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Per his twitter account



The Bills need 2 fire more than a coach. I see a few players who need to be sent packing.


I've seen better powder puff games that were coached by nuns.


The Bills should have to walk back to Buffalo!


The good people of Buffalo don't deserve this . I'm very serious right now.


Does anyone out there have 1 billion I can borrow? I'd like 2 buy the Bills and give back 2 the good people of Buffalo the team they deserve


So far ppl have pledged $1,200, season tickets and the remainder of Juron's contract towards my cause. Anyone know Warren Buffett?

Per his twitter account



The Bills need 2 fire more than a coach. I see a few players who need to be sent packing.


I've seen better powder puff games that were coached by nuns.


The Bills should have to walk back to Buffalo!


The good people of Buffalo don't deserve this . I'm very serious right now.


Does anyone out there have 1 billion I can borrow? I'd like 2 buy the Bills and give back 2 the good people of Buffalo the team they deserve


So far ppl have pledged $1,200, season tickets and the remainder of Juron's contract towards my cause. Anyone know Warren Buffett?


That's funny.


This team could use a player with the heart he played with.


Buffett would be sweet, but remember Donald Trump is a Bills fan-- He and Kelly go way back. I still say Trump is Kelly's ace in the hole

Isn't Darryl Talley the richest Bill? Didn't he purchase a bunch of McDonalds in the DC area? I thought that I heard that on GR before.

Know that he he was working for McDonald's during the off season to prepare for life after football. He actually worked the counter for a while....one time a customer said "hey, aren't you Darrel Talley of the Buffalo Bills?" He replied "no sir, today I'm Darrel Talley of McDonald's" anyways always thought that was cool. Hope him and/or Jimbo get the team...sooner would be better then later.

This team could use a player with the ONE HALF the heart he played with.

Sadly, this team is a reflective of it's head coach ... gutless.


"When I come to play I'm bringing my lunch bucket because I'm going to be here all day whether you like it or not. I'm not going to leave and I'm not going to run. I'm going to stand toe to toe with whoever they bring out."- Darryl Talley

Buffett would be sweet, but remember Donald Trump is a Bills fan-- He and Kelly go way back. I still say Trump is Kelly's ace in the hole

Now wouldnt that be awesome!! Trump buys the team and has a ex or current gms Apprentice season with the winner either joining and running the Bills. First challenge is who can convince a senile cheap owner to hire the best coach.


Thurman just said on WGR that Talley would make an excellent head coach. I guess they watch games together and Thurm can't believe how many comments that Talley makes during a game that are correct and right on. Says the guy is so passionate. I know Talley will never be the coach here but gosh...can we get someone in with emotion on the sidelines??

Thurman just said on WGR that Talley would make an excellent head coach. I guess they watch games together and Thurm can't believe how many comments that Talley makes during a game that are correct and right on. Says the guy is so passionate. I know Talley will never be the coach here but gosh...can we get someone in with emotion on the sidelines??

I have been to funerals where the body in the casket has more emotion than DJ does. This team is pathetic and isn't even going to reach the annual 7-9 record this year, lucky if we win 3 games with the stiff of a coaching staff and ownership. This team needs few players with Talley's heart and that would only be a start.

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