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or should we say dirty old slut, David Letterman just got his comeuppance...









I just love watching this dumbass hypocritical liberal bully's personal life get dragged through the mud, while Palin's book is at the top of the bestsellers list seven weeks before publication.

  1billsfan said:
I just love watching this dumbass hypocritical liberal bully's personal life get dragged through the mud, while Palin's book is at the top of the bestsellers list seven weeks before publication.

You mean because your worship of a terminally stupid quitter politician is somehow vindicated by David Letterman scoring and it being made public knowledge?


I have no idea what Palin has to do with this. I imagine there's some who love her enough to be glad to see Letterman get screwed, but the reality is, you absolutely must give Letterman credit for handling it the way he did. He played the one hand that Halderman never, in his wildest dreams, would have expected, and instead of getting $2M, he got handcuffs. By coming out and fessing up to whatever transgressions were all alleged, he took Halderman and his idiocy completely out of the equation and shoved a red hot poker straight up his ass.


And in the end, you can probably expect Letterman's ratings to go up because in two weeks, no one is going to give a crap and they'll tune in just to hear his jokes about it.

  Alaska Darin said:
You mean because your worship of a terminally stupid quitter politician is somehow vindicated by David Letterman scoring and it being made public knowledge?

Very well stated.

  Gene Frenkle said:
It seems like somebody's jealous of Letterman because he's getting laid. It is now safe to remove your head from Sarah Palin's wrinkled ass.


Jealousy sums it up nicely. If you have misgivings about the ass your head is up, belittle the appearance of the asses other people have chosen.

  LABillzFan said:
I have no idea what Palin has to do with this. I imagine there's some who love her enough to be glad to see Letterman get screwed, but the reality is, you absolutely must give Letterman credit for handling it the way he did. He played the one hand that Halderman never, in his wildest dreams, would have expected, and instead of getting $2M, he got handcuffs. By coming out and fessing up to whatever transgressions were all alleged, he took Halderman and his idiocy completely out of the equation and shoved a red hot poker straight up his ass.


I'm not really a Letterman fan, but trying to blackmail anyone in this manner is a scumbag move. Good for Letterman for having the balls to confront it straight out. I wonder how many scandals could be avoided if people used this tact more often? Anyway, hope this Halderman a-hole gets a nice stay in prison.

  finknottle said:
Jealousy sums it up nicely. If you have misgivings about the ass your head is up, belittle the appearance of the asses other people have chosen.

What a joke Sarah Palin is. I'm good with where I am.

  Alaska Darin said:
You mean because your worship of a terminally stupid quitter politician is somehow vindicated by David Letterman scoring and it being made public knowledge?



Worship? :bag: Just because I love seeing a hypocrite liberal bully get knocked off his high horse? Hardly buddy, and don't sound so defensive, your insecurity is showing. It's clear that Letterman has a major hard on for Sarah Palin. There's a very thin line between love and hate and I'm willing to bet that Palin sends major tingles up Dave's leg given his never ending "pummel her into the ground then pummel her some more" campaign. Sorry pal, but Palin clearly has fans while your Obama has worshippers.


It sounds to me like you're mad (or hurt?) by the fact that Sarah Palin just got too damn big for your state of insecure "lilliputians" to handle, so she said f' you guys, Alaska's just not worth being but through the daily wringer. Please tell us all just how "stupid" she was by leaving the obviously ego-bruised and petty politicians of Alaska for 7 million dollars and topping two best sellers lists weeks before it's published...




Sorry, but that was unarguably a BRILLIANT move.


Want to know what the "stupid" people like about her? She's not an f'ing lawyer. You know, like 99% of the corrupt a'holes in Washington, DC. Exactly how are they doing? How many trillions of dollars in debt do we have to be for you to call your "brilliant" Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid, seriously dumb f_cks???? Hate to break it to you but the hinges are about to come off the doors of Washington. People are tuned into what's going (or not going) on. Palin is just the first of many new faces from outside of Washington that will begin to replace the old school, business as usual, blowhard ivy league, do nothing but steal your money lawyers.

  1billsfan said:
Worship? :bag: Just because I love seeing a hypocrite liberal bully get knocked off his high horse? Hardly buddy, and don't sound so defensive, your insecurity is showing. It's clear that Letterman has a major hard on for Sarah Palin. There's a very thin line between love and hate and I'm willing to bet that Palin sends major tingles up Dave's leg given his never ending "pummel her into the ground then pummel her some more" campaign. Sorry pal, but Palin clearly has fans while your Obama has worshippers.


It sounds to me like you're mad (or hurt?) by the fact that Sarah Palin just got too damn big for your state of insecure "lilliputians" to handle, so she said f' you guys, Alaska's just not worth being but through the daily wringer. Please tell us all just how "stupid" she was by leaving the obviously ego-bruised and petty politicians of Alaska for 7 million dollars and topping two best sellers lists weeks before it's published...




Sorry, but that was unarguably a BRILLIANT move.


Want to know what the "stupid" people like about her? She's not an f'ing lawyer. You know, like 99% of the corrupt a'holes in Washington, DC. Exactly how are they doing? How many trillions of dollars in debt do we have to be for you to call your "brilliant" Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid, seriously dumb f_cks???? Hate to break it to you but the hinges are about to come off the doors of Washington. People are tuned into what's going (or not going) on. Palin is just the first of many new faces from outside of Washington that will begin to replace the old school, business as usual, blowhard ivy league, do nothing but steal your money lawyers.


Let me get this straight. You're going to make a point for your dumb-as-rocks Palin by pointing out that an entertainer had an affair? And his conduct somehow legitimates not only your party, but Palin?


Good stuff, my man. Good stuff.


For your next assignment, try Aristotle's Rhetoric.

  John Adams said:
Let me get this straight. You're going to make a point for your dumb-as-rocks Palin by pointing out that an entertainer had an affair? And his conduct somehow legitimates not only your party, but Palin?


Good stuff, my man. Good stuff.


For your next assignment, try Aristotle's Rhetoric.



You failed, my man.

  1billsfan said:
Worship? :) Just because I love seeing a hypocrite liberal bully get knocked off his high horse? Hardly buddy, and don't sound so defensive, your insecurity is showing. It's clear that Letterman has a major hard on for Sarah Palin. There's a very thin line between love and hate and I'm willing to bet that Palin sends major tingles up Dave's leg given his never ending "pummel her into the ground then pummel her some more" campaign. Sorry pal, but Palin clearly has fans while your Obama has worshippers.


It sounds to me like you're mad (or hurt?) by the fact that Sarah Palin just got too damn big for your state of insecure "lilliputians" to handle, so she said f' you guys, Alaska's just not worth being but through the daily wringer. Please tell us all just how "stupid" she was by leaving the obviously ego-bruised and petty politicians of Alaska for 7 million dollars and topping two best sellers lists weeks before it's published...




Sorry, but that was unarguably a BRILLIANT move.


Want to know what the "stupid" people like about her? She's not an f'ing lawyer. You know, like 99% of the corrupt a'holes in Washington, DC. Exactly how are they doing? How many trillions of dollars in debt do we have to be for you to call your "brilliant" Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid, seriously dumb f_cks???? Hate to break it to you but the hinges are about to come off the doors of Washington. People are tuned into what's going (or not going) on. Palin is just the first of many new faces from outside of Washington that will begin to replace the old school, business as usual, blowhard ivy league, do nothing but steal your money lawyers.


There's going to be a backlash in Washington against Letterman as evidenced by Palin's sales of a book not yet published? What? :bag:

  Gene Frenkle said:
It seems like somebody's jealous of Letterman because he's getting laid.


"Letterman has a son, Harry Joseph (born in 2003), with Regina Lasko. Harry is named after Letterman's father. Letterman and Lasko, who had been together since 1986, wed during a quiet courthouse civil ceremony in Choteau, Montana on March 19, 2009."


Apparently, you think it's acceptable for a man to sleep around while being in a long-term relationship with a woman and having a child with this woman. :):bag:


I just want to know who wrote that book for her--anyone who ever saw any of those Katie Couric or Charlie Gibson interviews knows she's as dumb as a rock. I particularly liked the one where she couldn't name a single publication that she reads. Absolutely incredible if you ask me. I also loved the Youtube video I saw where she's at a church in Alaska where folks are talking about dinosaurs roaming the Earth 6,000 years ago. Folks gave Obama grief about hanging out with Rev. Wright, but isn't hanging out with creationists about as daffy?


But what do I know, I'm just one of those Ivy League lawyers that our pal here seems to think steals all his money--newsflash, pal, if you want someone to blame for the current economic crisis look no further than your friends in the GOP. In the WH for 8 years and in control of Congress (both houses) from 2000 to 2006, but somehow not at all responsible for the sickening mess the economy's in? Yeah, go figure, but they don't seem to want to fess up for responsibility for much. I mean, ever read the President's Daily Briefing dated Aug. 6, 2001 entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Within the US" that talked about Bin Laden's desire to hijack planes? Look it up, it's been declassified and can be found on the Internet pretty easily. But heck, listen to them and 9/11 was all Clinton's fault--my favorite in that regard was seeing a Fox News scroll in July 2006 blaming Clinton for North Korea's nuclear bomb, notwithstanding that GWB had done nothing about NK for the prior 6 years. Sheesh....

  MattM said:
But what do I know, I'm just one of those Ivy League lawyers that our pal here seems to think steals all his money--newsflash, pal, if you want someone to blame for the current economic crisis look no further than your friends in the GOP. In the WH for 8 years and in control of Congress (both houses) from 2000 to 2006, but somehow not at all responsible for the sickening mess the economy's in? Yeah, go figure, but they don't seem to want to fess up for responsibility for much. I mean, ever read the President's Daily Briefing dated Aug. 6, 2001 entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Within the US" that talked about Bin Laden's desire to hijack planes? Look it up, it's been declassified and can be found on the Internet pretty easily. But heck, listen to them and 9/11 was all Clinton's fault--my favorite in that regard was seeing a Fox News scroll in July 2006 blaming Clinton for North Korea's nuclear bomb, notwithstanding that GWB had done nothing about NK for the prior 6 years. Sheesh....

What's with you morons today? You really believe that the economic crisis was because of GW :bag: ? Or even 9/11 :) ? I've got news for you buddy, when the historians look into this financial debacle years from now, Clinton will have had a bigger role than any other president. I just layed it out for another idiot earlier today, here:



  MattM said:
I just want to know who wrote that book for her--anyone who ever saw any of those Katie Couric or Charlie Gibson interviews knows she's as dumb as a rock. I particularly liked the one where she couldn't name a single publication that she reads. Absolutely incredible if you ask me. I also loved the Youtube video I saw where she's at a church in Alaska where folks are talking about dinosaurs roaming the Earth 6,000 years ago. Folks gave Obama grief about hanging out with Rev. Wright, but isn't hanging out with creationists about as daffy?


But what do I know, I'm just one of those Ivy League lawyers that our pal here seems to think steals all his money--newsflash, pal, if you want someone to blame for the current economic crisis look no further than your friends in the GOP. In the WH for 8 years and in control of Congress (both houses) from 2000 to 2006, but somehow not at all responsible for the sickening mess the economy's in? Yeah, go figure, but they don't seem to want to fess up for responsibility for much. I mean, ever read the President's Daily Briefing dated Aug. 6, 2001 entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Within the US" that talked about Bin Laden's desire to hijack planes? Look it up, it's been declassified and can be found on the Internet pretty easily. But heck, listen to them and 9/11 was all Clinton's fault--my favorite in that regard was seeing a Fox News scroll in July 2006 blaming Clinton for North Korea's nuclear bomb, notwithstanding that GWB had done nothing about NK for the prior 6 years. Sheesh....


Newsflash pal, they ALL use ghost writers, although Palin's probably wasn't written by an admitted and unapologetic domestic terrorist...



Prove it, please provide the youtube link where Palin said dinosaurs roaming the Earth 6,000 years ago. Matt Damon is still looking for proof to support this myth.


I used to be a democrat until they went to the radical lunatic fringe left in response to Bush's Iraq war. While all of Washington is corrupt to the core, the GOP can't hold a candle to bloodsucking former lawyers like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Rangel and Dodd. Obama's Presidency has been a disaster so far, name one thing he's done right this year. For a guy that was supposed to be so smart, he's an idiot for dumping the moderates who voted for him and governing from the radical far left. 2010 isn't going to be pretty for the democrats.




Here's a good one on Palin's ghost-writer. If she's to be judged by who she's ghost-written for in the past (which seems to be good enough to smear people on the left as per the right), sounds like she's a far-right ideologue with racist views--what a shock.


Here's an article from the LA Times on Sarah's dinosaur views:




There is indeed a video on Youtube called Sarah Palin Dinosaur church Parts I and II, but as the video was long, I must admit to being too lazy to watch it all.


As for the economic crisis, Magox, as someone who works in the industry I'd say that it had a lot more to do with the Bush administration's decision in 2004 to effectively let the I-banks regulate themselves, figuring that the market would discipline their risk appetite. It didn't work, as instead it created an asymmetrical risk/reward payout, which lead to bad decision-making. That had a lot more to do with the failure of the financial system than Fannie/Freddie's failures, which were not a major part of the whole shebang. Letting Lehman fail was the real big mistake that set the whole thing off, and guess who's watch that came on?

  MattM said:


Here's a good one on Palin's ghost-writer. If she's to be judged by who she's ghost-written for in the past (which seems to be good enough to smear people on the left as per the right), sounds like she's a far-right ideologue with racist views--what a shock.


Here's an article from the LA Times on Sarah's dinosaur views:




There is indeed a video on Youtube called Sarah Palin Dinosaur church Parts I and II, but as the video was long, I must admit to being too lazy to watch it all.


As for the economic crisis, Magox, as someone who works in the industry I'd say that it had a lot more to do with the Bush administration's decision in 2004 to effectively let the I-banks regulate themselves, figuring that the market would discipline their risk appetite. It didn't work, as instead it created an asymmetrical risk/reward payout, which lead to bad decision-making. That had a lot more to do with the failure of the financial system than Fannie/Freddie's failures, which were not a major part of the whole shebang. Letting Lehman fail was the real big mistake that set the whole thing off, and guess who's watch that came on?


Being that you're a lawyer, I find it a little shocking that you'd consider that LA Times article as proof she said something that stupid...




Until you watch the youtube clips and get back to me the exact point where she says dinosaurs and humans roamed the earth together however many thousands of years ago then you still have produced no proof. That's because if there were actual proof that she said something that stupid, it would no doubt be on a loop in the liberal MSM and any thoughts of being a serious candidate in 2012 would be finished.



...and by the way, her ghost writer having fringe right wing associates with racist views is about as thin of a comparative argument to Bill Ayers ghost writing Obama's book as it gets. You can't be serious with that one. That "he's just a guy I knew in the neighborhood" was a very big lie by Obama.

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