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Dick Vermeil


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No thanks. Improvement over DJ? Of course. But there are many available, qualified coaches out there right now. Not that we will have the balls to go after one of them.


I figure our next head coach will be Rich Kotite.

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RW knew all those guys. He has been calling them for weeks now, no answer though. Dream coaching staff: Paul Brown, George Halas, Curly Lambeau, Knute Rockne and Vince Lombardi's Frozen Head. Back to the playoffs!

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While we're in the re-animating mood, maybe we could bring back Teddy Roosevelt to lead the troops, I hear he was pretty inspiring. I wonder what the penalty is for stabbing your opponent with the bayonet at the end of a musket?

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Ralph has been more unlucky than cheap when it comes to coaches.

When he went out and hired the very successful, AFL coach of the year, John Rauch from the Raiders we fans believed Ralph had found our salvation. Instead he got a coach who wanted to use OJ as a blocker and a decoy.

When Ralph hires the Rams successful, former Coach of the Year, Chuck Knox, we got back to the playoffs but could not get past the first round.

When Ralph tried to find a rising star by hiring a brash, confident assistant coach, we got Greg and Mike, two guys not ready for prime time .

When he promoted from with-in we got Joel Collier and Wade Philips who again showed the validity of the Peter Principle-- good coordinators do not often make good head coaches.

Ralph had some success with recycling Coach Sabin, but we still could not reach the promised land, even with an all time great like OJ and an O line that was unequaled.

Ralph did his best hire when he selected a coach( who the internet boards of today would tear to shreds) a guy we had no reason to expect anything close to success from-- Marv Levy.


I see the DJ hire as an attempt to recapture the magic of Marv by finding a coach who is well educated, a nice guy, and who has been around the league with mixed results. Poor Ralph came up short again.


So the real question is what has Ralpg done to earn such bad karma when picking coaches?

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Ralph has been more unlucky than cheap when it comes to coaches.

When he went out and hired the very successful, AFL coach of the year, John Rauch from the Raiders we fans believed Ralph had found our salvation. Instead he got a coach who wanted to use OJ as a blocker and a decoy.

When Ralph hires the Rams successful, former Coach of the Year, Chuck Knox, we got back to the playoffs but could not get past the first round.

When Ralph tried to find a rising star by hiring a brash, confident assistant coach, we got Greg and Mike, two guys not ready for prime time .

When he promoted from with-in we got Joel Collier and Wade Philips who again showed the validity of the Peter Principle-- good coordinators do not often make good head coaches.

Ralph had some success with recycling Coach Sabin, but we still could not reach the promised land, even with an all time great like OJ and an O line that was unequaled.

Ralph did his best hire when he selected a coach( who the internet boards of today would tear to shreds) a guy we had no reason to expect anything close to success from-- Marv Levy.


I see the DJ hire as an attempt to recapture the magic of Marv by finding a coach who is well educated, a nice guy, and who has been around the league with mixed results. Poor Ralph came up short again.

So the real question is what has Ralph done to earn such bad karma when picking coaches?

It's "The Curse of Pete Gogolak" - it all goes back to 1965, and Ralph letting placekicker Pete Gogolak get away after the Bills' '65 AFL Championship season. Gogolak went on to become the NY Giants leading all-time scorer, a record he holds to this day, while the Bills went on to lose coach Lou Saban and haven't won a league championship since...



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Ralph has been more unlucky than cheap when it comes to coaches.

When he went out and hired the very successful, AFL coach of the year, John Rauch from the Raiders we fans believed Ralph had found our salvation. Instead he got a coach who wanted to use OJ as a blocker and a decoy.

When Ralph hires the Rams successful, former Coach of the Year, Chuck Knox, we got back to the playoffs but could not get past the first round.

When Ralph tried to find a rising star by hiring a brash, confident assistant coach, we got Greg and Mike, two guys not ready for prime time .

When he promoted from with-in we got Joel Collier and Wade Philips who again showed the validity of the Peter Principle-- good coordinators do not often make good head coaches.

Ralph had some success with recycling Coach Sabin, but we still could not reach the promised land, even with an all time great like OJ and an O line that was unequaled.

Ralph did his best hire when he selected a coach( who the internet boards of today would tear to shreds) a guy we had no reason to expect anything close to success from-- Marv Levy.


I see the DJ hire as an attempt to recapture the magic of Marv by finding a coach who is well educated, a nice guy, and who has been around the league with mixed results. Poor Ralph came up short again.


So the real question is what has Ralpg done to earn such bad karma when picking coaches?



I've said the same thing a few times on here. People would have absolutely flipped when we signed Levy had the internet been available like it is today. Personally, when Ralph hired DJ, I think he had believed he found another Levy which at this point in time doesnt appear to ever be the case.


The question here is, how do you find a great head coach. Personally, I think its a matter of chance and circumstance. If there was an effective formula to finding a great coach the league would be a lot closer in the standing than it is.

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Ralph has been more unlucky than cheap when it comes to coaches.

When he went out and hired the very successful, AFL coach of the year, John Rauch from the Raiders we fans believed Ralph had found our salvation. Instead he got a coach who wanted to use OJ as a blocker and a decoy.

When Ralph hires the Rams successful, former Coach of the Year, Chuck Knox, we got back to the playoffs but could not get past the first round.

When Ralph tried to find a rising star by hiring a brash, confident assistant coach, we got Greg and Mike, two guys not ready for prime time .

When he promoted from with-in we got Joel Collier and Wade Philips who again showed the validity of the Peter Principle-- good coordinators do not often make good head coaches.

Ralph had some success with recycling Coach Sabin, but we still could not reach the promised land, even with an all time great like OJ and an O line that was unequaled.

Ralph did his best hire when he selected a coach( who the internet boards of today would tear to shreds) a guy we had no reason to expect anything close to success from-- Marv Levy.


I see the DJ hire as an attempt to recapture the magic of Marv by finding a coach who is well educated, a nice guy, and who has been around the league with mixed results. Poor Ralph came up short again.


So the real question is what has Ralpg done to earn such bad karma when picking coaches?


I see the recent coaching inadequacies being magnified by the setback that was the Donahoe years, and some well intentioned missteps under Levy. The Greg Williams years were bound to be bad because of the salary cap purge. In order to have any success at that time you have to get every last ounce of talent out of your players. Williams does that on defense, but proved not to be able to assemble a staff that could do that under him with the collection of players we had at the time. In the end, I think he was put in a position to fail, and managed to do so with bullhorn in hand. Mike Mularkey was hamstrung by the Donahoe mess and the players he inherited (short term band-aids like Bledsoe are not the way to build, though he did sell seats initially.) Mularkey probably had the insight to know things would not turn around in time for him to save his job, so why stay on and ruin your chances as a head coach later on when the right situation does arise.


Looking around the league to other up-and-comers who were previously coordinators (some might say "cheap" hires), Sean Payton, John Fox, Marvin Lewis, Mike Tomlin, Ken Wisenhunt, etc have all had some measure of success in the right situation. If I recall, Gregg Williams and Mike Mularkey were fairly highly touted among the respective up and comers of their time. Our track record would seem to me that maybe there is something more at play in their lack of success than just their lack of ability (similar to the way we can't seem to groom a QB despite the low round picks being spent on them.)


Under Levy, I think there was a trend toward bringing in a better character of player, however the well intentioned mistake was signing overrated, overweight, undertalented players to shore up an O-line that had been ignored for years.


In addition, over this time period there has been a total lack of identity to this franchise. Over the last 10 years there has been no one with a unifying vision putting their stamp on this team!! No feeling like there has been a plan in place that we were working toward, more like a collection of players that didn't fit what the coaches were trying to do.


All of this longwinded BS leads me to the point I wanted to make. It seems that you need a year or two to implement a philosophy. In this salary cap era, cutting players and absorbing their signing bonuses all at once is hard to do when you need to gut a team (though may in part be why the Bills are implementing this "cash to cap" philosophy presently, as evidenced by their recent purge.) Unfortunately for those who want to see a coaching change, I get the feeling that we may be in for a bit of an evaluation process, despite this being DJ's fourth year, as this looks like the first time in the last few years that he finally has "his guys" in place to implement his philosophy. In addition, the changes that have been made to bring in players that fit this philosophy has only occurred under Jauron and Brandon after Levy left. Jauron making the changes that he did prior to the season either indicates that he had some assurances, or he knew he was going to be fired, and he might as well go down his way. I get the feeling that Jauron is being afforded a luxury that others have not had in the last 10 years, and that is the chance to succeed or fail with his players in his system. If we fire him now, unless we bring in a coach who employs a similar philosophy, we are in for another 2 years of turnover. Not defending him, mind you, just stating that unless he manages to have some success this year, we are likely in for a long next couple of years, and based on this franchise's history, it is not all DJ's fault.

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Ralph has been more unlucky than cheap when it comes to coaches.

When he went out and hired the very successful, AFL coach of the year, John Rauch from the Raiders we fans believed Ralph had found our salvation. Instead he got a coach who wanted to use OJ as a blocker and a decoy.

When Ralph hires the Rams successful, former Coach of the Year, Chuck Knox, we got back to the playoffs but could not get past the first round.

When Ralph tried to find a rising star by hiring a brash, confident assistant coach, we got Greg and Mike, two guys not ready for prime time .

When he promoted from with-in we got Joel Collier and Wade Philips who again showed the validity of the Peter Principle-- good coordinators do not often make good head coaches.

Ralph had some success with recycling Coach Sabin, but we still could not reach the promised land, even with an all time great like OJ and an O line that was unequaled.

Ralph did his best hire when he selected a coach( who the internet boards of today would tear to shreds) a guy we had no reason to expect anything close to success from-- Marv Levy.


I see the DJ hire as an attempt to recapture the magic of Marv by finding a coach who is well educated, a nice guy, and who has been around the league with mixed results. Poor Ralph came up short again.


So the real question is what has Ralpg done to earn such bad karma when picking coaches?


It's not luck or karma. Wilson just sucks at building his front office.


There is no overall direction in building this team. There's no prototypical player. There's no defining attitude.


The few times that Ralph hired guys who instilled a Buffalo Bills mentality, Wilson pissed them off and then drove them off.


It's not an accident. Find an owner who has an idea of what type of team he wants to build and you'll find a guy who knows how to hire a coach.

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