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Dr. Trooth

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That's how many offensive plays have been run against the Bills defense so far this season. That's an avg. of 72.5 plays per game.


A lot of it is TE (someday he could make it as a barely adequate backup). But the bottom line is, as I've stated more than once... this defense is loaded with a collection of spineless, gutless, pussies. And, don't think that Poz's injury is the reason or his return is the answer.... Fabio Pozluzny is one of the ring leaders of this circle jerk.


The only thing the Bills can do to stop the bleeding at this juncture is to go with Fitz. He would at least extend the offensive plays per game to 10 or 11 and perhaps add 6 points to the offensive output. Which, might keep the defensive plays to around 65.


Don't know how much longer I can hold onto my 6-10 prognostication. I may have to admit I was wrong and go with 3-13.


To me, this is clearly the worst Bills team in their history... worse than 68 and 84. Those were some bad teams, but they had way more heart than this collection of whimps does.

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