach this team would still be a year or two away from being a legit playoff team. Retaining Jauron just for this season, and cutting and trading some high priced players actually saved us money to use when we need it most which is next season. These decisions by our FO going into this season were made by design. That is a reality that can't be ignored.

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Look on the bright side Bills fans, major changes will be made at the end of the season because RW knows that Bills fans will not buy into the status quo any longer, and that that status quo will not make him money for next season and beyond. Firing Jauron right now will not change anything. Accept reality Bills fans, this season is over. Here's what we should be looking forward to next year that will make us a better team.


1. Proven GM. We're actually going to have a real GM not a marketing guy who pretends to be one.


2. A new head coach, coaching staff, and scouting dept who will know what to do with this team.


3. A top 5 pick in next years draft to finally get ourselves a FRANCHISE QB and by picking high in each round will give us an opportunity to retool this team.


4. Free Agency


im a big picture guy, but the main problem is, there is NOTHING that says this is definitely happening.


more likely, we're going to get:

1. Another trick from the marketing guy so we all start to BILL-ieve again

2. AT BEST some coordinator, wannabe-head coach who is going to be learning on the job

3. Drafting at #7, just out of range of the real top talent, and some pick that doesnt fill a hole

4. just LOL at that one

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RW knows that Bills fans will not buy into the status quo any longer, and that that status quo will not make him money for next season and beyond.



Wanna bet? Russ "Barnem" will serve up a fresh batch of koolaid come March, just as he does every year. This year it was TO. Next year it will be a new coach, some other washed up FA, or, maybe new uniforms or a new logo... something to attract the 14-34 crowd.


I ain't sipped koolaid since 4 years into Donahoe's reign. And you know what, I ain't spending a dime on any Bills merchandise or tix until they win double digit games in a season. I'm surmising that I'm looking at another 6 or 7 years at the earliest.


And... instead of watching their sorry asses against the Browns this week, I'm going to do some yard work and then go pick a couple bags of apples.


F this POS team.

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im a big picture guy, but the main problem is, there is NOTHING that says this is definitely happening.


more likely, we're going to get:

1. Another trick from the marketing guy so we all start to BILL-ieve again

2. AT BEST some coordinator, wannabe-head coach who is going to be learning on the job

3. Drafting at #7, just out of range of the real top talent, and some pick that doesnt fill a hole

4. just LOL at that one


There is something that RW holds dear to his heart and that is MONEY. Like I said in my earlier post ''Bills fans will not buy into the status quo next season''. RW knows if changes aren't made to most of the FO and coaching staff next season Bills fans will not spend money. Trying to sell us on signing a marquee player or two WILL NOT work this time around. The ONLY way to appease Bills fans is to blow up the FO.

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Like I've said before...The team was close this year. We had a chance to have a good O-Line if we would have taken the best tackle left at #11. Give me Oher-Levitre-Hangartner-Wood-Walker and even Dickless Jauron could go 10-6. But once again Jauron and Brandon thought they were sooo smart; look what we had up front yesterday. AND not ONE good veteran backup in the o-line or LB..that decision sucks! Give me Derrick Brooks and John Runyan..They would not have given up like that yesterday. I think most of the fans with any brains could have assembled a winner this year with Ralphs money, why can't they? They really made us bite( like a trout on powerbait) when they dangled T.O out there. We bought up the jerseys, season tickets and I even bought a Buffalo Bills golf bag( I might take a dump in it and send it to OBD).

They can't be that stupid to think we could win with a o-line this bad and no experienced backups. So I conclude that they are in it only for the money as long as they can suck it out of us.

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No changes this offseason in the front office, you can take THAT to the bank. Ralph is not going to spend on a new GM. Maybe a new coach, if we're lucky. Cheap old bastard. One day closer at this point, one day closer, and they're numbered.
Jauron promoted to inner circle VP, Marv back as HC.
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