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Special Teams Players


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I think April has far too much pull with this roster. I think guys like Jenkins, Mcyntire, Corto, and Wendling are destrroying our roster. These are guys players that will not see the field in a normal offense or defensive set in case of injuries. Quite frankly as linebackers safeties and wrs they SUCK. I think were dangerously thin on the OL and DL now with depth. I think some of these guys should be shown the door to sign another offensive lineman, defensive tackle, linebacker, or safety who can actually play their position.


I also think the bills have placed an OVER emphasis on special teams. For the MOST part they are non impact plays(touch backs, fair catchs, or average returns). I know we can score off them like last week but i think the offensive and defensive depth charts should take presedence over special teams. And if April is the ST god everyone makes him out to be then why cant he turn good position players in to good special teamers? Why cant a solid LB backup make the same plays Corto does?


One last point on April, while i really like him as a special teams coach i feel there is unwaranted sentiment to have him replace Jauron if he is fired. Im fine with this on an interim basis but really would like to go outside this god forsaken organization for the head coach next year. His credentials are all on special teams, and the one thing that people point to that cracks me up is that he yells! So what!?! He yells and shows emotion is more about him being the anti-jauron then a good qualified head coaching candidate. Thoughts?

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I think April has far too much pull with this roster. I think guys like Jenkins, Mcyntire, Corto, and Wendling are destrroying our roster. These are guys players that will not see the field in a normal offense or defensive set in case of injuries. Quite frankly as linebackers safeties and wrs they SUCK. I think were dangerously thin on the OL and DL now with depth. I think some of these guys should be shown the door to sign another offensive lineman, defensive tackle, linebacker, or safety who can actually play their position.

Why cant a solid LB backup make the same plays Corto does?


you are correct


any shlep should be able to block in the back and kill any positive return yardage they manage to generate :wallbash:

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